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California bill would allow landlords to ban marijuana for renters



With legalization looming on the horizon, California lawmakers are already grappling over how to treat marijuana in a state with some of the strictest tobacco regulations in the country.
A new bill from Assemblyman Jim Wood, D-Healdsburg, would extend to medical marijuana a 2011 law that permitted landlords to prohibit the smoking of cigarettes and other tobacco products on their rental properties. If voters pass a November ballot measure legalizing recreational use, it would apply to all marijuana.
At an Assembly Judiciary Committee hearing Tuesday, where AB 2300 advanced unanimously, Wood pointed to preliminary research from UC San Francisco that found pot smoke can damage your heart and blood vessels as much as cigarette smoke.
“Secondhand smoke, regardless of whether it’s smoke from tobacco or marijuana, is especially problematic in multiunit apartments and condos because the smoke easily travels the windows, doors and other ventilation systems,” Wood said. “It’s a nuisance that tenants should not have to live with.”
California law already prohibits smoking medical marijuana anywhere tobacco is banned, which includes most public places. But the bill sponsor, the California Apartment Association, said it is important to give landlords explicit authority to forbid pot smoke on their properties, since it can create tension among tenants.



Pretty soon it will be illegal to fart in your own apartment.


ICMag Donor
Soooo... would any of yall want some inexperienced growers tearing up your property so they could grow a few plants?

I know I wouldn't care if somebody wanted to grow but there would definitely be a huge repair deposit paid PREVIOUS to anybody moving in.

There's to many kids these days that don't give a shit about how they leave a place when they move out, costing land/home/appt owners huge repair bills.


Good arguments MJ, I agree because I fucked up my floor when not carefuly watering, carpet got soaked and started rising and then cracked resulting into having to remove everything and get a new one

jump /injack

Just more nit picking by politicians who feel they must pass laws to justify their $150,000 salaries. What Assemblyman Jim Wood need is to be primaried and thrown out of office, we do not need more laws we need less. Now the profligates in the Democrat Party want to tax all Cannabis an additional 15% and that's on top of the highest sales tax in the United States of 10.5% or a total of 25% and makes Cannabis for the sick a joke. The money will go the unions and police agencies and if you don't pay it you'll go to prison. Why hasn't these funds been set aside for research, many think that Cannabis is a wonder drug but not the drunks and degenerates of Sacramento. Not one person voting to tax Cannabis ever voted for the legalization of the plant, they all fought against it, this will go to the Unions [prison guard unions]which give back in a quid pro quo to those they've bought and bribed. What we need is to go back to part time legislators like we had before, the budget was balanced, there was not unions dictating to legislators and California had a AAA credit rating and not an "F" like it does now. Politicians give nothing, they take and take care of their friends. In less than 2 decades California has went from the 7th largest economy in the World to a 3rd world, bankrupt shit hole, the roads are terrible and no jobs, the pension funds have been raided and the money blown and the gate have been opened for Mexican Nationals to come here and be feted with welfare, California politicians should not be able to touch this money, it should go 100% to research of the medical Cannabis.


ICMag Donor
Like MJ, protection of property. That's why most places have a pet deposit, security deposit. However damage can really escalate with water, systems, electrical, etc.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Well if you actually read the article it doesnt talk about tenants not being able to grow in their rentals .. it talks about not being able to consume pot in your rental. They dont say a word about growing , which im sure is a whole other can of worms... this is just about telling you that you cant consume MMJ at all in your rental and one of the main reasons listed is because it will cause tension among tenants, not to mention they say second hand pot smoke is as dangerous as tobacco smoke. Not word about water damage and growing . Prolly a good idea to read articles before commenting .. it makes a lot more sense then :)
The second hand smoke thing is great propaganda. Sure if someone smokes a pack a day sitting on the couch with their young kids, a small percentage will be affected. Just smelling the smoke or a little passing by every now and again isn't going to cause any harm to anyone, whether tobacco or cannabis.
When my landlord found my grow he charged me an extra $200a month and I lived there for another six years. 12 months x 200=$2400a year x 6years = a lot of money. The police came in and left the plants but he was notified by the neighbor, which is how he found out. I would much rather pay a $500 deposit like a water bed or pet etc. Some people don't allow water beds or pets, so needless to say there will be lots of landlords preventing people from growing. I think without commercial setups, or hydroponics there really is no great risk to the property. A few plants in a tent or cabinet in pots is plenty safe with no electrical concerns for a few kw. My current property managers would be bummed if he showed up at my place, that's for sure. Two subpanels, three mini splits etc.


ICMag Donor
Principante 8,
Would you be willing to make a $5000 deposit for a place to live n grow?

$500 won't pay for shit once damages have been done.

Well if you actually read the article it doesnt talk about tenants not being able to grow in their rentals .. it talks about not being able to consume pot in your rental. They dont say a word about growing , which im sure is a whole other can of worms... this is just about telling you that you cant consume MMJ at all in your rental and one of the main reasons listed is because it will cause tension among tenants, not to mention they say second hand pot smoke is as dangerous as tobacco smoke. Not word about water damage and growing . Prolly a good idea to read articles before commenting .. it makes a lot more sense then :)

Ya got me on that one. Hehehe.
For smoking...
Same principles apply...
Especially in complexes where heating & ventilation are all interconnected from unit to unit.
The land/property owner retains all the Rights to keep their properties as they please.


Well-known member
been some good ideas floated here. vaping, i think, would negate the second-hand smoke problem. a really chill landlord might have a certain set of apts etc set up for small grows & charge accordingly. or something like a set of self-storage units on site with greenhouse roofing, water, electricity etc. i see a business plan here. find a need, fill it, go to the bank...:woohoo:


if it smells like fish
what they don't know wont hurt em....if your doing things right no one will know...up your game .....yeehaw


Senior Member
Here in Denver grow house rent prices have sky rocketed. $2000 was the norm, but now people are jacking up the rates. I have seen upwards of 5k for a standard house. Why? Because dumb ass kids trying to "get rich" fuck the houses up.

I see no problem limiting the use of smoked cannabis, or growing of cannabis in a rental property. No one said you can't eat edibles, or smoke or vape outside.

It just makes sense. I have a friend that had to pay 10's of thousands after the last "kids" moved out.

Cut holes in the hardwood floors to vent into the crawl space? I think I will. :)

soil margin

Active member
"What, these fucking socialist nazi's want me to pay an extra 2% in taxes so that everyone can get free healthcare? That's fucking communism man, it doesn't work bro. You can't just take people's money and tell them what to do."

"Well the government should have the right to tell people what they can do in their home. You shouldn't be able to do anything that your landlord hasn't approved man. We need the government to help protect us against these stoner kids trying to grow weed."

Love the people in this thread who embrace both those ideas at the same time and don't think their position is completely contradictory/hypocritical. So lol.

Next up you landlords are gonna be supporting California Senate Bill 969: Banning renters from participating in masturbation without property owners approval.

"Well semen is a hazardous substance so we believe that the government should protect our right to evict any tenant who breaks their rental agreement by having the audacity to use their sexual organs on property that we own."


Senior Member
Google "grow house damage"

When you rent, you are actually occupying the owners house. When you leave, they have to deal with the mess you left.
Google "grow house damage"

When you rent, you are actually occupying the owners house. When you leave, they have to deal with the mess you left.

Who is leaving a mess? The same lowlifes that would have destroyed the rental property anyways due to their disrespectful nature. I know lots of personal growers as well as commercial, and none of them have damaged or destroyed a home yet. Back in '98 a friend of a friend molded out some walls in a home but that was one guy like 20years ago. Of course it happens but I don't think it's the norm at all. A friend just ripped down a 30kw setup for a walk through and set it back up, all within a weeks time. F# king teenagers and low lifes giving the rest of us a bad name.