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Can the DEA Hide a Surveilance Camera on Your Property?

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Well first point 10 years in prison or a 10 million dollar fine WTF?? Really ? Who said this cannabis game is not about money for the other side? LOL.. Why such a harsh fine?? Next point is hiding camera's on or around your property without consent . I bet this will somehow work out for the DEA whether they bend the laws to suit them or not. But wouldn't this fall under wire tapping? They will go to the ends of the earth to stop that EVIL WEED!! LOL ffs headband 707


Game Bred
again they had a "reasonable suspicion" based on the loggers testimony.

im not saying it's the way it should be but it is the way it is.

the surveillance will hold up in court. it will not provide for a tainted fruit defense.


Game Bred
I'm worse than Monsanto.
worse than the B.O.D.?
the CEO?
product development director?
VP of marketing?
sales coordinator?
do they all have pointy goatees?
is the shift worker spinning bobbins at the chemstrand facility evil?
is it just those people in the AG department that are "evil"?
do they all deserve to be punished for being part of the "evil" corporation?
do the farmers who use monsanto seed also deserve your vitriol?
what about the people who wear the clothes made from the cloth they produce? are the clothes wearers evil as well?


Game Bred
This motherfucker actually said we will lose "rights" to the boogeyman in a thread about someone facing life.
The fucking irony!

Game bred?
Hey Jude.


Game Bred
yeah... reasonable suspicion to GO GET a warent to set up the camera
makes good sense...
but combined with the "open field" decision...

dont misunderstand me
im not saying this guy should have been under surveillance clandestinely on his own property.
its an absolute violation of privacy.
i do however believe working within the confines of the system we have he doesn't stand a chance.

it's really the gist of my real argument with mustard.
i believe realistically there is no way to legalize(and stop shit like this travesty)without letting corporations like monsanto into the game.
i believe that risking monsanto completely cornering the market and destroying all cannabis cultivars on the planet(a far fetched risk imo)is the lesser evil than continuing the injustice of prohibition.

its like the little bird fat and happy in its warm bucket of cow shit.
it fat and its happy and scared to death of what is outside its bucket.
but its in a bucket of shit.

right now people are actually facing life in prison.
in the future there is a possibility that maybe if the stars line up and the gods allow monsanto could possibly completely blah blah blah...

headband 707

Plant whisperer
worse than the B.O.D.?
the CEO?
product development director?
VP of marketing?
sales coordinator?
do they all have pointy goatees?
is the shift worker spinning bobbins at the chemstrand facility evil?
is it just those people in the AG department that are "evil"?
do they all deserve to be punished for being part of the "evil" corporation?
do the farmers who use monsanto seed also deserve your vitriol?
what about the people who wear the clothes made from the cloth they produce? are the clothes wearers evil as well?

Aww YES lol...:tiphat:

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