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can someone name the problem(s)


New member

i have had the same problems for a few batches now.

most of the leaves were a llittle greener but the light messes with it

they area t week 4 and ive been trying everything i can think of. the plants with the worst leaves were flushed with RO water and given just base nuits. im useing PBP

ppm, and ph seem to do nothing. also there is very little water uptake. and every time i do water they get about 1 extra gallon flowed through them
Dick we need more info from you. what is your PH? how much are you feeding? Temp? And can you give us a little better photo without the HPS running?


given the little info you have supplied us with i will say zinc deficency it plays a major role in water up take in plants good luck with them over all the dont look bad. more info would help though


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
It could be zinc, but is a little hard to tell. That HPS makes those pics a little misleading.


New member

dirt ph is around 6.7 to 6.8

night temp is 69f

day temps around 75f 78f
around 500 ppm when i noticed a "maybe a problem"
800ppm trying to make the leaves darker
and 1200ppm last watering

water ph is 6.5ph ive tried up to 6.6 and down to 6.3

medium is sunshine4 im 7 gal pots
Is you humidity high? could cause plants not to transpire leading to no nute/water uptake leading to a lock out of something? Also I have always ran a little ph'ed water through my soil right before feeding them nute just to wet the roots to avoid a burn:gift:


The Dude
I had this same problem, first I thought it was cal or mg that was lacking. But I was adding it and still the problem was still there. I made an educated guess and thought it looked like the plant was eating itself in a way like when its humgry for nutes, but nutes were being given and still the problem was there. Then I thought.....nutes aren't the only food that needs to be fed to them.......CARBS! I first gave it sweet grape since I got it free from the hydro store in that sample bottle. To my amazement they immediatly greened up and the problem went away. I went back to the hydro store and was looking at similar products and the store owner told me about Bud Candy from Advanced Nutrients. He didn't try to sell me on it just said, "all I gotta say is look at the ingredients." I was sold, its basically Botanicare Sweet mixed with Advanced Nutrients Carboload and a whole lot of other goodies, aminos and such.
this may be off topic to the problem. and dont get me wrong some of Advanced nuts are really good. but If you're looking for carbs nothing beats molasses. and its much cheaper too.


ok how many weeks into flowering are you as i get them about the middle of there flowering cycle i raise my ppm to about 1200 to 1600 ppm then two weeks from harvest i stop and water with pure ph'ed water molasses is good and lots of people use it aswell with really nice results and do you have fans running in your room.


New member
i am 4 week into flowing. RH was in the 40 to 60% range and i was causing them to dry up so now its 50 to 70.

as far as sweet i have only been using 2 cups per 55 gal. how much should i try per gal

as far as the AN stuff its a little had to find around here since AN flew a banner over seattle


The Dude
IMO I dont think its the humidity thats drying up your leaves. My room was at 15% RH last crop and had no dry up at all. Now I sealed the room and it sways between 42%-57%, still no dry up.

2 cups per 55 gallons? The proper rate is exactly whats on the bottle. I see ya use a 55 gallon res. is it the ebb and gro sytem? This is what I am using; the bottle calls for 15-20 ml per gallon, so thats 825ml or 1100ml for your 55 gallons.

Order it to a friends house or pay for a post office box the larger ones and have ya nutes sent there.....just an option. Molasses wont work in the res. unless ya run a chiller or your res is in a room that has a very low ambient temp. It will start to brew otherwise, you can though run it for a dayon your first day and dump and run the rest of the week with your normal nute schedule just to give them a day of carbs a week. Kinda the something is better than nothing theory.

Hash Man

are you letting your soil dry out a bit b4 watering it again? That seems like an awful lot of runoff for a soil grow. Where is your runoff going?


New member
it may be in check but as far a the leaves they are still yellow. how ever they dont seam to be getting worse.

i wait about 1 week or so between waterings once the pots are getting light then i water.

i have drains in the floor like a bathtub :)

i did not add any perlite but it looks like there is a lot in it already


ok tell me something else. before planting in to the big pots did you take the time to water the potting mix to ensure that the water distributes evenly and that there is no dry spots that will not take up the water.maybe you could water more slowly.

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