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can i use cocoa butter for medibles?

so a friend of mine wants to make some cannabis chocolates so we was thinkiing instead of using oil as it wont mix well what about making cannabutter with cocoa butter and using that to make some chocolates? of course would need to use realy really dark chocolate and mix in the cocoa butter but has anyone used cocoa butter for edibles? if so do you have any good recipies for chocolate? thanks alot guys


Ive used coco oil and it works very well. I believe this is what you are referring to, cocoa butter is for the skin. But coco oil worked well and can substitute in recipes for any fat like butter or vegetable oil etc.... Just find a chocolate recipe and substitute in your cannabis oil. The coco oil does have a hint of coconut taste so keep that in mind, might want to taste it to see if you like first.


New member
I've used cocoa butter to dilute BHO and then add it into a ganache. Then I made dark chocolate shells and filled them with said BHO ganache. You could easily make truffles this way too.
By what I'm reading you want to make solid canna chocolate? Using green, I would employ a similar process to cannabutter, and then add that (well filtered of course) to melted dark chocolate. If you use the water method for the butter, make extra certain that there is absolutely no water residue left in the solidified cocoa butter, as water and chocolate are NOT friends! If you use BHO or another oil all you need to do is melt the CB and dilute the oil in it.

Temper normally and pour into molds. Voila! Canna chocolate bars!


I'm not sure about cocoa butter, but coconut oil is excellent if not the best cooking oil for THC extraction. I substitute it in a box brownie recipe (Ghirardelli) for vegetable oil and the result is amazing. Approximately 5 grams of bud (post dry screening for kief) thoroughly ground to powder and heated with 1/2 cup coconut oil at 300F for about 5 minutes was all it took--heat the oil to 300F before adding the powdered bud. Follow the box recipe from here. The batch was then cut into 24 brownies. Only 1/2 brownie was enough to keep me high for hours. I tried a whole brownie (keep in mind 24 from a single batch makes small brownies, literally 1 bite) only twice because the high was a little too intense. So really it was 48 "doses" from only 5 grams of de-kiefed buds...roughly 0.1g bud (or 1/2 teaspoon oil) per dose.

Anyway, let me answer your question. There was a little bit of leftover oil, approx. 1 teaspoon, and I didn't want to eat it straight. I bought a bar of 72% Ghirardelli "Intense Dark" chocolate, melted 2 squares, mixed in the extra 1tsp oil, poured that into a shot glass, and then put it in the freezer to solidify. The result was an absolutely delicious THC-infused chocolate treat that got me pleasantly high...twice! :) I'm definitely making more of those one day very soon.


Oh, and by the way, the kief screened from the weed before cooking it was enough to smoke every day for at least a couple weeks. If you use top quality buds but don't "extract" kief you could probably reduce from 5g to 4-4.5g depending on quality. However, I highly recommend screening the buds for kief. It's a good way to start the pulverizing process and provides a nice byproduct. :smoke:


New member
Hey durka...

you can use pure cocoa butter for medibles the only problem is the low temperature tolerance. You cant really get it hot enough for good THC extraction. You want to use a high fat content oil (coconut is probably best. its what i use) with a high smoke point. You can infuse the oil and then temper it into the chocolate with the proper technique and a careful hand. Hope this helps a little....P.S. i can give you a source for good quality cocoa butter.



New member
@Joe4444 do you strain the oil through a strainer or cheesechloth before using the oil? Or since the the bud is ground up to a powder I don't need to strain it? I've been wanting to make chocolate sooo bad and am having a hard time doing so. And did the chocolate melt in you hand quickly or will it stand up at room temperature?


@Joe4444 do you strain the oil through a strainer or cheesechloth before using the oil? Or since the the bud is ground up to a powder I don't need to strain it? I've been wanting to make chocolate sooo bad and am having a hard time doing so. And did the chocolate melt in you hand quickly or will it stand up at room temperature?
beetlejuice, for the brownie mix I did not strain the oil because I think a lot of cannabinoids remain in the plant matter simply due to the fact that it soaks up the oil, and I do not have a strong press to squeeze out every last drop. Even if I had a good press I think the powdered bud still contains decarboxylated THC, so I can't make myself throw it away. Even if you strain out the plant material the remaining oil is still very potent.

To make this work without ruining the brownie texture, be sure to grind the buds thoroughly before cooking in the oil. I did this multiple times to avoid leaving any noticeable plant matter. With each pass I used a standard flour sifter to filter out the powder. Whatever was left in the sifter was crushed further and sifted again. After a few rounds of this there was about 0.5g of tiny stem and leaf pieces (I did trash this) that never made it through the sifter and did not end up in the mix. (I actually started with 6.0g bud, then screened out 0.5g of kief and sifted out 0.5g of stem/leaf material.) The process is tedious and takes time, but I think it's well worth the results. Brownies + kief!

In my original response I did not fully explain how I made the chocolate. The 1tsp of "leftover" oil was actually salvaged from the brownies after baking. I must have used a little too much oil because after removing the mini brownie muffins from the pan each one left behind a very small amount of light brown oil (surely some of the brownie mix was in there, too). So I grabbed an eye dropper, sucked up every last drop, and put it in a shot glass...not really sure what to do with it. A couple days later at the grocery store I saw this chocolate bar and was inspired. I melted one square in a small glass dish, stirred in the 1tsp leftover oil and then set it in the refrigerator to cool. With a little math I determined that each brownie bite also had approximately 1tsp oil, so I ate half the chocolate and was very pleased to have the same experience as eating half a brownie bite. Next time I cook some oil I'm going to try making a lot more cannabinoid-infused vegan chocolate treats. :)

To answer your other question, the chocolate with coconut oil definitely melts in your hand a lot faster than the original chocolate. I'm not sure if it melts at room temperature because I only made a small amount, kept it in the refrigerator, and ate it all in 2 days. Most likely the coconut oil will cause it to melt slowly at room temperature, but that's different for everyone. Some days my 24oz jar of coconut oil is mostly liquid and other days it's completely solid. Within a few degrees of 75 it melts/solidifies quickly. I plan to keep my first batch of chocolate treats cool in the refrigerator or maybe the freezer. Chocolate is better cold anyway. :yummy:

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