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Calling all keif masters


Kief and bubble hash are not that different if made correctly. The "trick" is to use great trim or flowers, not much of a trick. And just like hash, different varieties make different melts and yield differently. Great bubble hash varieties make great dry screen.

Quality starts with a microscope, looks for black bits or any other contamination. But really, ya gotta smell it, and smoke it to know what lies inside.
mugs all that call hash weed,they come from the same plant,1 is procesed the other isnt,its not hard to under stand,use your brain


to the rest of the world kief (kif) is dry screen cannabis concentrate.

hash is also screened cannabis concentrate. Hash can be pressed kief. Hash is also something (mis)called bubblehash, this is actually ice water extraction using screens and may or may not be pressed.

you can be pissed, but your morrocan slang terms are obsolete and mean nothing to medical marijuana patients.
i dont know about the rest of the world but the word kief is a morrocan word (check for your self)and it means weed.simple .what dont you lot want to understand.like i said the 1st time ,if any one out here is morrocan or speaks it fluent,please correct me ?
well minty,
in europe they call soccer "football" and in america they call football "soccer", so......
I didnt know there was an "international language law" that was written and enforced by those who know the mighty morrocan lingo.
get over it.
:thank you:
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FYI, The first time I visited Morocco in 1970 hash making was pretty new in Morocco, I stayed with farmers and I an assure you that Kief referred to manicured flower tops with all leaf, seeds, stems, removed and the flowers then chopped finely with a knife with black tobacco, without the tobacco it was not called kief, just Cannabis. No one anywhere in Morocco ever called hash or resin kief.
I call resin, dry sift or water sifted. But Kief?
I am a resin master, not a kief master, I do not even smoke herbal Cannabis, much less black tobacco.
Medical patients are not the best people to know the history of Cannabis or resin or kief, to be honest hashish is not really mainstream in California, herbal Cannabis is.
You are free to call resin kief, but it is not historically correct, wise up.
Kief has been made in Morocco for more then 100 years, Hashish or resin a little over 50 years at the most.
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resin glands (or trichomes) of cannabis which may accumulate in containers or be sifted[2] from loose dry cannabis buds with a mesh-#30 kiefing screen or sieve. Kief contains a much higher concentration of desired psychoactive ingredients, primarily THC, than other preparations of cannabis buds from which it is derived. Traditionally kief has been pressed and baked into cakes as hashish for convenience in storage and shipping, but it can also be vaporized or smoked in its powder form.
The term originates from the Egyptian dialect of Arabic, where the word can be translated as "being buzzed" or "liking to get high". The term "Kief" is used as a verb in common french slang (kiffer) meaning "to enjoy, to take pleasure in or to find meaning or satisfaction in something that others normally wouldn't. The German verb "kiffen" (to smoke cannabis) also derives from this word, as does the noun "Kiffer" (cannabis smoker). In French it can also be used as a noun "un Kiff" meaning something in which you can take pleasure, or simply a treat.

I think we are talking about two different languages, and cultures.
perhaps minty is correct but so are we. he is talking about moroccan terms WE ARE NOT.
the moroccan language does not have exclusive rights to the word "kief" and neither do we.
If you read the above you will see that it has many different meanings in different languages.
with respect, moresntoil


If you want to prove a fact you need to do more research then just wikipedia, they are not the final word believe me. You are correct that no one owns the term kief, but why did the term come into use in Morocco many years before the Moroccans even made hashish?
Maybe the folks in California have just misused the word out of ignorance? Maybe...
How many years do you think people have called resin kief in the states? More then 100?
One thing is clear kief referred to manicured herbal Cannabis flowers chopped up with black tobacco for decades before people started misusing the word out of ignorance and started calling resin or hashish by kief, that is a fact for sure.
When you say the Moroccan language does not have exclusive rights to the word "kief" can you please tell me where the term was used to describe a Cannabis product prior to their use? I know of none.
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FYI, The first time I visited Morocco in 1970 hash making was pretty new in Morocco, I stayed with farmers and I an assure you that Kief referred to manicured flower tops with all leaf, seeds, stems, removed and the flowers then chopped finely with a knife with black tobacco, without the tobacco it was not called kief, just Cannabis. No one anywhere in Morocco ever called hash or resin kief.
I call resin, dry sift or water sifted. But Kief?
I am a resin master, not a kief master, I do not even smoke herbal Cannabis, much less black tobacco.
Medical patients are not the best people to know the history of Cannabis or resin or kief, to be honest hashish is not really mainstream in California, herbal Cannabis is.
You are free to call resin kief, but it is not historically correct, wise up.
Kief has been made in Morocco for more then 100 years, Hashish or resin a little over 50 years at the most.

Hey sam thanks for chiming in, like I said many people try to claim things, however when its you I will take your word for it!

I should have called the thread resin masters, I guess I thought that might cause more confussion then kif or kief haha, either way :respect: your dry sift is my goal one day.

I would love to smoke just pure resin / rosin / your 99.99% dry sift, however I am still young and in the process of learning, and my lungs are also young as well, so for now my dry sift or kief is doing the job(even though there is much plant in it)

If you want to prove a fact you need to do more research then just wikipedia, they are not the final word believe me. You are correct that no one owns the term kief, but why did the term come into use many years before the Moroccans even made hashish?
Maybe the folks in California have just misused the word out of ignorance? Maybe...
How many years do you think people have called resin kief in the states? More then 100?
One thing is clear kief referred to manicured herbal Cannabis flowers chopped up with black tobacco for decades before people started misusing the word out of ignorance and started calling resin or hashish by kief, that is a fact for sure.

I have also heard of kif used to mean what you are refering to, however I was told KEIF is different, why cant we just accept that we all have different languages and meanings and just learn to work around it?

All I know is I love the stuff that looks like this

FYI, The first time I visited Morocco in 1970 hash making was pretty new in Morocco, I stayed with farmers and I an assure you that Kief referred to manicured flower tops with all leaf, seeds, stems, removed and the flowers then chopped finely with a knife with black tobacco, without the tobacco it was not called kief, just Cannabis. No one anywhere in Morocco ever called hash or resin kief.
I call resin, dry sift or water sifted. But Kief?
I am a resin master, not a kief master, I do not even smoke herbal Cannabis, much less black tobacco.
Medical patients are not the best people to know the history of Cannabis or resin or kief, to be honest hashish is not really mainstream in California, herbal Cannabis is.
You are free to call resin kief, but it is not historically correct, wise up.
Kief has been made in Morocco for more then 100 years, Hashish or resin a little over 50 years at the most.

Sam! NO ONE on IC uses the term "resin" except for you... Let go of dying terminology. Slang changes. But yeah, lol at the wiki reference, he must not hang out in our sub-forum.

And sorry for the reality check BUT in reality most everyone agrees with the terms (re: kif/hash) I have listed. I participated in the MCSC (medical cannabis safety council) efforts to define proper Cannabis nomenclature. We actually think about this kind of stuff, as the industry is HUGE... but I don't mind your attitude, we all got problems. It's not about history MAN! It's about consistent labeling of medicinal cannabis products to sell at the store. It's 2011. We smoke CO2 extractions, sonic vibration extractions, all sorts of cool concentrates.

What you know about main stream California?... lol... didn't you leave with 5 pounds of seeds some 30+ years ago, starting the whole amdam scene?
The dispensary I worked at/vend has ten kinds of flowers and 30 kinds of concentrates. Ice water extract, dry screen, butane, CO2, O2, sonic, delta-9, some other stuff I can't recall. The best concentrate smoking gear is coming from aqua lab glass... here. C'mon now. We know how to smoke here, the rest of the world just tries to keep up. You act like smoking concentrate only is a big deal... lol, we got full melt of all sorts everywhere. We smoke what we choose. I like to mix flowers and concentrates sometimes. Sometimes just concentrates. Lots of late night hash capsules.

The Delta-9 concentrate (dry-ice dry-screen plus some little tricks) here is on par with your's or anyone's. Pure is Pure. After that it's about variety and how well you've grown it.

Sam, if you have not tried making ice-water extraction with fresh flash-frozen trim, you really should give it a shot. IMO on par with the best dry screen.
Maybe the folks in California have just misused the word out of ignorance? Maybe...
And maybe not-so veiled insults from a mod are uncalled for and possibly something that needs to be called to attention.

How many years do you think people have called resin kief in the states? More then 100?
Like I said before, slang terms change. IC has it's own language, and like I said. Kief is Kif is dry screen.

One thing is clear kief referred to manicured herbal Cannabis flowers chopped up with black tobacco for decades before people started misusing the word out of ignorance and started calling resin or hashish by kief, that is a fact for sure.
Ignorance may be, but the meaning of words change. Being angry about it doesn't reverse the fact that the language of IC is clear. Your assertion that kief is flowers and black tobacco is out of left field.
When you say the Moroccan language does not have exclusive rights to the word "kief" can you please tell me where the term was used to describe a Cannabis product prior to their use? I know of none.
That's a silly argument Mr. Skunkman. Inventing a word does not give a nation rights to the meaning of this word forever. The CANNAWORLD knows no boundaries. They only exist in our heads. Welcome to 2011. Kief is kif is keif is UNPRESSED DRY-SCREEN CONCENTRATE. You want a resource? I cite ICmag and the thousands of post where dry screen is called kif (or keif or kief). Resin on the other hand is used by you... and maybe a couple other folks stuck on 20th century slang. I highly doubt this is an American vs. English thing. Cannabis slang is global... we all talk here.


Its not about history? I beg to differ. Are you saying if everyone started calling Cannabis "pie" then pie would be the correct term?
Sorry, I do not agree.
As for everyone agreeing that the term is correct are these the same people that all agreed that THC was formed by the plant from CBD until shown otherwise? Or that THCV was the best Cannabinoid, until I proved it was a THC antagonist? Also I have visited California many many times and I personally know many of the biggest owners, for many years before they opened their dispensaries. For what it is worth.
I am also very close friends with the aqua lab folks and helped them many times when I could. I never meant you don't know how to smoke, I meant most people in California don't just smoke hash, they prefer herbal Cannabis, true? The rest of the world is just trying to keep up? Are you joking? How many years of tradition does California have? Compare that to Sinsemilla production in India hundreds of years ago, California, maybe 50 years at the most. Cannabis in California is a new industry, period. Compare that to traditional countries that have produced Cannabis and resin products for hundreds of years.
The delta9 products I saw were not as pure as my dry sift, close but not as clean. BTW, my method was not developed in California or Europe even, not that it matters. Also, I tried frozen trim with ice water extraction more then a decade ago and while good it is not really my cup of tea if I have access to FMCD dry sift. All water sifting removes some of the terpenoids, I like terpenoids.

Sam! NO ONE on IC uses the term "resin" except for you... Let go of dying terminology. Slang changes. But yeah, lol at the wiki reference, he must not hang out in our sub-forum.

And sorry for the reality check BUT in reality most everyone agrees with the terms (re: kif/hash) I have listed. I participated in the MCSC (medical cannabis safety council) efforts to define proper Cannabis nomenclature. We actually think about this kind of stuff, as the industry is HUGE... but I don't mind your attitude, we all got problems. It's not about history MAN! It's about consistent labeling of medicinal cannabis products to sell at the store. It's 2011. We smoke CO2 extractions, sonic vibration extractions, all sorts of cool concentrates.

What you know about main stream California?... lol... didn't you leave with 5 pounds of seeds some 30+ years ago, starting the whole amdam scene?
The dispensary I worked at/vend has ten kinds of flowers and 30 kinds of concentrates. Ice water extract, dry screen, butane, CO2, O2, sonic, delta-9, some other stuff I can't recall. The best concentrate smoking gear is coming from aqua lab glass... here. C'mon now. We know how to smoke here, the rest of the world just tries to keep up. You act like smoking concentrate only is a big deal... lol, we got full melt of all sorts everywhere. We smoke what we choose. I like to mix flowers and concentrates sometimes. Sometimes just concentrates. Lots of late night hash capsules.

The Delta-9 concentrate (dry-ice dry-screen plus some little tricks) here is on par with your's or anyone's. Pure is Pure. After that it's about variety and how well you've grown it.

Sam, if you have not tried making ice-water extraction with fresh flash-frozen trim, you really should give it a shot. IMO on par with the best dry screen.


I was not trying to be insulting even a little bit, I was just pointing out the reason so many people call resin kief. No matter how many times you call resin kief it does not make it so. I am not angry even the littlest bit, you are mistaken. As for "my assertion that kief is Cannabis flowers and black tobacco chopped up together", I am merely reporting what I saw and found in 1970 Morocco, it is not an assertion, it is a fact of what I found.

And maybe not-so veiled insults from a mod are uncalled for and possibly something that needs to be called to attention.

Like I said before, slang terms change. IC has it's own language, and like I said. Kief is Kif is dry screen.

Ignorance may be, but the meaning of words change. Being angry about it doesn't reverse the fact that the language of IC is clear. Your assertion that kief is flowers and black tobacco is out of left field.

That's a silly argument Mr. Skunkman. Inventing a word does not give a nation rights to the meaning of this word forever. The CANNAWORLD knows no boundaries. They only exist in our heads. Welcome to 2011. Kief is kif is keif is UNPRESSED DRY-SCREEN CONCENTRATE. You want a resource? I cite ICmag and the thousands of post where dry screen is called kif (or keif or kief). Resin on the other hand is used by you... and maybe a couple other folks stuck on 20th century slang. I highly doubt this is an American vs. English thing. Cannabis slang is global... we all talk here.


Active member
Cmon guys...

Kief is a really old word its been around fore so long time you just cant change the meeing off it, that makes alot off confusion.

I have often found that i need a good decriptive word fore oure unpressed resin powder,
in danish we use the word "Ryst" that means "Shake" and everybody in the bizz know the meaning and you can add a prefix like in and outdoor to it. Then pepol know that it is unpressed resin powder from either in or outdoor bud.

I agree, that the word resin is not that used and i understand the word, as a term fore secretion.

But the word Dry sift is used by many and implys that a process off sieving was used to make the product, adding dry tell us that no water was used, maby dry sift is a boring word but its much better that Keif.

The word Keif, Kief or Kif is also in the hashish bizz slang fore very low quality hash, you are implying that its just pressed floor crapings from the farm and old left overs from years back.

So in europa many will hear it as a negativ remark, in marokko they will find the jibsi and smoke it

Is it just me but havent we hash heads here in the sub forum always called it dry sift.

Do pepol in U.S.A use the word Dry sift.



Cmon guys...

Kief is a really old word its been around fore so long time you just cant change the meeing off it, that makes alot off confusion.

I have often found that i need a good decriptive word fore oure unpressed resin powder,
in danish we use the word "Ryst" that means "Shake" and everybody in the bizz know the meaning and you can add a prefix like in and outdoor to it. Then pepol know that it is unpressed resin powder from either in or outdoor bud.

I agree, that the word resin is not that used and i understand the word, as a term fore secretion.

But the word Dry sift is used by many and implys that a process off sieving was used to make the product, adding dry tell us that no water was used, maby dry sift is a boring word but its much better that Keif.

The word Keif, Kief or Kif is also in the hashish bizz slang fore very low quality hash, you are implying that its just pressed floor crapings from the farm and old left overs from years back.

So in europa many will hear it as a negativ remark, in marokko they will find the jibsi and smoke it

Is it just me but havent we hash heads here in the sub forum always called it dry sift.

Do pepol in U.S.A use the word Dry sift.


Damn it seems this thread is now about the words kief and resin and how they are different.



Active member
Damn it seems this thread is now about the words kief and resin and how they are different.


There are so much info on dry sifting, i really urge you to read up on the topic, there is alot off good info in this forum.

My take on how to make tasty dry sift - keif is very simpel and said before, grow strains that you like the high from, grow them well and flush them well to.

Then dry the plant matter fore 3-6 months, get some mesh, break up the buds, sift that softly, play around with it, find the quality that you look fore.

I use a homemade tumbler with 90my nets fore my greenhouse
stuff and spind it gently around fore 15mins, indoor materiale i shake in a bucket very gently first then tumbel that afterwords.

One can investigate the glandhead size distribution and find the mesh that rings in that distribution.

Also i like to sift then let the plant matter dry out some more 1 month, and then sift it again. I find that aged trichomes falls off more easy.
Its not about history? I beg to differ. Are you saying if everyone started calling Cannabis "pie" then pie would be the correct term?
Sorry, I do not agree.
Another silly assertion Mr. Skunkman. You must be feeling the kief you smoke. History is important, but is NOT STATIC. Words change, take on new meaning. There is no disagreeing with the truth.

As for everyone agreeing that the term is correct are these the same people that all agreed that THC was formed by the plant from CBD until shown otherwise? Or that THCV was the best Cannabinoid, until I proved it was a THC antagonist?
lol Mr. Skunkman. That's funny. You are confusing facts with semantics and the meaning of slang terminology... another silly argument.

Also I have visited California many many times and I personally know many of the biggest owners, for many years before they opened their dispensaries. For what it is worth.
That's cool. I live here, I personally know many of the dispensary owners. And have worked at one of the more respected outlets. As a vendor it's my business to go from dispensary to dispensary, and to know what they sell. Concentrates are taking over CA.

I am also very close friends with the aqua lab folks and helped them many times when I could. I never meant you don't know how to smoke, I meant most people in California don't just smoke hash, they prefer herbal Cannabis, true?
This may be true, but what I am pointing out is that among the growers and dispensary folks, hash is already the preferred smoke. Most of us won't smoke flowers without concentrate on top. If we smoke joints, they are full of hash too. I have at least three different hash smoking devices.

The rest of the world is just trying to keep up? Are you joking?
Yes, a little humor now and then to lighten the mood.

How many years of tradition does California have?
Uhh... did you not create the entire amdam scene with our genetics thirty some years ago? Do the best clone-only varieties exist here (elsewhere as well but started here in most cases)? Is age more important that actions/contributions?

Compare that to Sinsemilla production in India hundreds of years ago, California, maybe 50 years at the most.
Yes but we make up for that time with quality and quantity :)

Cannabis in California is a new industry, period.
BS Mr. Skunkman. If you are speaking geologically, then yes. But hippies have been growing in CA for a long time. You took our genetics overseas 30 years ago because they were(are) the best. The world owes CA a huge thanks. Maybe a thanks to yourself as well for your role in the spread/take-over of CA genetics

Compare that to traditional countries that have produced Cannabis and resin products for hundreds of years.
Uh yeah, our focus on "quality" instead of "quantity for export" has catapulted us to the front line of hash masters, kief masters ect. Having a medical focus is a good thing for quality... I'm sure you agree.

The delta9 products I saw were not as pure as my dry sift, close but not as clean. BTW, my method was not developed in California or Europe even, not that it matters. Also, I tried frozen trim with ice water extraction more then a decade ago and while good it is not really my cup of tea if I have access to FMCD dry sift. All water sifting removes some of the terpenoids, I like terpenoids.

Can we talk about the last statement you made, as this is commonly accepted as fact, yet I have seen zero peer review literature to back this up. Theoretically, the terpenes (different than terpenoids, but you know that :) ) are trapped inside the trichome heads. How can they be washed away? And when I make hash it smells just as strong as the kief. In fact, my hash methods result in bubble that looks/smells/tastes/burns just like FMCD dry screen. Beyond that, dispensary buyers and patients can't tell the difference between my ice water extraction and dry sift. It's all about how you break up and dry your ice water extract.

Blonde ice water extract (romulan):
I agree, that the word resin is not that used and i understand the word, as a term fore secretion.
Quick, get the time machine, the flux capacitor is fired up. Let's travel to a time when resin was the term for dry screen concentrate. :bump:

Do pepol in U.S.A use the word Dry sift.

Yes, as that term is main stream mmj. But we say "dry screen" with the added
"concentrate" for legal purposes.


There are so much info on dry sifting, i really urge you to read up on the topic, there is alot off good info in this forum.

My take on how to make tasty dry sift - keif is very simpel and said before, grow strains that you like the high from, grow them well and flush them well to.

Then dry the plant matter fore 3-6 months, get some mesh, break up the buds, sift that softly, play around with it, find the quality that you look fore.

I use a homemade tumbler with 90my nets fore my greenhouse
stuff and spind it gently around fore 15mins, indoor materiale i shake in a bucket very gently first then tumbel that afterwords.

One can investigate the glandhead size distribution and find the mesh that rings in that distribution.

Also i like to sift then let the plant matter dry out some more 1 month, and then sift it again. I find that aged trichomes falls off more easy.

Umm I know, I have read alot of it and been told alot of it in this thread, if you have some nice kief or any tips that havent been posted yet feel free to post them, I am not asking how to make kief anymore... lol, just dont want people going off topic talking about what resin is called where they are at.



and yeah, it's true, languages evolve, mutate and modernize, that's just the way it is.

Another somewhat related example of how a word is incorrect but becomes popular in it's usage - the word "pollen" or "pollem" which is used to describe loose resin in Holland coffeeshops, and like the word kif, pollem or pollen is not what it is, but now it's embedded into popular usage in the Netherlands.

Personally, I prefer the word "dry sifted hash" or "dry sifted resin"....maybe we should call it "DSR"?

and then there's the difference spelling of kif and kief, Americans mostly spell it as "kief" and pronounce it as "keeeef" but the correct pronunciation is a hard "K" followed by an "if", so kif is probably the best way to spell it...but hey, that's a whole new thread. lol
and yeah, it's true, languages evolve, mutate and modernize, that's just the way it is.

Another somewhat related example of how a word is incorrect but becomes popular in it's usage - the word "pollen" or "pollem" which is used to describe loose resin in Holland coffeeshops, and like the word kif, pollem or pollen is not what it is, but now it's embedded into popular usage in the Netherlands.

Personally, I prefer the word "dry sifted hash" or "dry sifted resin"....maybe we should call it "DSR"?

and then there's the difference spelling of kif and kief, Americans mostly spell it as "kief" and pronounce it as "keeeef" but the correct pronunciation is a hard "K" followed by an "if", so kif is probably the best way to spell it...but hey, that's a whole new thread. lol

DSR, that could work. But here resin in the garbage in your pipe after smoking. What do you call that?

And I say both 'k-if' and 'k-eyf', lol, americans.

Pollen, LOL, now that's funny. Good thing sam moved there and showed them how it's done :)

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