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can lightbleach leafs turn green again?



just wondering if a smaller seedling working on its 3rd set of leafs can recover the 2nd and 3rd set from light bleaching..will it turn green again if I bring the lights up more? I know the leaf has alot more to grow so Im wondering if it compleatly stunts the leaf growth or if it will turn green again.


The parts that are bleached will stay that way but the new growth on leafs should be fine.


so as the leaf expands the little light bleached leafs will still grow green around it and it will become like a tip on the leaf? even fucking flouros can light bleach a plant at 8"away 25watt ones! WTF. I must b e like the light bleaching master or something....im fuckin pissed. Ive fucking grow atleast 30 plants to atleast a foot-2feet back in my juvinile closet growing days multiple times and I have never bleached a plant EVER. even with a 47watt flouro right up in my plants face....Im wondering if the jungle growth soil I got has something to do with it. heres pics.


Yeah just with bleached tips.I seem to do it at beginning of flowering,always forget to raise light!


You cant tell SOO well from the pictures but the leafs twords the middle/newer leaf growth is like almost white/extreamllllly light yellow. I would have said It was a deficiency, but not this young and also with how WHUITE the new growth is its not turning just yellow, its bleached the newer growth and diminishing the green and older growth, also the lower/first set of leafs are less effected by the light as they are lower? its odd tho because even the first set it seems the light bleaching is working its way from the main stem out tword the leaf tips, on all the leafs, middle to leaf tip light bleaching.


It happens. Don't worry about it. There is nothing you can do to reverse the damage. You can only try and prevent it from happening again. The plants will be fine if they start new growths. New growths will be green and healthy. Young plants require much less light than mature ones. I keep my lamps at least two or more feet away from young plants. If the plants can't make new growth, you'll know soon enough because they'll die.


Think they will be alright but are gonna take a while to recover.Are the 1st and 4th pics of the same plant?They look a bit dodgy,have done that to plants,some have lived,some have died but others should be fine


Active member
That's not light bleaching. Sorry.

You need to change your soil, fast. I'd wash all the dirt off the roots carefully and transplant immediately. Check the packaging and it'll probably tell you that you don't need to 'feed' your plants in that soil for a few months.

Stay Safe! :tree:


yea, it did lol. i switched to peat moss/verm mixture. I will do all coco next run. but what nutrient lock/deficiency would turn leafs WHITE? you cant tell in the pics but if it furthers to do what its doing those leafs will be all white and not just on the new growth twords the middle. IF ITS A SOIL NUTRIENT PROBLEM THEN WILL THYE BE ABLE TO RECOVER NEW GREEN GROWTH. iS LIGHT BLEACHING DIFFERENT FROM NUTRIENT PROBLEMS AND WILL THE GROWTH TURN BACK GREEN?


I just orderd classic coir block, ph nuteral it says. growin them in jsut coco. Do I need to supplement low level nutrients since their will be zero in the coco when i replant them in their?


It really looks like an iron deficiency, but I'm not sure that makes sense at this point in their development. I didn't see your pics until I posted before, but aside from light bleaching, iron deficiency is the only thing I can think of that fits.

Learn more about nutrient deficiencies in plants (and not just cannabis plants) here: http://4e.plantphys.net/article.php?ch=3&id=289


Nope, you can't really reverse any stress/deficiencies, in a sense that the green color comes back. Once the color is gone it's gone!


New member
Even tho unusual on so young plants, i would say Zinc or Magnesium deficiency. Zinc and Magnesium deficiency are quite alike, but Zinc starts from the top, where as Magnesium starts from the bottom. This is why id say you suffer from a Zinc deficiency.

This is my opinion on reading multiple guides, not personal experience. Will say though, very unusual for this kind of deficiency in such young plants.


If you catch it super early and move them out of direct light for a few days, they might bounce back. But like everyone else said, its no biggie.


Is this light bleaching?... ..I've gotten a lot of conflicting opinions...:drum:

both plants slowly died...(it started at week #3 flowering, and they were gone at week #5)

Did those white patches turn brown and dry-up? If so, it was probably heat-stress. I've never heard of heat stress killing a plant, though I haven't seen or heard of everything. Have a look at the link I posted above and see if you notice anything similar in the plants on that page. I've diagnosed several problems in the past using that guide. I think it's even more helpful than the sick plants guide for cannabis here on ICMAG.

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
Did those white patches turn brown and dry-up? If so, it was probably heat-stress. I've never heard of heat stress killing a plant, though I haven't seen or heard of everything. Have a look at the link I posted above and see if you notice anything similar in the plants on that page. I've diagnosed several problems in the past using that guide. I think it's even more helpful than the sick plants guide for cannabis here on ICMAG.
This whole thing is driving me nuts!...:biggrin:

The middle fan leaves turned white & shriveled up...ON TOP..the same leaves were still mostly green underneath. I thought it might be UVb related?...(using 400 watt CMH...then switched to HPS and moved them farther from the light)... ;;
I have two thermometers: temps never went over 83 degrees.

Somebody help me!...before I kill, again...


I think th@ is more nute def than light bleaching...
If you want to see light bleaching, I have a post out there entitled 'snowcaps'...th@ will show light bleaching.
