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CC:"Do you really want monsanto producing your seeds and genetically modifying cannabis?"

I wouldnt mind monsanto improving seedlines. They sure as hell would do it better than 100,000 stoners in their closets. All they do is cause genetic erosion with NO seedline improvements.
Would you not grow a plant that kicks ass on everything youve ever seen? even if it was improved by GE or a large, longterm program by monsanto?
I'll tell you what I'm planning if this becomes legal: Im going to plant 4 thai variants and pre veg them to 3 feet tall at the far corners of my *clearly marked* outdoor marijuana garden. Im going to plant them at that height around feb 1st. Im going to leave them totally untopped. Not only is it fully legal (according to the law of the 5x5 growing area) but it would also yield on a scale I've never seen.


That's what the people in Oregon are doing. they got a 6 plant limit. my friend, who's a certified Oregon caregiver, grows 2 monsters outside and four monsters inside..


CC:"Do you really want monsanto producing your seeds and genetically modifying cannabis?"

I wouldnt mind monsanto improving seedlines. They sure as hell would do it better than 100,000 stoners in their closets. All they do is cause genetic erosion with NO seedline improvements.
Would you not grow a plant that kicks ass on everything youve ever seen? even if it was improved by GE or a large, longterm program by monsanto?

I grow a garden every summer. The tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, etc I grow are much better than anything I can get in the store.

A kick ass seed line that won't produce viable offspring and is filled with pig dna is a good thing? Seedlines don't need to be improved. All the best genetics are out there and been found plenty of times.

I would not grow gm mj. If you need stronger hallucinogens than the current strains of mj provide go get some shrooms. Og Kush? SSH? etc.? I don't see any genetic erosion.

Taxation and regulation are not legalization. Tomatoes are legal. Strawberries are legal. This bill does not legalize cannabis. This bill will only put it in the hands of big business. Look at your food supply and current medical communities. They have fucked up milk, vegetables, meat production, medicine, etc. etc. etc.

I am all for legalization, too bad this bill doesn't provide it.

Sam, how does this bill compare to laws in Holland? Do they limit people to 25 square feet of grow space? How does regulation and taxation = legalization?

This bill is the beginning of the end all right. Why not actually legalize the plant instead of making concessions to big business?
I wouldnt mind a 'modified" and STERILE pot plant. I can take cuttings no problem. The sterile plant wont be affected by all the hemp pollen in the air in the future.

If "pig DNA" makes the plant yield higher, mature in half the time or become resistant to mites or fungal diseases, I wont mind. oinkoink. Its not like its going to start climbing under the fence and eating my veggie garden. get real.

Your garden veggies have already been improved through large scale breeding. Not by closet-wielding potheads. Even IF youre saving seeds from them now, they were already handled professionally.

Seedlines dont need to be improved???????? ok budd. you keep what you have and the world will move onto newer heights in traits. Im optimistic that cannabis has better things to produce through REAL plant breeding.

You probably DONT see genetic erosion. You probably dont even know what it means or how it happens.
I do. I see it in the plants that people now call "finicky" or with genetic problems like twists and chlorophyll issues, plants with a reduced ability to adapt to stressful indoor cultivation, plants that cannot survive outdoors without lots of attention, plants with NO resistance to powdery mildew and Botrytis,...

Good luck in the olde World....


Seedlines dont need to be improved???????? ok budd. you keep what you have and the world will move onto newer heights in traits. Im optimistic that cannabis has better things to produce through REAL plant breeding.

"You probably DONT see genetic erosion. You probably dont even know what it means or how it happens.
I do. I see it in the plants that people now call "finicky" or with genetic problems like twists and chlorophyll issues, plants with a reduced ability to adapt to stressful indoor cultivation, plants that cannot survive outdoors without lots of attention, plants with NO resistance to powdery mildew and Botrytis,..."

It is all about selection. Don't select crappy genetics and you won't get plants with genetic problems.
I don't see genetic erosion because I don't select shitty genetics. I had some ak-47 plants with this problem and some shitty hindu skunk. Guess what I did? I went out and got better genetics. Took me all of about two hours. I was going to wait for science to do all the work for me but decided to get off my ass and go get better genetics. Once Monsanto gets the problem figured out I can stop wasting two hours of my life and I won't have to learn about selecting better plants.

I am still curious how regulation and taxation = legalization. It is a semantic game. If you think foreign dna needs to be inserted into mj we are definitely in disagreement.

"oh, well if its that easy, ok..."

Sub, my point is that this is not legalization. This is regulation and taxation.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
and im sorry if i seemed like a smart ass...still working on my coffee...but arent all agricultural products taxed? shit...maybe down the line the government will pay all of us NOT to grow! canna subsidies! yay! haha


....against....it will be corporate ugliness...these are the Good Old Daze....right now....nevermind....I'll stick to myself.

In California....ya have to really fuck up...to go to jail fer weed. And even then....it is probably not just fer weed.

Keep it medical....keep it somewhat shaded in the underground.....seems fine to me....pay fer yer card....don't try to get rich....just chill.....why tax me mo'? Doesn't seem broken to me...I've been happy with 215 even though I had DEA guns in my face while they busted a club in OB a few yrs ago...it's pretty much in the open now and I don't smoke or grow in fear at all.


I grow a garden every summer. The tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, etc I grow are much better than anything I can get in the store.

A kick ass seed line that won't produce viable offspring and is filled with pig dna is a good thing? Seedlines don't need to be improved. All the best genetics are out there and been found plenty of times.

I would not grow gm mj. If you need stronger hallucinogens than the current strains of mj provide go get some shrooms. Og Kush? SSH? etc.? I don't see any genetic erosion.

Taxation and regulation are not legalization. Tomatoes are legal. Strawberries are legal. This bill does not legalize cannabis. This bill will only put it in the hands of big business. Look at your food supply and current medical communities. They have fucked up milk, vegetables, meat production, medicine, etc. etc. etc.

I am all for legalization, too bad this bill doesn't provide it.

Sam, how does this bill compare to laws in Holland? Do they limit people to 25 square feet of grow space? How does regulation and taxation = legalization?

This bill is the beginning of the end all right. Why not actually legalize the plant instead of making concessions to big business?

Pig DNA in Cannabis??? What for, Fatter buds? Or just bacon flavored? Sounds yummy...
As for "Taxation and regulation are not legalization" are you kidding or just ignoring reality? Remember alcohol prohibition? Remember when they legalized it and Taxed and Regulated it? Or are you saying alcohol is not legal yet also taxed and regulated?
You need to realize that most people buy their food at a store, and the same with alcohol, cigaretts, automobiles, gasoline, air travel, clothing, medicine, all are supplied by big biz to most Americans, why should Cannabis be different? I want Cannabis normalize and part of the mainstream, big agriculture, big biz, Government Taxed & Regulated, all will be part of normalization. And no more 800,000+ arrests a year.
People in Holland can grow 5 plants outdoors, no greenhouse, no lights. It is not legal it is tolerated.
This is not making concessions to big biz it is facing reality of how the world works and trying to prevent the over 800,000 arrests a year in the USA.
Where do you buy your autos, gasoline, alcohol, medicine, clothing, if not from big biz? And if you do support any big biz then why not for Cannabis if it will help end the 800,000+ arrests a year?
Remember you can still grow your own at home for personal use, 25 square feet, and if you have a medical permit even more.
No one will make you buy any Monsanto seeds unless you want to, if they ever even make any, you are just spreading fear in your effort to defeat an initiative that all growers should support if they care at all about the millions of people that have been arrested for Cannabis in the last 73 years, and want to stop it for once and all.



....against....it will be corporate ugliness...these are the Good Old Daze....right now....nevermind....I'll stick to myself.

In California....ya have to really fuck up...to go to jail fer weed. And even then....it is probably not just fer weed.

Keep it medical....keep it somewhat shaded in the underground.....seems fine to me....pay fer yer card....don't try to get rich....just chill.....why tax me mo'? Doesn't seem broken to me...I've been happy with 215 even though I had DEA guns in my face while they busted a club in OB a few yrs ago...it's pretty much in the open now and I don't smoke or grow in fear at all.

And what about the over 800,000 arrests each year, do they count at all? This has to change, the sooner the better...



Active member
In California....ya have to really fuck up...to go to jail fer weed. And even then....it is probably not just fer weed.

I posted this is another thread but here you go...it's a couple years old...I posted a while back the 2009 numbers and it has gotten worse. Your 'no' vote helps keep this trend going....I'm sure the DA's and Cops throughout Cali thank you, from the bottom of their checkbook.


DATE: 9/19/08
CONTACT: Dale Gieinger, CaNORML 415-563-5858


California posted a record surge in marijuana arrests in 2007, according to data from the state Criminal Justice Statistics Center.

Altogether, there were 74,119 arrests for marijuana in 2007, up 13% from the year before. This marks the largest number of arrests since marijuana was decriminalized in 1976.

Felony arrests, which involve sales or cultivation, surged 19% to 16,123, the highest level since the height of the drug war in 1990. Misdemeanor arrests, which involve possession, reached an all-time record high of 57,995, up 12% on the year. The U.S. also reported a record number of marijuana arrests (872,721) in 2007.

The surge in felony arrests appears to reflect increased commercial growing. CAMP eradication statistics have soared in recent years; last year saw an all-time record of 2.9 million plants, up from 1.6 million in 2006.

Much of the crop is exported out of state. The vast majority of the commercial crop is non-medical. Just 10% of California's 3 million marijuana consumers are legal Prop. 215 patients. There was no reduction in MJ arrests in California after passage of Prop. 215.

"The record is clear: marijuana is here to stay, and the law can't put a stop to it," says California NORML Coordinator Dale Gieringer. "Taxpayers would be better off to legalize and tax marijuana than to continue wasting money arresting, prosecuting and imprisoning traffickers in an unwinnable, unending war."

Arrests for other drugs declined in 2007 : dangerous drug felonies (mainly methamphetamine) dropped substantially for the second year in a row to 71,143 (down 15% from 2006); and narcotics felonies declined to 55,078 (down 2%).

Keep it medical....keep it somewhat shaded in the underground.....seems fine to me....pay fer yer card....don't try to get rich....just chill.....why tax me mo'? Doesn't seem broken to me...I've been happy with 215 even though I had DEA guns in my face while they busted a club in OB a few yrs ago...it's pretty much in the open now and I don't smoke or grow in fear at all.

This has nothing to due with medical cannabis. Everyone thinks it does but it doesn't. This is about hundreds of thousands of Californians who like to smoke a joint now and then and don't want to go to jail for it. They don't want or should have to go to a Dr. and come up with some fake excuse to get 'legal'.


Don't fix what ain't broken. Fuck the rest of the world, cannabis is already decriminalized here, if legalization means a regulated and taxed market then I don't want it. The state can go fuck itself, you think new taxes from a market they currently can't tax will fix CA's money problems? Yea drink that Kool-Aid..


....In California 800,000 arrests fer weed a yr?

I don't know dudes...at 44yrs of age....smokin' since I was 14yrs old....if ya want to smoke the weed legally in California....get yer card....and ya don't need lame excuses to get one....it helps me sleep...it helps me relax....those are not lame ailments. I agree givin' some Doc my $ every yr is lame though...

vta....whatever on those stats.....In my scene...it is not happenin'....and therefore can not relate to those stats....and stats can be a funny thingy...dependin' on the angle. Please don't point yer finger at me.....and what ya think I'm supportin' based on those stats. I play by the rules now....I've gone to jail fer weed in my 30 yrs of smokin' it.....it sux....but since 215...is the past.


Active member
....In California 800,000 arrests fer weed a yr?

I don't know dudes...at 44yrs of age....smokin' since I was 14yrs old....if ya want to smoke the weed legally in California....get yer card....and ya don't need lame excuses to get one....it helps me sleep...it helps me relax....those are not lame ailments. I agree givin' some Doc my $ every yr is lame though...

vta....whatever on those stats.....In my scene...it is not happenin'....and therefore can not relate to those stats....and stats can be a funny thingy...dependin' on the angle. Please don't point yer finger at me.....and what ya think I'm supportin' based on those stats. I play by the rules now....I've gone to jail fer weed in my 30 yrs of smokin' it.....it sux....but since 215...is the past.

the 800,000 is total for the US. arrests a year.

Don't worry Pablos...I'm not pointing a finger at you based on those stats :) But if this passes, you will see those numbers fall fast. And those stats are from the Criminal Justice Statistics Center....but then again just one single arrest is too many.

And I've gone to jail for cannabis also, probation etc...and if this law was in place I wouldn't have.


....vta....it's just so difficult fer me to trust.....guess that's what it comes down to in all reality. Took me a long time just to get used to 215....and in this conservative county....rightfully so. Trust....is a tough one....

I realize California would/has opened the doors fer other states...when it comes to cannabis.....but I just wonder how it will work when it becomes mainstream industry....I am a veggie gardener and I'm concerned fer the gene pool there as well....I'd just hate to see mono cropped government backed corporate weed....and I fear...that's where it would eventually go.

I'm a hobby... cannabis cultivator enthusiast....a patient....I don't know all the ins and outs of the politics.....but have been happy and kinda free under 215......I do understand there is a difference between the new thingy and the 215 thingy.....but I believe there would be mo' regulations toward the medical in the future if this were to pass.

Goes without sayin'....that I believe no one should go to jail fer herb....yet again....nobody I know...with their med card...goes to jail in my local circle.


Don't fix what ain't broken. Fuck the rest of the world, cannabis is already decriminalized here, if legalization means a regulated and taxed market then I don't want it. The state can go fuck itself, you think new taxes from a market they currently can't tax will fix CA's money problems? Yea drink that Kool-Aid..

You think that with over 800,000 arrests a year it ain't broken?
Are you serious when you say fuck the rest of the world?
So, your world begins and ends with what is best for just you?
For me I don't care if the Tax it raises will fix California's money problems, it is about the over 800,000 Americans arrested every year, these are our mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, wise up...



....vta....it's just so difficult fer me to trust.....guess that's what it comes down to in all reality. Took me a long time just to get used to 215....and in this conservative county....rightfully so. Trust....is a tough one....

I realize California would/has opened the doors fer other states...when it comes to cannabis.....but I just wonder how it will work when it becomes mainstream industry....I am a veggie gardener and I'm concerned fer the gene pool there as well....I'd just hate to see mono cropped government backed corporate weed....and I fear...that's where it would eventually go.

I'm a hobby... cannabis cultivator enthusiast....a patient....I don't know all the ins and outs of the politics.....but have been happy and kinda free under 215......I do understand there is a difference between the new thingy and the 215 thingy.....but I believe there would be mo' regulations toward the medical in the future if this were to pass.

The one thing you can trust is that without changing the Cannabis laws and taxing and regulating Cannabis arrests will continue to climb, 800,000+ a year is a lot of people.




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You think that with over 800,000 arrests a year it ain't broken?
Are you serious when you say fuck the rest of the world?
So, your world begins and ends with what is best for just you?
For me I don't care if the Tax it raises will fix California's money problems, it is about the over 800,000 Americans arrested every year, these are our mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, wise up...


Read the bill. There will still be plenty of room for arrests in CA on pot offenses. 25sqft growing limitation? 1oz possession limitation? To me this is a step backwards, especially when right now I am allowed to grow and possess as much as I please. I think this is the wrong precedent to set for the first legalization bill. I really wish Jack Herer were still around, I know for sure he would have been one of the first to call this bullshit out.

EDIT: Also that 800,000 is not just in CA, remember this bill will only affect CA law and in a negative way IMO.