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Cali's back! 24 GI's, 800 watts, canna coco, ebb and flo



greenatik-Yea I hear ya, the shooting powder wasnt too bad on the wallet no. And I kept it so long, still have half a pouch, only put 1 pinch into 1 gallon every time.

-Thanks bro, I'm stoked too! Didnt even have to use any strings to train them, and they are so crowded that I'm hoping each plant will support it's neighbors weight.

hazy-For sure man that's the easy part! Just throw two 400's in a space smaller than 3x3 and you've got the sweet spot everywhere! lol

krushonkush-How was your turkey day bro?? Now we get to move on to something I really like! :eggnog:

So the plants are looking pretty good, I desperatley need to go pick up a dehumidifier, my friends got one waiting I am just lagging. Other than that everything is super healthy, weve got pistils shooting now and they are on their third week. So about 17 days of 12/12 now. That just leaves about 40 days til :tree:!!! (Harvest is what I am implying with that little dude carrying his trees away haha) Havent given them PK boost yet, but I will probably tonight or tommorow. Then hydroplex bud boomer will go in about week 4 lightly, then 5 strong.


Trimmed them up a little bit too.


MH half



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Looking good Cali. Looks like some bomb smoke coming your way. How long are you planning on flushing?

Mine are just starting week 6 or ≈13DAYS away from chop . I've been a prick about updating my thread but I will tonite when Lights come on.


707Corridor-So what is that likea 49 day flower? Nice! Yea your plants are looking dank and done already lol. I usually like to flush like 10 days or so, I want to see yellow ass fan leaves and also yellow sugar leaves if possible....

Shan Diego-Hey nice to see ya in here Shan, thanks a lot! hows everything been with ya?

Things are startin to frost up here! OH, BIG THANKS TO SPICOLI FOR THE DEHUEY!!! My humidity dropped from 70+ to 53, and in 2 days I pulled 2 gallons of water out of that thing!!! Crazy awesome! Plants look sweet too, had to put new trays in cuz they are cheap and two of em cracked and leaked once and I was pissed! So I double trayed them, hopefully that'll help.

Check out the bic being held up by the canopy ;)








Wish I had the tripod the other night off my deck.....shame its a bit blurry but still nice. Perhaps we can say the blurryness gives it some sort of character, at least that makes me feel better, lol.


Exactly the end of week three, now the filling begins.



Nice work Cali...nice to see your in flowering and starting to see some buds coming along. They look like they are setting up to be some frosty stuff.

Actually the querkle is a 56 day strain. Just starting week 7 tomorrow and I'll probably start flushing @ the end of this week or start of next week depending on what the Trichomes tell me. Don't worry...you'll see some DANK when I chop.

How long are you planning on letting these girls go?


Active member
you know, those cloning trays have a blkhd template on the bottom....you could flood that coco and drain to a small rubbermaid resi...now that your all de-huey'ed an all..:eggnog:
keep this one rolling i want to see the end yield off what you can do with this strain finally i see some one near my area northern cali here


707Corridor-So your about done then right?? I gotta check and see if you posted anything...but I dont think you have yet, so that means you have harvested and you've been blazing FAT!!!!!!! lol. I am trying to let these ladies go like 60 days, I want to really push everything I can outta them, I have cut her down around 45, 50, 55, and 60, and 60 was prime stone smoke. Usually I cant take her that long because I have such high humidity in my box even with bomb ventilation, I'm just in an area close to the beach so it's pretty high most of the time. Now I got that dehuey, and everything's looking awesome. There should be no mold issues, but wish me luck eh?

bbing-I think in my last thread I showed pics of small rubber maid trash cans for reservoirs and I was gonna do a perpetual ebb and flow. Somehow I just said fuck that and now I'm hoping I pull a big enough harvest to afford a new 2X4 tent, a digi 600, and a tray for ebb and flow. Cant fucking WAIT!!!!! Dude, biking totally fucking wrecked me, I've been on the injured list for like 5 months now.....

keeper-Yea broit took so long for another one to get up, i am so disappointed I waited. I have been buying herb from a friend for the past month or so, I got lucky and an IC member hooked me up too, but I blazed right through it. Still another month out from this harvest, but at least I got a job atm so it's not too bad.

SirSmokalot-Dude, ever strain you have is frostier than mine lol.

Moneygrowonweed-Fo sho brotha, there are tons of people from cali on this site...Thanks for stoppin by!

Ok so I think we are at like 28 days in these shots. Looking decent, but I cant wait to see what a digi 600 could do a with a new set up....







Actually I only took one down last night.

Gonna see avatar soon...I'll be taking pics of the girls when I get back because it'll be chop chop time. So yeah this time I wasn't going to bail on the harvest/chop pics.

By the way, damn your girls looking frosty nice job. :joint:


No Longer a Human Watering Can
nice buddy those are looking great ... i hadnt stopped into this thread yet , what a douche i am !!!! :wave:

anyways ,,, i like the look of those new GI's.... my wife even said while looking over my shoulder ... "who's GC are those " i said well good eye but not quite ....

so do you just have those in little trays ??

**EDIT** yea u are in little tray .. i should pay more attention ... i was just so distracted by your dank nugs:smokeit:
i thought i had such a great idea ha ha ha great minds think alike



My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
shit cali looks great in there
ur environmental conditions in the cab are like my room, only 7-8 degrees colder at night then mine is lol.
nice F'n canopy though and great job on the undercarraige!

JACK ur wife needs to talk with my lady. she could use some of those skills eyeballin shit! lol u lucky guy u!

ah cali u make me wanna send u a few nugs with that news. glad hazy plugged u up for a min! went fast though i see.

yo 707 eat some caps then go to avatar in 3d.
sick ass movie yo! gonna round 2 view it on shrooms myself!


breathe deep
Thats some beautiful foliage and flowers you have there. real uniform.
Thanks for helping me out when i asked for some tips. I see i was asking a pro.


idoreallytry-Thanks bro, glad to see I have you keeping my bitches company, I know they like green thumbs around haha.

whatissixbynine-Hell yea thanks mang!!! I think you'll like the new shots better....day 39 is insaaane!

-DUUUUDE, WTF. Seriously I want to see Avatar so bad, had it all planned out...Was gonna go with a few friends, and even my pops was gonna come. We went to go check it out in IMAX 3D but, Sold out til midnight. Went online last night to buy tickets for tonight, sold out. Had to buy them two days in advance so were going on Tuesday! I wanna take some shrooms, but my buddy and girlfriend aren't feeling it around so many people so I decided to hold off. Heard it was dope on shrooms though lol. so hows that Querkle treatin ya??

-It's all good brotha, the show aint over yet! Your wife has an amazing eye then dude, that's awesome! Yea dude they are in trays, honestly I was wondering if you had seen my thread before where I was trying to set up trays and ebb and flo. Thought you maybe got the idea from me ;) haha but yes there are tons of people doing this, I know I saw it many places before I decided to try it. But the plants love it, sucking up a lot of water now, and looking amazing! Watering at least 3/4 a gallon a night per 8 plants. So what, that's like a little over 2 gallons night. Sweet! Hmmm.....15+ gallons a week eh??? Damn....Someone correct my math if I am wrong!

SirSmokalot-Sweet! The lower temps helps with my sweet colors!!! haha, that's my secret! Yea Jack's makin us both jealous with that shit ;) Yea I was so stoked for my Christmas nugs, Hazy is the man, he has been so helpful with tons of things and has never asked for anything in return. Good to hear that I won't be the only one going back to see Avatar on shrooms, it should be even sicker the 2nd time....I havent even seen it once yet!!

teddybud-Teddybud! Great to see you dude! Hope all is well, I seem to remember you from some time back right?? Take care!

inreplyavalon-haha, duno bout pro but thanks, and no problem if you have any questions I'll really try my best to get you an answer.

Rolling on day 39 here, yea, day 39!!! I'm planning on taking the ladies to day 60 of flower, I know they can really pump up and my humidity is dialed so I figured I'll go for it. In week 6 should I pump up the boosts to their maximum recommended dosage?? During week 4 I started, than in 5 I raised the boost levels. In 6 i'm wondering if I should really pump them, or stick with what I gave them in week 5? I know the GI can take a good amount of nutrients, but I don't want to be burnin em if anyone think's week 6 is a good week to back off....??? Got tons of shot's my bad haha.






Been taking Macro shots with a new extension tube I got for Christmas, I'm not quite on point with it yet but I should be soon.











Only 20 days left, so that's 3 weeks....I guess I could do week 5 again in week 6, really back off on week 7, and totally pure water for week 8 and 9. Yea that sounds good. Hope everyone's liking the show! PEACE