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First Grow, Leaf Tips Curling

it looks like the bud leaves are saved, and the resin is pumped! thats cool, looks like the molasses is doing its trick. adding in the cal mag needed to save the day

dont worry about the fans now, since the whole things is about to come down. they will fall off if need be. and both users above brought up good points about when to cull. i liked both answers.


New member
So today I pulled off the hanging fan leaves that were about to come off and I accidentally touched a bud. My whole bathroom immediately smelled SOO dank. Danker than any herb I have ever had. I guess that if you touch the buds they release crazy smells, so I will keep that in mind now when taking the plant in and out of the tent.

Anyways, greenatik... can you show me a picture that describes what you are talking about. Thanks buddy!

oh yeah, also... will my buds get any fatter? I seriously have a small yield right now. Maybe like a half oz wet herb. I dont think 3x 42 watt cfls is enough,
haha thats a good sign!

no, it wont really be getting any bigger, like on a notable difference scale. if you say your looking at 1/2 oz then its probably no more than 1/2 by the time you let it fully finish and then dry. its always less than what it looks, is what ive learned.

haha a big LOL about 3 x42 watts not being enough! step it up to HPS and really see what u can do!!!


New member
Flower day 53

Flower day 53

These pics are from day 53 of flowering. All of the fan leaves have fallen off except for the last two at the top which are starting to look kinda dead. I feel like its pretty close to the end but I really don't know how much longer to go. Anyways tell me what you guys think. Thanks!

Still giving it the 2 tbsp/gallon of molasses when I water. I took alot of pics, some are kinda redundant I just wanted you all to get a good visualization of her progress.


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New member
the rest

the rest

here they are


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Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
I'm sure many wont agree but I think it's ok for them to look a bit ravaged when they're so close to finishing. I use a forcing solution and then flush then let pots go dry and mine always look battered... they taste great though...

it's just the plant burning up the last of its resources as it comes to the end of it's cycle (imho) .. a lot of people will tell you it's ok, I'm sure others manage to keep theirs looking pristine til the end, but smoking green plants isnt for me ;)

edit - p.s well done you - great looking buds for any grow, never mind the first :D


New member
Thanks for the kind words guys. If you were to judge by the pictures how much longer would you go for before chopping?

Ps, my closet is open right now and my whole apt smells of zeh herb!


New member
Apartment check is tomorrow. Needed to cut. Smoked great. Im so happy :)


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with those dry shots.......i guess..........21 dry.....i had a similar plant in size....thats what i got. the sad part is that it was ina 5 gal.....


Active member
Good sized bud you had. I think you did a great job with it. If you don't mind a couple suggestions for next time.
Don't cut out the micro so soon. You'll affect yield imo. though you yield looked good.
And I'd have let that one go a while longer. Assuming you don't have one of those little magnifiers, the best way to tell if they're done is when there are just a few white pistils left. At this time start looking at the calyxes at the base of the pistils. When they finish, they get fat. There is noticeable swelling and you really want to have this extra mass. Sometimes the lower buds finish first. You can see the swelling moving up towards the top buds over a few days.

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