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can someone name the problem(s)



+1 for molasses for carbs as well as calcium, magnesium and iron.
I throw four or five glugs of Brer Rabbit Blackstrap in a 4 gallon
bucket. It helps the leaves stay greener late in flowering too.

As for the PBP Bloom are you using the blend for hydro or soil. It may
seem like a silly question, but a lot of guys use hydro blend with
sunshine mix since it is a soilless substrate. I use the PBP bloom for soil,
even though I grow mainly in an ebb and flow system with
hydroton as a medium. It has less N and more P, so it's given me
better results for the past year or so. If you don't go with the
molasses you might want to look at getting some cal-mag or
magical if you are using RO water.


New member
if by you mean watering before i transplanted them yep i did. if thats not what then i am all ears

i have some sensi calmag should i try some of that.

i tried some epsom salt without much return. i am using PBP for soil i think i have some for hydro laying round but it over a year old

i do have ro water now but this all started before i was using ro water. on my shower head there is lots of white stuff so i figured tat may have been doing something too


ok thats what i meant.and you said you have calcium build up on your shower head.calcium build up in your soil can cause other micro nuteint lock out. a good flushing should help. and now that you have ro water yes i would use cal/mag/iron. does your nuts, have micro nuts in it. see i have really soft tap water it comes off tap at 8ppm to 33ppm depending the time of month. and i have to add cal/mag to it to bring it up around 120ppm to 150ppm. what is your ppm on tap?


New member
well i looked on the bottles and on the site for it and all i can find is what the nkp ratioes are it dont says that it does have them but i would assume they did because i have see someone else using them come out with good harvests using the same stuff i use.

i have pure blend pro bloom soil, silica blast, liquid karma, sweet, and some super thrive.

my ppm on the tap is around 150ppm. now its around 4ppm. ill use cal mag to bring it back up before i add nuits from now on too

where do you get iron from in liquid form

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