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California does NOT need any more GROWERS!

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I agree with post #1, there are too many people trying to move to california to grow "legal" pot and make shitloads of money....reality is you wont make shitloads of money and dont let that hbo show weeds fool you it isnt how it works around here or anywhere.

however if your moving to california to be able to legally grow(or smoke) your own medicine for personal use without worrying then by all means dont let anyone stop you.

ive seen and heard too many people with their get rich schemes in the medical marijuana industry, and it does get rather annoying


Been here a while now and there"s not alot of angry people here.This thread must have people going

I didn't mean this thread specifically. I've read many many threads here and was making a general comment (in response to someone saying big growers are not respected). However, I hope you are right and my initial impression is way off the mark!


Active member
Different strokes brotha. I've done pretty well for myself using my social skills to judge people and taking risks in my life. It ain't "wrong" just because some of you guys might come off as punks or easy for the taking and got robbed a few times..many people are satisfied settling into mediocrity without taking a chance, I'm not one of em.'
Sorry, but I have to agree with headiez247. I wish you well but remember you can't always be lucky. Over the long term, mitigating risk by making wise decisions will get you a lot farther.
Sorry, but I have to agree with headiez247. I wish you well but remember you can't always be lucky. Over the long term, mitigating risk by making wise decisions will get you a lot farther.
I agree. What I'm trying to say is that at some point, if you get in this game, you're going to have to take a risk. Not all risks are created equal, and I agree that you should do everything in your power to put yourself in the best position possible in terms of safety, both from thugs and cops. Even if it means losing out on a few dollars. But the reality of this weed game, for most of us(not all), is that we didn't grow up with somebody who was a blood brother who also happens to middle-man serious weight. At some point, on some level, one needs to take a chance, or you've got nowhere to move anything.

That's all I was trying to imply in terms of taking a chance relative to distribution. Because at that point in the discussion I was hearing too much negativity, saying "don't come out here you're just going to get robbed" etc etc etc.


The shit is blowing up in the last several months ... so is the interest of the State AG and State lawmakers. Changes are coming in some shape or form. Soon.

A bit about Colorado ... huge population explosion in the 90's. 30,000 - 40,000 ppl from Cali a year relocating. Population of metro Denver doubled in the decade of the 90's.

Colorado was straight up Californicated. No personal offense to anyone living in Cali or moving to Colorado from Cali, but us natives have always been hostile to intruders and that is reflected in the industry as well. There are many of us from growers to disp. that are all about ABC. Always Buy Colorado.

There are grumblings amongst the natives about keeping Cali weed out of our State and we really don't want ppl bringing 200# of Cali weed in a U-Haul to dump at a disp and undercut locals who actually voted for the Amendment that made it possible for that U-Hual to make the journey 'cause the industry is new and it is easy to get rid of sub-par weed.

Not saying only sub-par weed comes from Cali. Sub-par comes from everywhere and it can be gotten rid off easy in Colo. right now is all.

Please, no offense meant to anyone, wherever the hell they are from, but I am just being honest that there is a movement, whatever the size, for us locals to prevent that very thing, guys like you moving out here to set up shop to take advantage of what the people of the State of Colorado voted for, not you living in San Diego voted for.

Again, don't take offense as I have no personal beef with you, I am just being flat out honest filling you in on what I have seen as some underlying sentiment in the industry, that a lot native Coloradans will work with other native Coloradans if every thing else is equal, as in price, quality, etc.

I don't speak for every native Coloradn, obviously, but there are those, I assure you as I know them and am one of them, that think like that and would buy my product over yours if it were equal if they knew you were from Cali.

And I prefer to deal with disp. as a grower that are owned by either natives or long time residents.

Don't worry though. If you move here and are a skilled grower, you will have no problems, regardless of what us restless natives grumble about. ;)

It is a bit of a gold rush right now and I think your biggest problem would be having to deal with the fact that we actually have all four seasons here and it can get cold and deciding which grow store has the hottest chicks working there. There is also the unfortunate side effect of living near The Rocky Mountains with plentiful fun shit to do year round to keep you out of your garden and neglecting your girls.

Now I've seen it all Protectionism in the pot industry


Active member
Were sitting tight where were at and waiting for change to come to us.
I know my town, soon as we get the green light it's off to the races.
I don't want to go to some strange town where I don't know anyone and try to establish myself.
First we kill off all the Indians, steal their land...Then we become indignant self-righteous dicks concerned about outsiders ..Got to love the hypocrisy....


Active member
What happend to trying to help out a fellow grower to achieve there goals ???? we are all in the same war its called life and we all just want to live and be happy spread alittle happiness it will come back to ya i bet .
The negative title of this thread says it all !!!!!!

unfortunately in this war called life money is the main factor and sorry, all peace and hippy love aside, if you are moving out here to steal my customers and make me loose business than why would locals support you? why would they want more competition?

same in the car business, we hate it when a new dealership tries to set up shop close to us, its bad for business. good for the customer, but bad for the ones who are trying to make money. good for me because i know more people to grab #s off, but bad for the growers cus they get 200-300 less per pound..


Freedom Fighter
First we kill off all the Indians, steal there land...Then we become indignant self-righteous dicks concerned about outsiders ..Got to love the hypocrisy....

Aw jeez....I, nor anyone I know has ever killed an Indian, stolen any land... I have never owned a slave, or killed a buffalo--
To say any of us are responsible for any of that...is just plain wrong!!
Go ahead man...gimme a Race or Country that you think has a spotless history...and I am sure we can uncover some dirt--
I don't deny these horrible things happened, as they did...but WTF has it got to do with anybody alive today?? And how does it make someone a Hypocrite??
Study History....don't blame it on ppl that were not there, though--


Active member
oh yah. the gun laws kill CA hands down which equates to MUCH LESS CRIME since everyone and their brother is carrying a concealed firearm. and POWDER we get tons of powder. some of the best boarding in the country

this is what a fuckin hate about cali...all the little bangers carry guns but i cant because im not trying to go to jail. i have to drive 4 hours north into the wilderness to shoot my guns, and even then i can only have a ten round magazine and "non lead" ammo BS....fuckin california has way too many freedom restricting laws, all liberal democratic BS designed to strip rights and make us sheeple...thanks for prop215 but FUCK the CA government...
unfortunately in this war called life money is the main factor and sorry, all peace and hippy love aside, if you are moving out here to steal my customers and make me loose business than why would locals support you? why would they want more competition?

same in the car business, we hate it when a new dealership tries to set up shop close to us, its bad for business. good for the customer, but bad for the ones who are trying to make money. good for me because i know more people to grab #s off, but bad for the growers cus they get 200-300 less per pound..

So it is true you think people will come out to cali and out do you at your own game LOL this is just too funny cause you grow enough for everyone in cali .
steal your customers well if they are shopping other places there must be a reason for that right ?
by the way competition makes business better not worse !!!
so put up the bong log off the net and go get your business in the best shape you can cause competition is already there question is can you compete ?
Kmk420kiali ..That was just "Plain Wrong"..forgive my levity..Oh and sorry you missed my point...too..I'll give you a hint...it had nothing to do with killing Injuns...Maybe Armenians would have worked better...Wait..I am going go out on a limb here..You never killed any Armenians either....Drat...I am at a loss...seriously though, I was talking about humanity in general, that's why I said we, pointing the finger at me, too...I am sure you are a good person, don't let my hyperbole get to you....Peace

Oh BTW, everybody is welcome in my neck of the woods...


Freedom Fighter
Kmk420kiali ..That was just "Plain Wrong"..forgive my levity..Oh and sorry you missed my point...too..I'll give you a hint...it had nothing to do with killing Injuns...Maybe Armenians would have worked better...Wait..I am going go out on a limb here..You never killed any Armenians either....Drat...I am at a loss...seriously though, I was talking about humanity in general, that's why I said we, pointing the finger at me, too...I am sure you are a good person, don't let my hyperbole get to you....Peace

Oh BTW, everybody is welcome in my neck of the woods...

Haha!! Welcome to ICMag Folkmaster!!:eggnog:
I had to comment on that, yeah...I was pretty sure you didn't mean it in a "DieMotherFuckerDie!!" kinda way...lol But I love to comment on comments...I have fun, sometimes I have been known to get heated...but this ain't one of them--
Damn...I am high as fuck right now...haha...been makin' Bubble Hash the last few days--
Peace man...I ain't trippin'--
** Oh, but I did kill a rattlesnake last summer!!:headbange
No Problem kmk, I have a tendency to put my foot in my mouth, only because my ass won't fit...Yummmmm on the bubble hash...Peace... Oh, thanks for the welcome..


Active member
So it is true you think people will come out to cali and out do you at your own game LOL this is just too funny cause you grow enough for everyone in cali .
steal your customers well if they are shopping other places there must be a reason for that right ?
by the way competition makes business better not worse !!!
so put up the bong log off the net and go get your business in the best shape you can cause competition is already there question is can you compete ?

worked my way up from the way bottom, 4 years ago i was buying zips and breaking them down for $40 an 8th. the local competition was doing 50 an 8th, so naturally i stole most of the custies. i have always had really low prices compared to most other brokers, im not worried about a little competition because its out there but i know my tickets are low as fuck. while my friends are charging outta towners as high as 48-52 i have a pretty reasonable rate of 38-42....market penetration i learned that in college. btw i dont grow for profit so it doesnt matter, shit if you wanna come out here and set up a big grow and sell me Ps of indoor for 3000 you got my business haha...


I mean for example:

700 a month, drivable to the beach, in what I consider to be heaven on earth, Imperial Beach.

Get a couple 4x8 tents going, 1K watts each, bam. You ain't taking over the world, but you're surviving with enough left over for the little things if you're any good. If you fuck up or get mites or something, man up and go down to McDonalds. Don't ask for a resume ask to speak to the manager, and dress nice. You'll land eventually. You'll survive until your next harvest.

Why is that considered so out of this world difficult, financially or otherwise? I guess I'm just a low class boy satisfied too easy, is that it? Do you guys find 1 bedrooms and studio's unsatisfactory? Perhaps our difference in taste and what it means to have a good quality of life is the root of the disagreement here?

Ive read this whole thread and this makes the most sense out of anyone. Been to cali multiple time multiple parts drove from SF once down to Mexico for a spring break and stopped all along the way to see the west coast and savour as I am from the east coast. I think OP might be a teenager and spoke to soon. LOL on top of it all IDC if you got 20 plants and 50 customers you really cant speak for the whole economy in your state let alont in your city. Think.


Active member
worked my way up from the way bottom, 4 years ago i was buying zips and breaking them down for $40 an 8th. the local competition was doing 50 an 8th, so naturally i stole most of the custies. i have always had really low prices compared to most other brokers, im not worried about a little competition because its out there but i know my tickets are low as fuck. while my friends are charging outta towners as high as 48-52 i have a pretty reasonable rate of 38-42....market penetration i learned that in college. btw i dont grow for profit so it doesnt matter, shit if you wanna come out here and set up a big grow and sell me Ps of indoor for 3000 you got my business haha...

#s of indoor what is the question. You want some kush or you pay the same for some green crack or cherry ak? :eggnog:

Edit: I think you and I have talked about this before lol.


Quality of life is subjective, very much so. What may be fine for you would be impossible for others. Doesn't make you lower class, we all have different standards and ideas. ;)

1 bedroom studios aren't enough for everyone no, many have families, pets, and frequent houseguests. Bigger houses mean higher payments, more cleaning, repairs, and more electricity.

Most people need a car to get around, which means gas, insurance and repairs. I spend about $300 a month on gas, and neither me nor my wife drive much. We've put 10K miles on each our cars in 5 years. Insurance is another couple hundred a month, plus $500 a year in registrations.

Shit, just with my rent, power, and the very few bills above, I need almost $3K a month. McDonalds you can bring home $300 a week, so it's only a couple grand shy, before adding food, phone bills, cable, credit cards, car payments, and garbage service. Don't forget to budget for clothing, entertainment, haircuts and grow supplies too.

I don't go on vacations, I don't have any fancy cars or toys, the only really nice thing I have is my tv, but even that was done slowly over years of upgrading. I don't know anybody who I think is rich, because in my opinion rich means being able to buy things without considering their cost.

Losing a harvest can be bad, or it can be reallly bad. Having savings helps that, but I basically lost two harvests in a row so that's all gone.

No offense lazyman but some of this is really easy to cut off. I understand a pimp wanting gold chains but...... more cleaning???? I know your a lazy man atleast I am guessing but it aint that hard, repairs.... well it depends on the situation but at 24 years old I have a "minor" lets say in electric, plumbing, construction, if you need help this internet is very usefull, youtube, icmag, google. They all usually can give you an answer, unless its a major project then I understand. Cable is a luxury I use the internet like hulu.com, or surfthechannel.com for movies fuck the cable company and your budget list clothing entertainment haircuts and grow supplies are all optional, that is once again luxury. I understand there are people on here with families and alot of responsibilities but for a 20 something kid who wants sun and beach and just to grow with some back up money?....


Active member
I find it ridiculous that people are upset that they cannot sell their product for as much as they had in the past. The plant gives so generously, and you're upset with making 50$ an hour? I have yet to ever make anything close to that per hour and I would call myself quite comfortable. What do you need 50$ an hour for?

I understand that this is many of your occupations, but I can hardly justify selling weed, it's nearly free. I just gave many people beans to quit their asking of my sacred herb. I can hardly resist giving it away, but come on. . . It's got to last me til next autumn.


Thanks for the offer but the business dealings are over with already .

So can we all agree on at least one thing that Hard work is the key to success no matter where you live .

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