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Active member
And you are not seeing the big picture, thing is, first California, then the rest of the USA, and then the world! It could be a step into complete legalization of the plant.
I don't like the government stepping in either, but less i like the possibility of going to jail.
Anyway, if there is so much people in the weed world against it, it is because we know it's not what should happen...what should happen is what J.Herer said, the government should go to jail for jailing people for cannabis (and so many other crimes against mankind), but that will never happen so maybe we have to conform and play their game? we are already doing it anyway...



Active member
I am trying to get a feeling if the Tc2010 initiative has any chance of passage in California in November? Or support from any growers?
In the USA over 800,000 people a year are arrested for Cannabis, this has to stop.
Few growers seem to want the government to Tax and Regulate Cannabis. Many fear loss of income, and competition from big biz agriculture as well as government interference.
Consumers want lower prices, and safe Cannabis to consume that is free of molds, contaminates, poisons like insecticides, fungicides, or herbicides, as well as any pest insects.
I support the tax and regulate initiative for the simple reason it is the only way on the horizon to end the over 800,000 arrests a year in the USA. First California then the rest of the states is my hope.
I have fought for 45 years to have Cannabis brought into the mainstream, and I understand the easiest way may well be to give big biz a piece of the pie, to grow and sell Cannabis, and government a piece by taxing and regulating the industry like they do with alcohol. I want Cannabis to be brought into the mainstream.
I know that if Cannabis is taxed and sold legally people will not go to jail for growing a personal supply at home. I also suspect few people will grow at home after a decade of legal Cannabis at the 7-11. Maybe about the same that make their own beer or wine, less then .01% of drinkers.
To me the real decision growers need to make before they cast their ballot in November is do they care more about their personal income then the 800,000 plus arrested each year?
I would find it more then unbelievable if the reason the initiative fails by a few % is because of Cannabis growers in the state not wanting to lose their income. For growers to join ranks with the cops, prison guards, prohibitionists, federal government jerks from the DEA and NIDA, to defeat the initiative would be really a sad day for Cannabis, and me.
So lets hear, if you are a California voter and grower, just why you will support or not support the Tax and Regulate initiative this November?


That one was knocked out of the stadium! My thoughts exactly :ying:

Not to mention all the people locked up currently over 1.1 million non violent people in prisons and our failing judicial system that is over run with typical marijuana arrests.

The history if men trying to protect their jobs is marred with bad decisions, at one time people used to kill people for wearing cotton and it was punishable by law.....Thank the wool growers for that!

Please don't make the same mistakes because you are in a position of power and only trying to protect yourself.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
You call permission from the nanny state Freedom, you are a fool!
you still dont get it. I dont need permission. no one does. What we do need though is protection from prison for growing a house plant.

The only reson the rest of the nation has gotten anywhere with pot laws is because cali did it first. You guys are the lab mice.

this bill is a stepping stone in a raging river so to speak. and a vote is like a person. if a person misses a stepping stone one of three things will happen. You will have to start back on the other side, you will get to where you were going but it will be a much harder task, or you will fall in the river and hit your head, then drown fairly quickly.

so voting no is like voluntarily drowning yourself pretty much. so technically is is better for me to cut your hands off then let you drown. You will have no hands but you will live, just get a Tetanus shot :tiphat:
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you still dont get it. I dont need permission. no one does. What we do need though is protection from prison for growing a house plant.

The only reson the rest of the nation has gotten anywhere with pot laws is because cali did it first. You guys are the lab mice.

this bill is a stepping stone in a raging river so to speak. and a vote is like a person. if a person misses a stepping stone one of three things will happen. You will have to start back on the other side, you will get to where you were going but it will be a much harder task, or you will fall in the river and hit your head, then drown fairly quickly.

so voting no is like voluntarily drowning yourself pretty much. so technically is is better for me to cut your hands off then let you drown. You will have no hands but you will live, just get a Tetanus shot :tiphat:

Look I am all for legalization, but I will not be apart of a bill that gives power to the government and multi-national corporations.

Limiting private grows to 5x5 space and comercial growers must be permitted by the government sounds like a FAIL law to me.

I sure as fuck need more than 5x5 space to grow and to think the arrests will go down is a fallacy. They will just arrest you now if your grow is 6x6, do you get what I'm saying.

Voting yes to the first piece of shit bill that comes our way is a sign of weakness or a slave population and like I said before, that is not my style.

I am voting No! So come to my house with that rusty knife and see what happens to your weak ass, putting mad dogs down is what I do! :wave:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^your STILL dont get it. If you have a medical grow now, and are in cali nothing will change for you if this bill passes. According to cali supreme court on 3 different occasions that the plant limit is unconstitutional and you can grow as much as you want. You wont have to pay ANY taxes at all.

On the other hand if you dont have a med card you will still go to prison. It will still be easy as hell to get a med card too. any one can get one, so there is no reason not to have one anyways just so you can grow more.

This bill is more a symbol than anything else. It is a symbol saying America is for legalization.

Also this bill is not a piece of shit. It isn't that good, but it will help the cali economy which needs it desperately.

also if you know how government works then you know the bill WILL be amended to be better, down the road ust like every other single bill that ever passes.

.... but you are scared and ignorant and cant possibly see how anything with the word tax in it can help.



Limiting private grows to 5x5 space and comercial growers must be permitted by the government sounds like a FAIL law to me.

I hate to keep reiterating this point but it seems like people just don't want to read the bill.

Yes, there is a 5 x 5 sq ft limit, but this limit is a floor not a ceiling. In other words, your local jurisdiction can expand the base limit of 5 x 5 to 6 x 6, 7 x 7, etc.

The same goes for the ounce limit for personal consumption. Under the initiative Oakland has the power to increase the limit for personal consumption to, say for instance, 1 lb.
the easiest way may well be to give big biz a piece of the pie
They wont take a piece, they will eat the whole damn thing! Once the corporations come in they will buy lobbyists to create regulations making it illegal for anyone not able to pay the huge fees to grow more than a small number of plants for personal use. That's basically what just happened here in CO. I didn't vote in your poll since I live in CO, but obviously I would vote, HELL NO, keep it MEDICAL.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^hoss did you even fucking read the other post? Big corporation cant touch 215. It was voted in by the people. so your point is invalid. and speaking on the subject that you have poor knowladge on is making you an invalid. stop cause, I like you.

anyone voting no on this bill still at this point is either

A. a sociopath
B. Greedy as Hell
C. huffs spray paint or glue
D. Is Just Plain stupid due to choice to ignore education, cause the bill is right there for anyone to read.
E. Is ignorant and thinks pot is the devil
F. Or is just an ass hole

I can keep going.

So if you cant swallow your pride to vote yes you might end up swallowing your pride along with a mouth full of warm fresh jizz, from your cell mate, t-bone's, huge, throbbing, covered in your own shit (cause it was just in your ass) cock.

have fun with that
also if you know how government works then you know the bill WILL be amended to be better, down the road ust like every other single bill that ever passes.
HUH? You should come to CO sometime and talk to a few growers here. I might know one or two people who would disagree with you on this point.
^hoss did you even fucking read the other post? Big corporation cant touch 215. It was voted in by the people.
BULLSHIT! That's what they kept saying here in CO. But all of a sudden it's illegal for me to sell my wares to dispensaries or anybody else who isn't one of my primary patients. Oh and, for the patients I do sell to, I can't turn a profit, I can only break even. Oh and, I'm limited to 5 patients total now.

You're one naive POS if you think the government can't regulate the hell out of a proposition. Here in CO we had an AMENDMENT and we still got fucked.

You don't know what the hell you are talking about, I'm living this shit right now you self righteous know it all.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^This bill is totally different. IT DOES NOT TOUCH 215.
colorado is a different state with different laws.

cali is different too because prop 215 was voted into law by the people and cant be amended unless the people vote on that too. This is why cali leads the way.

Plus as soon as the bill goes into effect in Colorado there will be law suit against it due to the fact that it is so bad, and easy to prove it is contradicting and illegal. That bill in CO wont last long. It will be amended and fixed.

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Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
And you are not seeing the big picture, thing is, first California, then the rest of the USA, and then the world! It could be a step into complete legalization of the plant.
I don't like the government stepping in either, but less i like the possibility of going to jail.
Anyway, if there is so much people in the weed world against it, it is because we know it's not what should happen...what should happen is what J.Herer said, the government should go to jail for jailing people for cannabis (and so many other crimes against mankind), but that will never happen so maybe we have to conform and play their game? we are already doing it anyway...




...Ya know Hash Zep.....yer a borderline fascist.....maybe California is not interested in bein' yer testers....ya should just mind yer own affairs and sharpin' up that rusty knife of yers.

Lable me however ya want....NO is the answer....get a grip...let me know when yer in Ocean Beach....I'll buy ya a taco and smoke ya out. Bringin' that knife would be a bad idea though.

Just because someone doesn't see thingys yer way....doesn't make them wrong.... yer attitude is disturbin'...ya sound like a child....guess we won't be friends afterall.


BULLSHIT! That's what they kept saying here in CO. But all of a sudden it's illegal for me to sell my wares to dispensaries or anybody else who isn't one of my primary patients. Oh and, for the patients I do sell to, I can't turn a profit, I can only break even. Oh and, I'm limited to 5 patients total now.

You're one naive POS if you think the government can't regulate the hell out of a proposition. Here in CO we had an AMENDMENT and we still got fucked.

You don't know what the hell you are talking about, I'm living this shit right now you self righteous know it all.

And what about the over 800,000 arrests a year in the USA? Or the over 85,000 last year in California? Do you have any compassion for any of them, or is it all just about what is best for YOU?

I want to begin the steps to end the 800,000 plus arrests, and what is it that you are trying to do? To me it seems all you want to do is sell your weed to as many as you can for as high price as you can with no real competition allowed. I say let Big Agriculture and Big Biz grow and sell it, and the Government can Tax and Regulate it.
Home growers will still be able to grow personal amounts at home and medical users will not be affected.

To me it is easy, do we want to end the over 800,000 arrests yearly of our Mothers, Fathers, Brothers, Sisters, friends and neighbors. Or do we want to continue with things the way they are to protect some growers way of life? To me there is no choice, vote yes to end the arrests, and to Tax and Regulate now.



Hey Hash douche, what are you doing in your own state? Why don't you concentrate on that and fuck off!

You may trust the government because you are an idiot, but the grown ups in the room know better.


Its not about trusting the government, it should be about ending the arrests of the over 800,000 every year. Take the time and try and explain why it is not worth stopping once and for all? Because you fear the government? Because Dennis and Jack told you not too? Because you want total freedom for you? What about the over 800,000 arrested every year?
It's not even about Taxing & Regulating Cannabis, it is about ending the arrests any way possible, as soon as possible. Wise up.

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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
LOOK! who here believes, actually believes honestly, that cannabis will EVER fuckin be made legal without government and big bidness gettin thiers? really? raise your hands? i would like to know, out of the people who have an opposing view from mine..........................edited....................................and i mean no disrespect to dennis or jack of course...
EDIT... let me rephrase...who here is going to vote no because they believe cannabis should be legal on its own merits and the government should just leave us, and what will be one of the most valuable agricultural crops ever seen on this planet, alone just because cannabis users have been persecuted for so long? i would like to know who is using this reasoning for thier no vote...
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