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Calif. pot dispensaries told by feds to shut down


Scholastic Warrior
Can we just start calling our country mexico already? And our DEA the cartel, it'd seem more realistic to me, job title wise.


Active member
Well gro-boys and girls, here we are, here they are and now all we need to know is: Who the hec is driving the grow-bus now...?? CC

California Supreme Court's daunting task: Unite pot-dispensary rulings

Published: Tuesday, Mar. 13, 2012 - 12:00 am

When it comes to rulings on medical marijuana, California courts have a case of multiple personality disorder.
A flurry of recent, conflicting decisions by state appellate courts on whether cities can ban marijuana stores or be forced to allow them is setting up a landmark review by the California Supreme Court.
The state's high court recently agreed to accept four cases involving marijuana dispensaries. Two more cases may be on the way, including the appeal of a Feb. 29 ruling in Orange County that said cities can't ban cannabis stores but that such stores have to grow all of their pot on site – a requirement dispensaries say is impossible to satisfy.
"It's chaos," said Dale Gieringer, California director for the National Organization for Reform of Marijuana Laws. "We're going to have to wait for the Supreme Court to sort this out."
The legal confusion is growing as the federal government cracks down on marijuana providers. The enforcement actions by the U.S. attorneys won't be affected by the state court cases.
State appeals courts have differed on how the federal ban on marijuana should affect cities and counties in a state that permits medical use. One key ruling said federal law prevents cities from allowing dispensaries; another said it can't be used as an excuse to ban them.
"I've never seen anything like this," said Joe Elford, legal counsel for Americans for Safe Access, a group advocating for medical marijuana users.
It could be a year or two before the state Supreme Court can clarify the legal haze. In the meantime, some advocates and lawyers say it may be up to the Legislature to pass new laws to deal with the conflicting rulings.
The outcome of all the legal wrangling could have a big impact on places such as Sacramento County, which closed nearly 100 dispensaries under its zoning law, and the city of Sacramento, which has allowed marijuana stores under a set of regulations that includes taxes and strict operating rules.
Seemingly conflicting opinions from a single venue – the 2nd District Court of Appeal – illustrate why lawyers and activists on opposing sides wonder how, or if, the state Supreme Court can provide a lasting answer.
In October, the 2nd District's three-judge panel seemed to deal a devastating blow to medical marijuana advocates when it ruled that the city of Long Beach couldn't issue permits to dispensaries because marijuana is illegal under federal law.
The court said the city couldn't set rules, including requiring dispensaries to send pot samples for lab testing for molds or pesticides, because of the federal Controlled Substances Act's "prohibition on distributing marijuana."
Last month, the same court – and two of the same judges – handed marijuana advocates a stunning victory. The panel threw out criminal convictions against a Hollywood cannabis club operator, William Colvin, ruling that he was legally transporting more than a pound of pot between two dispensaries under state medical marijuana law.
The Supreme Court has granted review in the Long Beach ruling, which came 14 months after the state's 4th District Court of Appeal ruled the city of Anaheim couldn't ban dispensaries simply because of federal law.
Legal observers say Attorney General Kamala Harris, on the losing side in the Colvin case, could appeal to the state Supreme Court on grounds that shuttling pot between retail-style establishments doesn't fit the legal definition of collective cultivation under state law.
Sometimes, the contradictions have been contained in a single case. A Feb. 29 ruling, also from the 4th District Court, both elated and infuriated medical marijuana supporters and puzzled attorneys for cities.
The panel ruled in favor of one of 28 dispensaries closed under a ban in the Orange County city of Lake Forest. It declared that "local governments may not prohibit medical marijuana dispensaries altogether" under state law. In an unexpected twist, the court also ruled that marijuana stores must grow all pot on site.
Justice Richard M. Aronson acknowledged that the decision might leave nobody happy. "We recognize our conclusions today may disappoint … the opposing sides in California's ongoing debate concerning medical marijuana," he wrote.
The ruling left both sides flummoxed.
Elford, the lawyer for medical marijuana users, said the court "got it right" in rejecting dispensary bans but disagreed with the pot-cultivation interpretation.
"I just don't see that in California law," he said.
In California, most dispensaries buy marijuana from vast networks of "patient" growers. Many cities that allow dispensaries ban the stores from growing on site.
Both Elford and Jeffrey Dunn, Lake Forest's attorney, questioned whether dispensaries can grow enough for their thousands of clients.
And the decision sent tremors through groups representing pot cultivators.
Dunn said the ruling undercut cities trying to use zoning laws to stem the "uncontrolled, explosive growth" of medical marijuana outlets. He said Lake Forest plans to appeal to the state Supreme Court.
Another case accepted by the high court centers on whether a Dana Point medical marijuana user, Malinda Traudt, can sue over a dispensary ban in the small coastal Orange County city. The 4th District Court ruled that Traudt, who is blind and suffers from cerebral palsy, couldn't bring the case because she wasn't a dispensary operator.
Rounding out the Supreme Court's pot docket are rulings that upheld dispensary bans in Riverside and San Bernardino.
Dunn said he's counting on the Supreme Court to make sense of it all.
"I don't think the Legislature can do it," he said.
Elford is less sure the court will deliver.
"If the Supreme Court issues a decision we don't agree with, we're going to the Legislature to clarify it," he said. "I don't think the California Supreme Court will be the last word on these issues."
Well, I am glad to have found this thread, and its getting stupid aparent now that the Government has been cracking down since the Sandusky case, it apears under the surface not shown on media like it should, but who owns the media?-but seem lots of other politisians are involved with this sandusky charity, going as high up in publics eye being FBI involvement with this Freely guy.

But across the board we are seeing the Government making a unpredicted move unless you already seen the feds as asses any ways, but they are attacking a movement that is very, very strong right now, so many ppl are waking up to MMJ benifits, and its true place in our lives, no matter waht the media, or government says! This movement is the only movement that is doing something about our true rights, all others are sheeple fighting for crumbs at the cost of liberty.

WE MMJ growers, smokers, supporters, and believers around the globe had enough of this, and so happens that these same leaders who denie bills, or wont touch the issue of MMJ but they can touch KIDS, will finally wake those asleep up to notice this evil group keeping us dead!

Thats off my chest, as for this post, when I was working in a shop, we had a very well notified individual who brought in edibles, he delivered around the whole bay area, he was the one who got me to notice the Prop 19 bill and how it was a scam to over ride the 215 card holders by allowing each individual county regulate their own laws on the regulation of anything to do with MMJ, since over 300 counties in california had voted against MMJ before 215, it showed that each county could over ride your 215 by saying only a joint instead of 2ounches, etc, ect.

But the big kicker here is the same man who wrote prop19, is some politial figure in control over oakland and its county for this particular bill, just so happened he was already himself growing like 4 football size grows even before the bill was past, and when it did I believe it was only passed for his county!

How true is this? Rumor, and have yet to delve into finding out spacifics, I have moved out of Cali for the mean time, and been out of the game for a while. This is truly odd that Watching strain hunters in Trinidad they came across the government all of a sudden banning MJ completly so much so put a state of emergency and cracked down hard. Holland is been in the same boat, now that Cali is targeted, it looks bad for anything for MMJ, but thats only until ppl notice this Sandusky case, and ppl involved, it rings Mcmartin day care, franklin cover up, Dutroux case, Canadas inturnment cames for natives, I really feel the cat is coming out the hat!

I put this video up for us Americans, and others who need to wake up, and realize leadership is lost, only a case as this do ppl hold hands to bond together and do something! http://www.rt.com/news/lithuania-pedophile-pimp-mother/


Game Bred
"how true is this?"

Not at all.
Completed and utter horseshit stemming from one ignorant twunt who goes by the handle "dragonfly".


GetUp, you *do* realize, don't you, that we have 58 counties in the great State of California, not 300, right....?

Btw, counties and cities are overriding state law in any event.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Guys when you have 4 lobbyist from big pharma for every member of congress this is what happens. Big pharma has lots of money to pay for this crap on the little people.

BINGO!!!! lol.. money talks and shit walks.. I guess were the shit walkers now,, Thanks Obummer for doing what all presidents have done before you, thanks for screwing the ppl up the ass,, headband 707:tiphat:


Active member
GetUp, you *do* realize, don't you, that we have 58 counties in the great State of California, not 300, right....?

Btw, counties and cities are overriding state law in any event.
Good looking out, I ran through the post, and ment the citys, and far as the facts wasnt trying to make it so, just rumor on what I heard, far as whats truth, the shites bad in cali, I had to bounce dealing with other things, but greatly noted fact thought, just had it with Government at all fronts, and either way any fact that is a constant is Uncle Sam, and is not playing games this time round.

They know they are about to lose the fight, so most of what we see is snatch and grab, from everyone, without blame from me, but lets face it to play football means you cant show up with a basketball! To play any games, or write bills that are so vauge it gives government control still with this case, means we are still in this crap, it doesnt work- we need unity, marches, organization, mass numbers of ppl picking a day, a week to not buy shite, to hit these fools hard, and make the biggest scream, enough!!!

Its time, thats all, its time to unite more than just medical marijuana, I thought the OCCUPY movement was it, I mean its world wide now, but it needs to be bigger louder, and non moving no matter what! Thats my feelings, to gget into who, what why bout our current players seems useless, exspesially if they can come in raid, and shut down our leadership! Hell! mass ppl should of camped out in front of congress until a bill is finally drawn, and approve to decriminalize MJ for good, thats all, not deals with taxes, no shops, just keep the govt. at bay by just writting tickets, then once we get use to that start pushing other stuff for MJ when the majority can see for sure being legal isnt so bad after all!

Either way thanks for the heads up, hate to put out false info, and always accept the tap on the shoulder :tiphat:


I love my life
another closed in el cajon. thankfully i dont like that place anyhow.

First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the socialists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me,
and there was no one left to speak for me.



Active member
it is what it is . unless they change their position everything is temporary. i wouldnt work in a disp nevermind own one . i dont like feds and they scare me honestly. it aint like dealing with the state.

Sessile G

some still open

some still open

Saw that 9 orange county collectives were closed yesterday from the 91 to the 405..One place had the letter posted on the door..ouch

Grass Lands

First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the socialists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me,
and there was no one left to speak for me.


Amen Brother...been saying for a long time, all the individual torches needs to be dropped and all parties need to unite before we cannot unite...:dance013:
soooo true

soooo true

I really believe we are at a crossroads right now in our country.....we are headed in the wrong direction....parties do not matter.....we as citizens need to take this country back.....love that part of the speach by "dirty harry"....when he said....those guys work for the people "us".....not the other way around.

Amen Brother...been saying for a long time, all the individual torches needs to be dropped and all parties need to unite before we cannot unite...:dance013:


Bong Smoking News Hound
Stay Positive Guys. You cant Kill a Plant! Smoke some indica and chill. :) nothing we can do about it anyways. except what we are doing. So just keep doing what ya do! Trust me from 1998 to 2004 were Very scary times in medical marijuana, things have loosen up A LOT!


PATENT #6630507

PATENT #6630507

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,..."






headband 707

Plant whisperer
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,..."



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LOL nice I just read a thread where a lady said she had breast cancer for 8 years and the cannabis mixture of Rick Simpson has cured her!! Then another guy got on the thread and said it also worked for his cancer!! So why is this so far underground? It's all bullshit sad to say headband 707:tiphat:


Funny thing bout those RS sucess stories, they never make it to a regular public newspapers, or the medical journals, etc. so the public can see, but they blow up the grow/stoner site threads, lol. Is it any wonder?

LOL nice I just read a thread where a lady said she had breast cancer for 8 years and the cannabis mixture of Rick Simpson has cured her!! Then another guy got on the thread and said it also worked for his cancer!! So why is this so far underground? It's all bullshit sad to say headband 707:tiphat:


I love my life
Funny thing bout those RS sucess stories, they never make it to a regular public newspapers, or the medical journals, etc. so the public can see, but they blow up the grow/stoner site threads, lol. Is it any wonder?

There is no wonder; the AmeriKan government wants you dead or FINANCIALLY destitute by paying 100% of your life savings and as much as you can guilt out of your family and community to pay THEM for their POISONOUS chemo / radiation therapy.

Happy trails sheeple, most of you will die bankrupt with outstanding debts to your executioners. Liberty and Justice for all :tumbleweed:

another reason not to vote for Obama 4years ago he said he would leave it up to the states. That he wouldn't enforce fed law if it was legal in the state. Look at this b.s. Now

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