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Can U Get High Off Of Smoking Leaf ?


Ok, so ive always wondered, are ALL of the psychoactive compounds from cannabis contained within the trichome?? Or does the plant matter/leaf itself contain some?? If it does, then smoking the leaf alone can get medicated to some extent wouldnt it?


Some, but not nearly as much as in the flower. Gonna take you quite a bit of leaf matter to get a buzz.


Active member
Ok, so ive always wondered, are ALL of the psychoactive compounds from cannabis contained within the trichome?? Or does the plant matter/leaf itself contain some?? If it does, then smoking the leaf alone can get medicated to some extent wouldnt it?

My uncles do this and get torn. They're oldschool smokers tho so the "shit" these days is way stronger. They both are heavy tobacco users pipe, cigar, rolling tobacco pretty much every kind you can smoke, so I dont think they mind the taste.

Get this tho, they pull off fan leaves during early flower and get high. It takes BHO to get me feeling good and a few to get me on the couch, yet a fan leaf does the same to them, to each his own.


The only difference i can see between the flowers (buds) and the leafs, is that the flowers contain a lot more trichomes..


Catcher, thats interesting.. i wonder if its just an anecdote? Or did you actually witness them smoke a fan leaf and get blown?


Active member
So youre saying there are psychoactive compounds outside of the trichome

Am I wrong or when you vaporize buds arent you vaporizing the trichromes?

If so I have made made butter with vaporized buds before and they have a very heavy narcotic couchlock effect. I used about 2 oz of vaped buds (I have a buddy that soley vapes) for a stick of budder which is a qp of butter (one cup?) I believe.

They where really potent; however, were those cured and unsmoked they definitely would have been more potent.

Point being there still are and were compounds and cannibinoids in there though that aren't in the trichromes.


Yes i believe you are vaporizing the trichomes. I think your cannabutter was still potent probably, not because there were other compounds outside of the trichome, but that there were still trichomes within the toasted buds as i dont believe 100% of them were vaporized.


Active member
Catcher, thats interesting.. i wonder if its just an anecdote? Or did you actually witness them smoke a fan leaf and get blown?

Im being dead serious. I have two uncles that do this. It really humors me you dont believe it because I too find it to be hilarious.

They arent growers or anything. They just toss seeds in the ground (during winter of all times) they flower tiny plants and never heed my advice on growing and planting during the right time.

EVERY leaf off the plant they smoke. My mother even tells me when I show her my cannabis plants in veg,"thats alot to smoke". I respond "what are you talking about these are just leaves you smoke "buds" or flowers of the plant It's just growing now" and she says "oh, your uncles always used to smoke the leaves every time I saw them".

I showed her them in flower and told her thats what you the "buds" and all the shiny things are "trichromes" thats the medicine. She also asked what i do with my fan leaves, i then pointed on the lawn to a dried pile I plucked and tossed.

Keep in mind some leaves have as many trichromes as flowers do, but I assume youre referring to fat petiole fan leaves.


Active member
Yes i believe you are vaporizing the trichomes. I think your cannabutter was still potent probably, not because there were other compounds outside of the trichome, but that there were still trichomes within the toasted buds as i dont believe 100% of them were vaporized.

You could be right, I got the stuff from a stingy dude, He'd grind up a .2 till it was dust and vape until it was the color of chocolate lol.


Hehe, well if they did ive wasted months of my life waiting for the damn things to flower when i couldve just kept some in veg for months on end eh?


Active member
Hehe, well if they did ive wasted months of my life waiting for the damn things to flower when i couldve just kept some in veg for months on end eh?

If im understanding correctly, you could do that. It all depends on how high a fan leaf can personally get you though haha.:canabis:


Ive been smoking weed for 40 years. Hell yes theres THC in the leaves...IF marijuana growing outside is left to its own devices will create alot of THC throughout the whole plant. But when you hydro it it creates alot of leaves we all called "water leaves" that wouldnt get a fly high but the buds were very very good...So..be that as it may who knows if it was the hydro or not that did that...Or was it the genes of weed? I think also maybe some weed create more thc on the leaves than others...We got VERY high in the early 70s off of leaf pot. The first buds I saw we all just called "tops". Then it was "sinsemilla"...Lots of factors influence whether the leaves will get you high. Genetics, grow methods, when picked, etc etc...So theres alot of variables to make alot of us have different results. On the whole however I find that good weed will have good leaves...but bad leaves doesnt have shit to do with it having bad buds...(Is there such a thing?) lol...Im just an old timer tho and hell who knows...I sure dont. I know Im loving this really good shit we have nowadays tho...yum yum...


Active member
i know for sure it helps with anxiety. i was once at this place where i wasnt supposed to smoke and ended up growing a small plant drying those leaves out and smoking them...keep in mind this was in early veg state....i dnt know what it is but i deffinetly got the headchange i needed to make it though the day....
there ya go lockehead. Thats the best answer I think you can get from anyone here, a firsthand account. we're not scientists... well at least some of us arent:D


I remember one time, we were smoking a joint with a friend's uncle (who, by most definitions, would be an old hippie), and the man said something like "are you guys smoking pure buds? that's quite potent, we used to smoke leaves back in the day"...
Over here we often make ganja milk with leaves during the dry season... you need quite an amount, but the milk definitely gets you high and leaves a serious cottonmouth.
I have smoked leaves during dry spells, and as dextr0 said, it brings the headchange needed... but IMHO leaves are more efficient when turned into edibles.
EDIT: I remember reading about a "constant veg garden for the light occasional smoker" in Rosenthal and Frank's Indoor Marijuana Growing...


stone fool
Yes leaf has thc and can get you stoned. You should always smoke the leaf of any male you are considering breeding with, to see if it has the goods to contribute.


May your race always be in your favor
I remember when ( fuck I sound like my dad) LOL , In the 70's we smoked leaf cus in the summer in North Idaho in them days were bone dry and then some. So leaf was it as we didn't bother to wait the time to get bud.
There are trichs on fan leaves. Look under a microscope. Even male plants have some cannabinoids. I used to like smoking the yellowed leaves off my Afghani Pearl cross. Mild, but nice buzz. You could see the trichomes flourescing in the sun.

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