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can prop19 really pass without majority bud smoker support?


Seems like from talking to friends here in california, and from the polls on ICMAG, there is not a majority supporting prop 19. Can it be passed with the community being divided?


Active member
yes even with propagandists like you. are you voting with the cops or with the potheads? you are either with us or against us.


Freedom Fighter
There is a majority supporting on ICMag...you have to ad BOTH the "Yes" areas for Cali Residents-- (On the Poll)
Plus, all the other Polls out there, are showing it ahead--
It does not rely on bud smokers alone to pass-- It is a basic Liberties Issue, as well as most ppl just don't see a reason for Penalizing Cannabis Users--


Active member
kind of weird how some people have only posted on the legalization threads.. seems fishy...with bacon sauce.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
title of thread should read can prop19 pass w out support of some commercial growers


Active member


Prop 19 more popular than any Senate or Gubernatorial candidate

The Public Policy Institute of California has released its September report “Californians and their Government”. They find majority support for legalization of marijuana with Prop 19 (52%), which is greater support than the report finds for incumbent Senators Barbara Boxer (42%) and Dianne Feinstein (44%), Senate challenger Carly Fiorina (35%), Gubernatorial candidates Jerry Brown (37%) and Meg Whitman (38%). Prop 19 is also the most popular initiative on the November ballot.

Of the 52% support among likely voters, Prop 19 enjoys greatest support among young, liberal, Latino Democrats.

* Democrats support Prop 19 by 63%, Independents support by 65%, while Republicans oppose it by 62%.
* Men support Prop 19 by 55% and women’s support has reached 49% (vs. 44% oppose)
* Latinos support Prop 19 by 63% and whites support it at 50%
* Adults under age 35 overwhelmingly support Prop 19 at 70%, folks from 35 to 54 support at 49% (vs. 44% oppose), while people 55 and older are almost evenly split at 47%-46%

Interestingly, the people opposed to Prop 19 are more concerned about the outcome than the supporters. 65% of those who oppose find it “very important”, while only 42% of supporters feel the same.
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You guys are a bunch of assholes, it was just a question, damn. Propagandists, for real? I guess i'm with the cops, I hope that piece of shit doesn't pass.


Active member
lol. nah you could be a commercial grower who is going to go bankrupt since he doesn't have his shit dialed in and is going to lose out on the margins. either way...if someone votes with cops..


I think most average smokers are for this. Certainly some don't want protection from work site piss tests, hash bars to hang out in, and -0- chance of getting harassed, ticketed or confiscated for anything less than an ounce. Some smokers don't want any of that stuff. Some smokers are probably Ok with the 60,000 people ho received possession misdemeanors last year too. That's only a $100 fine plus the cost of the weed they confiscate. it goes on your permanent record and may prevent you from getting some kinds of work or business loans and stuff like that but some are apparently OK with that as long as they don't have to go to jail. Some people also have a problem with the carry limit of 1 oz too. They don't want to sell it mind you, but lets face it 50-60 joints on you at any given time isn't enough for some people when they leave the house.

yes there is some sarcasm in there... There is a lot of misinformation being spread about prop 19. People are making gross assumptions, and then people who read/hear them are quoting them as fact. All of that aside, it really is very simple. There are people who are making money because of prohibition and those people, unless they truly care about Marijuana, Marijuana users and Marijuana culture, are going to try to convince people to NOT end prohibition. People will and should vote the way they think is best but it is important that people truly understand what this prop means and what it does. Don't base your decisions on something that somebody tells you without verifying that fact/point first. That goes for what I or anyone tells you. To me this is a no-brainer, and most likely a once in a lifetime opportunity. The federal government was not really prepared for this possibility, or maybe it is by intent that they sit by quietly only a few weeks from the vote.

We have all seen over the years who the enemies of Cannabis are. We all know the evil doers in MJ's long and ridicules legalization history. I find it unfortunate that people who previously waved the flag of freedom are now using it as a padded loin cloth seeing prop 19 as only a good swift kick in the balls. Those of us with a less restrictive vision can see this as an opportunity to get much of what we have always wanted NOW and a starting point to get the rest. I find it funny that the various camps of no voters are voting no on the same points for opposite reasons. The limited freedoms that prop 19 gives us are reason for some people to vote no because the freedoms are far to much, and for other no voters those same freedoms are not enough. Two distinct groups of people who have vastly differing opinions and yet join their forces to try and defeat this prop... sad, sad, sad. With that kind of oposition it is a wonder that this prop ever even made it to the ballot, and I will be very very surprised if we see another one anytime soon. I read somewhere that this is the first attempt in 35 years? Who wants to wait that long for something that is "better" for the growers and will receive 10 times the oposition as the something like prop 19 that is a realistic compromise for all people of Cali.

For anyone voting no... if you are voting no to continue prohibition then shame on you and fuck you for being a greedy asshole. If you are a no voter who truly believe that a better, less restrictive prop is just around the corner then I hope you are right, but I don't think so. For those voting yes, thank you. Cannabis users and lovers across the world thank you for your historic and world changing vote.



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
lol how many threads do we need to discuss this. When one thread gets done and all of the info is out someone from the No VOTE starts a new thread in hopes it goes there way.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
lol how many threads do we need to discuss this. When one thread gets done and all of the info is out someone from the No VOTE starts a new thread in hopes it goes there way.

it never will. they have no valid points to make. so it makes our job really easy to destroy any pathetic argument they attempt to cultivate....:dance013::dance013::dance013:


Active member
I think it can pass without the support of some growers. The drug war isn't just about growers, they are a very small part of it. For every grower who has ever been busted there must be hundreds if not thousands of smokers who have been.


Freedom Fighter
I think it can pass without the support of some growers. The drug war isn't just about growers, they are a very small part of it. For every grower who has ever been busted there must be hundreds if not thousands of smokers who have been.

Not to mention it has the support of a big share of non-user Voters--


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
You guys are a bunch of assholes, it was just a question, damn. Propagandists, for real? I guess i'm with the cops, I hope that piece of shit doesn't pass.

we dont have a choice...we have to jump on these threads before any of the young folks who are still considering get influenced by those who are against our movement...here in cali, there have been a LOT of growers pushing the LEO agenda for them...so they can keep cashing in for awhile longer...please dont take offense if your not one of them...we just cant let them push...its very dangerous...


Overkill is under-rated.
Doesn't matter if it passes, just like 215, what states do doesn't change Fderal law. The Feds can and will still raid anyone they feel like. This includes Oaklands mega-grows and anyone else they feel like busting.

Now will Obama want to go down as the President that legalized pot? Though significant parts of the country are vehemently against it, liberal Democrats are the same people who put him in office in the first place.

Basically I think Obama is damned if he fights it, damned if he doesn't. I feel sorry for the guy.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
he is screwed no matter what...poor bastard...but he is the president who was sitting in office when the V.A. decision was made official....so at the least...he got the federal ball rolling as far as im concerned! possible future precedent no?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
The DEA has not been raiding anything all of the raids have been by your local Leo lately. If you are a 215 and do not have a legit ailment you should expect to get raided. What do you expect with all these people lying about there qualifying condition and when Leo finds out there gonna be knocking on your door. Under 215 its up to you to prove your innocent under 19 they have the burden to prove your are not in compliance.

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