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Can anyone recommend a functional pain strain for a stealth grow?


Hi everyone,
I'd like to ask a question on behalf of a friend of mine who is very interested in taking up growing for themselves.

My friend would need a strain that would be good for extreme pain (limb crushed in a car wreck some years ago) that would also be clear, functional (something one could go to work on, hopefully?) that would not only be low odor but take pretty low light?

I find myself at a bit of a loss in trying to help here - not having pain myself, I can't even experiment on my friend's behalf with any hope of knowing how something would help with pain.

My friend is also pretty broke, so lighting and odor control will be on the cheap side at first - with upgrades over time.

I'm certainly willing to help my friend procure the genetics as I know she cannot possibly hope to afford them on her own, but I want to make sure I do my best to help get the right one to help in this regards. We will be discussing what will be needed environment-wise in the next few days, and I will help hunt for the best stuff for the money, keeping in mind her financials.

Anyway, I know I might be asking a lot here (In particular, I'd always kindof thought high pain relief usually corresponds with high stinkies) but I have no experience in this area and I really want to help my pal out. I know a lot of you must be under similar circumstances that might be able to help with some guidance?

Thanks all!
white rhino is always my first choice for pain relief.white rhino has fairly low odor profile for most of the grow.some pheno types are danker smelling than others.but your first issue is pain relief so I have to go with white rhino.the traditional rhino is an 11 week strain but there are faster varieties now as the flower time has been shortened by some seed companies. The original looks ready to pick at 8 weeks and will go dormant for from week 8 to week 9.5.do not pick it! it will go back into action after its dormant phase and produce very strong pain relieving medicine when picked at week 11 or better still at week 12. GOOD LUCK


i don't know any strains for your pal, but maybe you can figure it out yourself.

What you need is a strain with a high amount of CBD ( Cannabidiol ).
Indica Landraces tend to have high amounts of cbd, like afghani or maroccan.
Mandala Seeds have some nice Landrace Seeds.


Thanks to both of you for the great guidance. I'll definitely check out your suggestions.

Actually, I have a Mandala run going now and was also thinking of picking up a pack of PNR. I have one Ganesh girl going, so perhaps when she is finished I can let my friend see if it's helpful for her.

Ooh, glad to hear the name Sweet Tooth thrown in there, too. I have read it was good also for anxiety and paranoia, both of which I can be prone to, especially with certain strains and if I am not in the right mindset when I partake (unfortunately, sometimes I can't tell either until it's too late..), so this might be a great strain for both of us! I will also read up on Deep Chunk and Sour Bubble.

Thanks again for your advice!


New member

I think a good strain for you would be, OG Kush from reserva privida seeds, or Grape Ape ....Peace hope you feel better
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Active member
blubonic from SOL, GF x BB from Chimera, Schnazzleberry from Chimera, and OG kush of course.

Heavy indica's will be compact, and best for pain (narcotic body stone), I don't know about low odor.

Maybe lowrider ? lol


I have cronic pain {crushed vertibra 50% in car wreck} and I use Buuba Kush. It takes care of my pain very well and, I grow my own. Very easy to grow too.


Thanks so much everyone; I'm glad to be a part of such a wonderful sharing community.

I went ahead and picked up a pack of Mandala's Point of No Return as I was ordering from them anyway. I figured it was a good start and when I get some more cash, I may try some of the other strains recommended. I'm also quite keen to try Deadhead OG, although not sure how it compares with some of the strains recommended. With all the hubbub about the famous Chem D clone, my curiosity is piqued! Sounds like some other Kushy-type strains might be good to try as well, and I definitely want to pick up Sweet Tooth #3 if I can ever get ahold of it.. lol.

On the downside, learned my friend go fired from her job for her health issues, which I think is pretty crappy. Personally, though, I think she's better off as her boss was positively psycho. I told her it might be a bit of pain now, but she'll be rejoicing in the long run.

Of course this means that she definitely won't have the funds for a while for a setup, but no matter. I will toss some beanies into my mix for her; at least she can get some relief!

Thanks again all. Looking forward to checking out some of these great recommendations!
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Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
good man !! takin care of freinds in need .
makes ya feel great inside .. don't it ?


Surely does. My friend has been there holding my hand in my darkest hours.. gotta take care of your loved ones!


Sorry to hear about your friend , it's not uncommon to get fired or in my case laid off due to health issues! Companies don't really care about people!
Tell your friend to apply for disability!


Yes, don't I know it! the company I work for had a layoff shortly after there was a benefits enrollment renewal that featured a health screening "so those people in good health can quality for a discount". Conveniently, the layoff featured mostly older women and those I would consider at a higher risk factor that would likely drive company premiums up. Disgusting..
And that's a great idea, i will recommend it. Some of us are also encouraging her to apply for grants and scholarships to go back to school, too.

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