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Can the DEA Hide a Surveilance Camera on Your Property?

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Can the DEA Hide a Surveillance Camera on Your Property?
Without a warrant, the DEA hid surveillance cameras on a Wisconsin family's land. Now facing marijuana charges, the WI family is ready to fight back.

January 19, 2013 |

A case that began with reports of suspicious activity in northeast Wisconsin forest land last spring may be headed for the US Supreme Court. That's because a US district court judge ruled in the case last fall that it was okay for the DEA to enter the rural property without a warrant and install surveillance cameras that were used to help convict five members of a family on charges they were growing marijuana.
The ruling last October came in a motion to suppress the evidence obtained by the warrantless video cameras. After that ruling, the defendants, five members of the Magana family, pleaded guilty to possession with intent to distribute marijuana and now face up to life in prison and up to $10 million in fines. But as part of the plea deal, they retained their right to appeal the ruling.
And their attorneys say they are prepared to take the case all the way to the US Supreme Court.
In their motion, they had asked the court to suppress evidence because of the property's locked gate and "No Trespassing" sign. Since the properties were heavily wooded and posted with signs, the owners were entitled to an expectation of privacy, the attorneys say.
"After sentencing, the first round of appeals will go to the Seventh Circuit and if there's no favorable ruling there, the cases will be filed into the US Supreme Court," Wisconsin attorney Stephen Richards told the Chronicle last week.
"That one's action could be recorded on their own property even if the property is not within the curtilage is contrary to society's concept of privacy," said Green Bay attorney Breet Reetz, who represents Marco Magana.
Curtilage is a term of legal art referring to the area of a property immediately surrounding a house or dwelling. Past Supreme Court jurisprudence, particularly US v. Oliver, had held under the "open fields" doctrine that areas outside the curtilage are not subject to the same Fourth Amendment protection as a home itself. "An individual may not legitimately demand privacy for activities conducted out of doors in fields, except in the area immediately surrounding the home…," the court held in Oliver. (Perhaps not coincidentally, Oliver was another marijuana cultivation case, in which Kentucky deputies walked a mile onto the property before spotting a marijuana field. Their search was upheld.)
It all began in rural Marinette County last May, when a fishermen reported to local authorities that he had been run off the land by two men who told him "fishing is closed" and that he had observed trees cut down and power lines running across the property. Authorities investigated and found the property and two more adjacent properties were owned by members of the Magana family, which had purchased them months earlier.
Authorities left it at that until the following month, when a logger reported that when he had gone to check on a timber stand at one of the properties, he stumbled over a marijuana cultivation operation with more than 30 plants in a 50' x 50' clearing. The DEA then was called in and entered the Magana's properties without a warrant. Agents installed video cameras that eventually captured incriminating evidence of vehicles traveling in and out of the properties.
It wasn't until the DEA observed some of the men handling what believed to be marijuana did they go and request a warrant. A warrant was signed and the agents, accompanied by several local sheriff officers, executed the warrant and arrested the men at separate addresses near Green Bay.
The bust was big news in Marinette County.
"You've got thousands of plants, and as healthy as they look, this is a big operation," Sheriff Jerry Suave told local reporters at the time. The grow is probably "the largest I've seen," he added.
Before trial, set for the fall, counsel for the Maganas filed a motion to suppress the evidence, informing the court that videos from the surveillance camera showed dates that indicated that the camera had been running for 79 consecutive hours before DEA agent Steven Curran obtained a search warrant for the property.
"It is undisputed that the government trespassed without a warrant upon private property with visible 'No Trespassing' signs" posted," Reetz wrote in the motion, noting that the camera had operated from July 12 to July 15, but the warrant wasn't issued until July 17. Nor were there any "exigent circumstances" that would have allowed officers to enter the property without a warrant.
Federal prosecutors were ready with a response.
"Officers entering an 'open field' is not an area enumerated as protected under the Fourth Amendment," countered Assistant US Attorney for Eastern Wisconsin James Santelle. "'Open fields,' woods, and private lands are not 'persons, houses, papers, and effects' protected under the Constitution."
That was good enough for Eastern Wisconsin US District Court Chief Judge William Griesbach, who dismissed the defense motion and ruled that it was legal for the DEA to go onto private property without a warrant to install multiple covert digital cameras, and to use the evidence they obtain that way to obtains warrants and in court. Citing US v. Oliver, Griesbach held that the rural properties were curtilage and not protected by the Fourth Amendment.
But the Maganas' attorneys and other legal experts argue that even though "open fields" are not considered curtilage, if "No Trespassing" or "Private Property" signs are posted on the land, the property owner should still be entitled to an expectation of privacy under the law. And they are willing to take their argument to the highest court in the land.
"We have become a nation of men and not a nation of laws, which, is what our founding fathers didn't want us to become," Reetz said.
After formal sentencing, the case heads for the US 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. If Reetz and Richards don't prevail there, it is on to the Supreme Court. If the court were to take up the case, it would once again have the opportunity to try to untangle the dilemmas that result when the Fourth Amendment runs up against new technologies, for better or worse.


Game Bred
Unfortunately they have no grounds for tainted fruit suppression..
Given the loggers testimony the police had "reasonable suspicion" that a felony was being commited.
This gave them permission to enter and investigate further.
In addition the timber surveyor is permitted to ignore posted no trespassing signs and enter onto property with no permission from the landowner.

Sucks donkey but they dont stand a chance.

Hey they should look on the bright side.
Yeah they are going to lose their land and freedom(possibly anal maidenhood)but Monsanto aint growing gmo herb!


Active member
Jayzus, life in prison and ten million bucks. For weed. I don't give a rat's ass how much it was, that's totally absurd. Evil.

That bit about the "Nation of Laws." That's only a good thing if the laws are reasonable, or at least rational. We have plenty that are neither, but probably none less reasonable or rational than the pot laws. Hell, murderers and rapists can get off easier than growers.

Of course law enforcement isn't held to task for breaking laws. Seems that the courts just get busy and twist the laws for their own purposes. It's unbelievable the abuses that are tolerated and even encouraged in drug enforcement.


Active member
This shit makes you wanna react violently . Making and breaking laws in the middle of the game is all they do .


totally against their rights, I would stir shit really hard if I was any of them

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
illegal but yah , those guys will kill yo momma , and through u the smokin gun,....

CAnt believe it , marijauna fiend shots mother ...


mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Hey they should look on the bright side.
Yeah they are going to lose their land and freedom(possibly anal maidenhood)but Monsanto aint growing gmo herb!

What the fuck is this shit?

You were bitching about people going to prison for growing and I look over my shoulder and see you pissing on some?

For what, a knock on Monsanto bashers?

What the fuck is wrong with your hypocritical ass??!!

Where were you going with this and please tell me it's worth their dignity.

Arrogant fuck.

Shame on you.

Pick up some semblance of order, prick.

You have to suck Monsanto's cock I swear it.

If you don't work for them you have some infatuation you should work out on your own.

I have nothing but compassion for this affliction and oppression.

What exactly were your intentions?

Another joke about how rights disappearing is worth it versus people going to prison?

FACING LIFE... Find a better jab than that...

Know your enemy or get a job with them and disappear yourself...
If they have good reason bro,id say.

Talking of cctv.Watching this tennis,australian open,n this dudes just covered the "revolving[etc] audience cam with his jacket lol
To lots of approval. :D


What the fuck is this shit?

You were bitching about people going to prison for growing and I look over my shoulder and see you pissing on some?

For what, a knock on Monsanto bashers?

What the fuck is wrong with your hypocritical ass??!!

Where were you going with this and please tell me it's worth their dignity.

Arrogant fuck.

Shame on you.

Pick up some semblance of order, prick.

You have to suck Monsanto's cock I swear it.

If you don't work for them you have some infatuation you should work out on your own.

I have nothing but compassion for this affliction and oppression.

What exactly were your intentions?

Another joke about how rights disappearing is worth it versus people going to prison?

FACING LIFE... Find a better jab than that...

Know your enemy or get a job with them and disappear yourself...

I think what dude was trying to say, was, "It could be worse for us as growers, Monsanto could be growing GMO weed. Then we would really see our rights disappear, among other things."

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
If they have good reason bro,id say.

Talking of cctv.Watching this tennis,australian open,n this dudes just covered the "revolving[etc] audience cam with his jacket lol
To lots of approval. :D

So you approve??

You realize this happened in the US where some still have a few rights they can actively defend right??

Fourth Amendment rights are at stake with the Oliver case...

That is cool too?

Your fields aren't your fields if somebody can film them?

The UK is under CCTV so I understand if you're not familiar with the laws elsewhere...

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I think what dude was trying to say, was, "It could be worse for us as growers, Monsanto could be growing GMO weed. Then we would really see our rights disappear, among other things."

monsanto is doing ZERO damage or evil...

monsanto makes a product. it's the people who demand the product you should be angry with ;)

Here you go.

I know what I'm saying and who I'm talking to.

He should know what he's done and back pedal like mad but still...

He works for them or likes the taste of Satan's cock...


Here you go.

I know what I'm saying and who I'm talking to.

He should know what he's done and back pedal like mad but still...

He works for them or likes the taste of Satan's cock...

Ah, I put nicer words in his mouth then. My bad. I wonder if he ever looked up terminator genes? He's from farm country though, I'm sure farmers around there love Monsanto so they can just dump weed killer and pesticides and spend less time, well farming I guess.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
but alas they are.
i doubt any of them would say "im sure glad i went to prison and kept monsanto from growing weed"
maybe they do but it seems less than likely...
more likely is the person sitting in prison disagrees that they need to be there to "protect" the herb from overactive imaginations of paranoid stoners oops i mean monsanto...

He's not totally out of sound mind... he actually knows what he's talking about most of the time.

He just has a good amount of stuck-on-stupid that he refers to as "game bred".

I really have respect for the bastard actually.

Oh Monsanto corn is quite fertile btw. Just ask any farmer who has been cross pollinated.

He won't admit it but yes I understand... before terminator genes there was a shitty trick you could do in the F2 that forbid future generations but that's old school.

We have "technology" now.


If I found a dea camera on my property, I would drop my pants, spread my cheeks, and stick the brown eye right up on the lens.
Surveil that MF'ers


If I found a dea camera on my property, I would drop my pants, spread my cheeks, and stick the brown eye right up on the lens.
Surveil that MF'ers

They would probably make up some charges about interfering with an investigation, even though you just blew their cover.


He's not totally out of sound mind... he actually knows what he's talking about most of the time.

He just has a good amount of stuck-on-stupid that he refers to as "game bred".

I really have respect for the bastard actually.

He won't admit it but yes I understand... before terminator genes there was a shitty trick you could do in the F2 that forbid future generations but that's old school.

We have "technology" now.

Lol, that Monsanto corn is pretty fertile, until there is massive drought and not enough ground water. I suspect from over-farming excessively fertile corn, used for frosted flakes and gasoline.


They will at the least lock up him up, on a Friday, on a 3 day weekend, make jokes about, "Bend over now!" then drop the charges Tuesday morning in court.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
You just missed MLK weekend Puffy maybe you'll come out with some new found respect for Monsanto...

Let me know how it goes...

I'm sure it's swell in there... :jerkit:

"An individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for the law." - Martin Luther King Jr.

You feel better now right?

Here's one to grow on:

"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality." - Desmond Tutu


Game Bred
What the fuck is this shit?
a reply in the form of text.
You were bitching about people going to prison for growing and I look over my shoulder and see you pissing on some?
more like pissing on fools who believe monsanto is the greater evil
For what, a knock on Monsanto bashers?
more like prohibition supporters
What the fuck is wrong with your hypocritical ass??!!
no hypocrisy here..
i still believe prohibition is the greater evil
Where were you going with this and please tell me it's worth their dignity.
their dignity was taken by law enforcement...
Arrogant fuck.

Shame on you.
awww shucks
Pick up some semblance of order, prick.
you mean like saying monsanto is the greater evil than prohibition?
yea ill take advice on "order" from the guy who thinks prohibition is preferable to legalization...
You have to suck Monsanto's cock I swear it.
which cock?
the janitor?
If you don't work for them you have some infatuation you should work out on your own.
sorry if i dont fall for the folly of anthropomorphizing a company.
I have nothing but compassion for this affliction and oppression.
except when it comes to preventing it ;)
then we need to wait while we figure out how to protect "our scene" from the boogyman
What exactly were your intentions?
to point out the absurdity of "waiting" to figure out how to keep "monsanto" out
Another joke about how rights disappearing is worth it versus people going to prison?
what rights?
FACING LIFE... Find a better jab than that...
the "right" to face life?
wow lets protect those "rights"
Know my enemy or get a job with them and disappear yourself...

so in light of this do you still feel monsanto is the greater evil?
maybe it is not my sense of propriety that is out of whack?