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can lightbleach leafs turn green again?



I belive now that it might be ph fluctuations that caused this. Any one have pics of PH damaged leafs....I used ro water with perfect ph level, so maybe the soil I had it in before caused this...or according to advanced nutrients, magnesium and calcium defficeincys also can cause white leafs, and only those 2 efficiency will cause white leafs...
Pinball WIZARD~ if the top of the plant(closet to the light) isn't getting effected, then it's nute def. or something on those lines,NOT LIGHT BLEACH.The light bleach occurs on the parts getting to much light(so most likely the top). I currently had a grow go to overgrow(got a lot bigger then I expected or wanted).. I thought my strain wouldn't stretch, but with DWC(Explosive growth rate if done right), and then realizing that you can't believe what other say all the time.. BECAUSE EVERY STRAIN, AND PHENO OF THE STRAINs are DIFFERENT.. PLUS ADD IN DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENTS GOOD OR BAD, YOU CAN GET DIFFERENT RESULTS. Any way, I was growing a indica dominate strain..BC GOD BUD, and my bitches doubled in height, during the stretch, getting way too close to my cooled & enclosed 400wtHPS(good thing I had Plexy glass in my hood separating the light from the plants) I was limited on space so I couldn't move my light. So I started to tie umm down and move the colas, but I caught it early and my effected areas defiantly went back to green. LIGHT BLEACHING LOOKS LIKE A MAG DEFICIENCY, the part most exposed to the light will turn yellow, the viens will remain green(on leaves) until they get all the moisture sucked out of them, and the whole leaf will go yellow. The LIGHT BLEACHING on buds will make this dense looking tight nug that looks yellow/white unhealthy plastic looking crap. Real nasty, it almost looks fake. Some of the buds/leaves were less then an inch from the plexy glass(so 2-3 inches from the light). It was nasty but you can cut umm off and tie umm down, I wish I could show pics but I don't have any>>>> Also its not that big of a deal like every one else said.. Just move your light if yuo can or tie umm down if limited on space!!!

Skinny Leaf

Well-known member
If your soil ph is high it will lock out iron. That definitely looks like an iron deficiency. As far as light bleach I don't think that is posssible. I have plants 3 or 4 inches from a 600w bulb they don't bleach. A little closer though and they burn. Most of the time problems with mj are ph related. Yours is high ph related.

Skinny Leaf

Well-known member
Oh one other thing you could try some chelated iron. They sell it at most garden stores. It is iron in a liquid form so it is more readily available to the plant. The chelated iron may also contain magnesium and i believe zinc in small quantities.


Canna Coco grower

You cant tell SOO well from the pictures but the leafs twords the middle/newer leaf growth is like almost white/extreamllllly light yellow. I would have said It was a deficiency, but not this young and also with how WHUITE the new growth is its not turning just yellow, its bleached the newer growth and diminishing the green and older growth, also the lower/first set of leafs are less effected by the light as they are lower? its odd tho because even the first set it seems the light bleaching is working its way from the main stem out tword the leaf tips, on all the leafs, middle to leaf tip light bleaching.

Another person mentioned it first and he was DEAD ON...

YOUR PH IS TOO DOG GONE HIGH BRO!!! You have an Iron def.....


Lower your ph to 6.1 for a couple of waterings... make sure you are not giving it water colder than 60 degrees or that the plant is not getting that cold too.. cause cold LOCKS OUT IRON.. even if everything else is right PH included... give em a very light dose of all purpose fert that contains iron...

I MEAN A LIGHT DOSE... like half of whatever the mfg recs..... New growth will darken immediatly and quickly... that is how you will know we were right !!!



Canna Coco grower
This whole thing is driving me nuts!...:biggrin:

The middle fan leaves turned white & shriveled up...ON TOP..the same leaves were still mostly green underneath. I thought it might be UVb related?...(using 400 watt CMH...then switched to HPS and moved them farther from the light)... ;;
I have two thermometers: temps never went over 83 degrees.

Somebody help me!...before I kill, again...

Ok.. big problem lots of newer grower experience.... OVER FERTING... not all strains like the same amount of ferts...

With your plant I would lower the amount of fert I was giving by about 1/4.... I would also start maniuplating the PH around.... I.e one watering 6.1 the next 6.6 the next 6.3 the next 6.4........ right around that range... I am assuming you are soil based and not coco or inert...

You have what looks like a mg/cal thing going on.... I don't want to say DEFICIENCY... cause then people think..... OH.. ADD SOME MORE FERTS.... Wrong...

Make the condiition of your soil such that the plant can EASILY access the ferts that are already in it....

Some plain watering and low fert watering... PH'd around like I suggested... WILL STOP THE PROGRESSION OF THIS....


the thing is I have only waterd with RO water and the ph level registerd perfect with my general hydropnics ph up and down test kit. I didnt add ferts to it before it started whitening. This happend to me BMR also but with a HPS, so i switch to 200 watts of flourecent bulbs and Still the new strains are turning otis. I jsut orderd some b52 and NLxshiva and I am doing them in coco as I can controll the nutrients. But Its got me worried if I dont figure this problem out soon that the new girls will turn out like this. I raised the lights and still my one strain not pictured their, totaly diffrent from the ehitening PPPS is slowley getting more yellow. Ive never ever in my growing experience had seedlings bee so fussy. Ive alwasy just poped and grown under floros in Miracal grow fert added soil. and Now I get organic good shit and it dosent work. Switch to shagum moss and vermic/perlite mixture and still not working, raised the lights and took 2 bulbs out of sockets so now Im rocking 100 watts and shits still getting shitty. temp is 78 deg and humidity is 44. Altho, one thing that is happening is the leafs are twisting sideways on some of my plants and or the tips of the leafs are curling underwords, not the sides of the leaf just the end is like fish hook curling. Ive had a photon booth of lights surronding plants before and never ahd a white turning cannabis plant ever.....


Canna Coco grower
the thing is I have only waterd with RO water and the ph level registerd perfect with my general hydropnics ph up and down test kit. I didnt add ferts to it before it started whitening. This happend to me BMR also but with a HPS, so i switch to 200 watts of flourecent bulbs and Still the new strains are turning otis. I jsut orderd some b52 and NLxshiva and I am doing them in coco as I can controll the nutrients. But Its got me worried if I dont figure this problem out soon that the new girls will turn out like this. I raised the lights and still my one strain not pictured their, totaly diffrent from the ehitening PPPS is slowley getting more yellow. Ive never ever in my growing experience had seedlings bee so fussy. Ive alwasy just poped and grown under floros in Miracal grow fert added soil. and Now I get organic good shit and it dosent work. Switch to shagum moss and vermic/perlite mixture and still not working, raised the lights and took 2 bulbs out of sockets so now Im rocking 100 watts and shits still getting shitty. temp is 78 deg and humidity is 44. Altho, one thing that is happening is the leafs are twisting sideways on some of my plants and or the tips of the leafs are curling underwords, not the sides of the leaf just the end is like fish hook curling. Ive had a photon booth of lights surronding plants before and never ahd a white turning cannabis plant ever.....

Your problem was EASY to identify... and I'm not going to say everything again..

Lower your ph... Just do it.. make DAMN sure the water aint colder than 65 degrees when you water..

at those sizes you don't need to worry about ferts especially if you used a soil based substrate...

If your ph says its perfect... RE-CALIBRATE YOUR PH... ok?

Again.. dirt substrate.. 6.1 Coco or soiless... 5.5


Get a good dirt like.... Black Gold... or even the Pro mix 1.. or the candian dirt.. can't thinkk of the name now but its just like promix.. I used it for years... works well

I think you ought to give em 5.8 wateringing the next couple times then go up to 6.1
Peace and FIX IT QUICK.... its a simple solution


their in straight perlite. At this rate I will see whats going on while in a subtrate that dosent have ANY flucuations. I am misting the leaves with light nutrients from pure blend and su[per thrive added for stress considering I dug them outta the drit, dismantled some o the roots and washed them off under water then put them in a cup of perlite...well see if the 2 im experimenting on will survive. I put those bitches right up in the light also. I dont think It was a light problem because the past 5 days have showed no improvment at all with them. how is coco with salt and shit. Any advice what to do with my fine coco I orderd before i plant in it...


Your problem was EASY to identify... and I'm not going to say everything again..

Lower your ph... Just do it.. make DAMN sure the water aint colder than 65 degrees when you water..

at those sizes you don't need to worry about ferts especially if you used a soil based substrate...

If your ph says its perfect... RE-CALIBRATE YOUR PH... ok?

Again.. dirt substrate.. 6.1 Coco or soiless... 5.5


Get a good dirt like.... Black Gold... or even the Pro mix 1.. or the candian dirt.. can't thinkk of the name now but its just like promix.. I used it for years... works well

I think you ought to give em 5.8 wateringing the next couple times then go up to 6.1
Peace and FIX IT QUICK.... its a simple solution
maybe it's cause they don't like being called bitches Speedcat....

sounds like it just might work lol


my run off is 5.5 for PH. I tested it with general hydroponics kit. multiple times. It isnt the ph level.


my run off is 5.5 for PH. I tested it with general hydroponics kit. multiple times. It isnt the ph level.
sorry I should of been more specific

I was talking about this

bergerbuddy said:
Get a good dirt like.... Black Gold... or even the Pro mix 1.. or the candian dirt.. can't thinkk of the name now but its just like promix.. I used it for years... works well