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Can you get a male from a selfed female?


fuck the ticket, bought the ride
So where's the six pair of genes come from?

And Marijuana Botany is old. Sam posted more current info on Clarke's take:
Rosy Cheeks,

"Sam Skunkman, if you're still here and not too busy with the HTCC, when you're at the 5th LEGENDS OF HASHISH dinner in Amsterdam, could you just nudge Clarke and have him say something intelligible about it, for those who still doubt?"

Rob stayed with me for two weeks at the time of the HTCC & 5th LEGENDS OF HASHISH dinner. I asked him what he thought, he said that sex is controlled Genotypicaly by the genes and Phenotypicaly in intersexed plants by the envirornment and genes. He also said that unless a plant has intersexed genes it will not express sex changes through Phenotypical expression. Does that help you?
Rob has changed his mind on several issues about Cannabis, as the science matured and facts were clarified. A good example is that Rob thought that THC was bio-synthesized from CBD, it has now been proven that THC as well as all Cannabinoids are created from CBG. Anyway I suggest you find a pure Female with no intersexed genes that when stressed by the environment will make male flowers. Now if the sex determination as well as expression is not just X/Y genetic based please make the plant express male flowers. It will be easy if light spectrum can change sex. Good luck!!

"Um, no. I accept the X/Y theory as a base for sexing and the epigamic (non-genetic theory) as influencing the sexual expression, causing shifts in sex ratios.
The opposite side refuses any other influence on sexual expression than a strictly genetic one.
It can only be one or the other."

Not quite true, X/Y genetic control of sex in true females and males, while plants with intersexed genes the sex expression can be modified with environmental stresses. As most Cannabis plants have intersexed genes, both seem to be possible, if you want to use plants with intersexed genes...



Matter that Appreciates Matter
Found some newer stuff - hemp related- 2004

Summary Cannabis sativa L. is a dioecious species with sexual dimorphism occurring in a late stage of plant development. Sex is determined by heteromorphic chromosomes (X and Y): male is the heterogametic sex (XY) and female is the homogametic one (XX). The sexual phenotype of Cannabis often shows some flexibility leading to the differentiation of hermaphrodite flowers or bisexual inflorescences (monoecious phenotype). Sex is considered an important trait for hemp genetic improvement; therefore, the study of the mechanism of sexual differentiation is of paramount interest in hemp research. A morphological and molecular study of Cannabis sativa sexual differentiation has been carried out in the Italian dioecious cultivar Fibranova.
Microscopic analysis of male and female apices revealed that their reproductive commitment may occur as soon as the leaves of the fourth node emerge; the genetic expression of male and female apices at this stage has been compared by cDNA-AFLP. A rapid method for the early sex discrimination has been developed, based on the PCR amplification of a male-specific SCAR marker directly from a tissue fragment.
Five of the several cDNA-AFLP polymorphic fragments identified have been confirmed to be differentially expressed in male and female apices at the fourth node. Cloning and sequencing revealed that they belong to nine different mRNAs that were all induced in the female apices at this stage. Four out of them showed a high degree of similarity with known sequences: a putative permease, a SMT3-like protein, a putative kinesin and a RAC-GTP binding protein.


I'd say firstly 3dDream, its an intersexed plant and not a "true" female..... therefore should it be used? Y has to be there genetically does it not?


New member
"Sex is controlled Genotypicaly by the genes and Phenotypicaly in intersexed plants by the envirornment and genes. He also said that unless a plant has intersexed genes it will not express sex changes through Phenotypical expression."

That statement is exactly what I have noticed to be true.