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Mite Eradictor (also destroys Powdery Mildew)

I have tried using the Mite Eradicator mix at the beginning of this thread. So far it actually seems to work! I have used a whole gamit of shit, and this does seem to actually kill them. Suppresses PM too (especially with the sulphur in the epsom in it).

I have used it twice, and today dipped some mited clones. I am keeping a close eye to see if they actually die. I did this before with a plant, and it did seem to kill em. I found dead mites afterward. Can't find live ones- but I don't trust that enough when it comes to mites.

Be sure you get the stuff off, it does burn if you leave drops of it behind.

I also saw it drop flying moths that cruised by as I fogged all my ladies down outside. I blasted em with the hose to rinse the stuff off and blast the mites too. Once dry back inside.

They had gotten into all three stages, so its war. Last flowering got webbed at the end. Not too bad- I had used floramite twice to hold em in check. It didn't stop em, just checked pretty good till the very end.

So now I am not fucking around. And I have a fogger!! Check out the Fogmaster Jr. FUCKEN AWESOME!!!

I cleaned out the whole room/containers with bleach on walls (plastic lined) and floor (concrete). Meantime, they got to the veg. So I then just used the mite eradicator spray on all stages, then 5 days later a P-bomb. Now two days later eradicator again. Tommorrow it will be a fog of floramite. Then an Attain bomb in a couple more days.

I will probably eradicator again after that two or three more times every 3 days, as well as follow up with floramite in 3 weeks, then bomb again and then floramite 2 weeks later.

In the last 2 weeks your only real option spray wise is Dr.Dooright's. They claim it works on mites, and it may have last round- but they sure as fuck didn't vanish by any means. I honestly highly doubt it can kill mites at all.

I'll post back up on the eradicator results. The postings sounded positive to me. I really want to fuckin take em down and out for good and not fight some drawn out war.


Active member
as a farmer of produce for the last 35 years, I'm sorry to say that this recipe is bogus. vinegar and apple juice? come on man


Hiya guys and gals! :)

In the last week or so I have given this thread as an answer to someones question...and now, Irony being the Bitch th@ She is { Sorry Ladies...but it's true, you know it...Bastards cannot compete with Bitchiness! :)} has turned her gaze my way...:sasmokin:
:cuss: :violin: :hotbounce :monkeyeat

I found webs on one bud...within 3 hrs it had spread and 5-6 buds were Webby Castles!
:elf: :elf: :elf: :elf: :elf:

I quickly went to my cupboard to get the required ingredients...baking powder, apple cider vinegar, dish liq and lemon juice...Squeezy bottle of lemon juice empty! Damnit!


11:36 @ night I am staggering, pissed {drunk to non Aussies} around the lemon tree th@ is desperately clinging to life in my back yard with only the lights of the back patio to silhouette the tree some 25 Meters distant...:tree:

I found 1 small half ripe lemon and one tiny windblown one th@ was just starting to soften...and staggered around making a ruckus too!

Back inside, I mixed up a half Ltr mix 'cause th@'s all the lemon juice I had...
Then I put it in my spray bottle and went to war!

I turned the lights off and raised them..
I sprayed until my hands hurt..{hand pump pack...emergency use only}..the nozzle clogged, I swapped out the sprayer attachment...and continued until I had no more...

I will buy more supplies tomorrow and do it again, more thoroughly...

I have been clearing the undercanopy for the last week...in 1 hr sessions...it is still only half done...I will have to bite the bullet, try one of my tinctures and put in a marathon trimming session.

Keep your undercanopy clear folks!

...and YES...I am going to rinse off the spraymix! :)

Letya know how it turns out...

EDIT: I'm growing DWC 80L tub, 2 X 400W HPS, filter/extractor, Canna nutes, DM Silica...3-4 weeks into bloom of a SkunkMix clone SCROG....Oh, and I'm truly ambidextrous! :)



UPDATE: It works!...so far :)

UPDATE: It works!...so far :)

UPDATE: After treating the bud canopy last night, leaving an hour and rinsing and leaving a 40cm oscillating fan blowing across the buds , tonight thre are no signs of borg...

I still have to finish clearing my undercanopy of excess growth...and they are in there...so I'm going to finish clearing the canopy tonight and treat a second time tomorrow...

Do you think this would damage the roots if I sprayed and rinsed 10 mins later?



Just for reference purposes, has anyone tries just dish soap and water? I know that a good shot of dish soap in a large glass of warm water kills some types of wasps on contact. Good for a douche on yellow jacket wasps nest (US). Be sure and run away anyway...lol


i wasnt brave enough to try the formula to start with.

Why not find grandma's {or equivalent!} mite infested rose bush and play wargames?...test out your new superweapon?

Think this mite eradicator will work with a super soaker? :)

Mite Eradicator didn't do SHIT to the mites I had. We are talking a decent # of plants, all fogged with the stuff. It will sure as shit burn if you don't rinse it off.

But my mites- they no die.

Now I use Floramite and Forbid with Azatrol. Nigthy night mites. No choice, nothing else works.


smear some honey on a piece of yellow card...the merest smear...

A couple of hours and you'll know wh@'s hopping about...:)

Mites don't wander much other then on the plants. They are attracted to light/warmth. You'll find them in the canopy just under the first few layers of leaves if you have any left.

Keep treating every 3 days if you can, even if you dont see them. You gotta kill kill. Since you only have a few plants to deal with- rub the leaves with your fingers. Every day or two for a week or 10 days. Very effective mite killer, and there is no immunity to it. Combine with spraying.

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