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**Cali Growers Unite** (All Are Welcome, Though)

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
Sharp you were here in September and didn't give us Minnesota guys the chance to meet you. Next time give us a heads up and we'll show you a good time. You should have ate at Bubba Gumps in the Mall of America. I don't know what they're burgers are like, but everything else is fantastic. I really like the Greenboe Tenders. As far as monkeys go in MN I guess mlfmonkey is probably ours.

GreatLakes THC
Two current strains

Two current strains

Disclaimer: I'm no BOG or Sharp Pain but I do OK.

Santa Cruz Big Bud x Northern Lights #1, this is my F3 generation. I germinated these from seeds I have had in a film canister for at least 5 years. ICMAG inspired me to continue developing this strain.

Interesting genetic differences are starting to appear. I planted 70, I am growing the best 26. I will seed the best female with the best male.

Click for Larger Image

Sweet Tooth #3. Planted 15, germinated 10, 9 survive and are healthy. Note the smaller one which took longer to sprout.

Click for Larger Image

I use aeroponics but I sprout in soil which gives me the best results.

Stay safe.


Active member
Howdy Cali-buds! I'm out here too and its been hell with this early rain. I've got a remote area thats very slippery when wet so after a day or so I'll be making that slice/dice visit. Starting to set up major for next year but the works at the end, as I hate trimmin'!:cool:


On the bay a Julet bud 30 day into flowing :p


and the Golden Gate


and you saw that street ;) lot of moves there

zozo :wave:


Active member
Hi from Shasta County

Hi from Shasta County

Hi all! Just jumpin in to say hi to all at the ICM! :wave:
:canabis: I decided to show some of my old and a new grow pic.

and its final...

and the start of our newest grow

Well there you go hope you enjoy the pics!! :moon:
Peace Love Pot :canabis:
Strange traits or mutations?

Strange traits or mutations?

My f3 gen NLxSCBB has shown a few strange traits. About 5 of these seeds had a rough time getting germinated and two of them are rather odd at this point. I have 24 which look completely healthy. I believe the 5 year old seeds contributed to this.

This plant "cropped" itself and started growing two main stalks on its own.

I thought this one would start putting out three stems per node but here two of the three are joined into one stem. Can't wait to see what happens with the next node.



Interesting Californian. Some of BOG's beans do that. Maybe its a Northern Lights thing.



ICMag Donor
hey gwfh...howdy neighbor, im in siskiyou county, what a small world...glad to have a fellow nor cal'er hang out here, drop me a line or see ya in the chat!..later mrs.b :biggrin:


Sweet Tooth #3 and Santa Cruz Big Bud x Northern Lights #1, f3 generation seedlings. This is a mixed tray of 16 after their morning misting.

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yo what up im new to this board but whats cracking... im a socal res baby and im all about the exotics. right now i have the famous Soma Rock Bud growing with some Serious AK-47, along with some true MTF( got it from a friend in the north) and some PlutonicSuperSkunk X Mr Purple. all our god they actually varry in age but they all have been in 12/12 for a week now and have stretched about 6 inches so far. in this pic they are on their first day of flower so. they range from 12inches to 3 feet.
i grow using a 1000wt hortilux hps sun systems system
i grow using a soiless mixture kinda of like premier promix
using % gallon square pails with a lot of holes drilled into the bottom
i use general hydro 3 prt flora series nutrients i also use kabloom
i i use a dayton 465 cfm blower to exhaust my klozit. i grow in a 2wX6lX8t klozit total 12 sqf and 96 cubic feet .. my average temps right now are 75 day 68 night..so with out further adue

now if you see a little discoloration thats because i left to japan well 4weeks ago and got back 2 weeks ago. while i was gone my roomie took care of the plants well he overwtered the piss out of them and leached the soil of all their nutes so thats what that weird discoloration is . these pics were taken a week after i got back and gave these plants a grip of nutes in that week and now they are all loving life again .

Soma's Rock Bud


now a top shot

ok now i did a little experiment i put 4 rock bud clones into 1 pail of their own and this is what they look like
and a top shot

and one to show the 4 different stems

ok so high hello and i have plenty more trust me. and sorry the quality of the pics hope you like and west coast grower for life



Active member
One of my outdoor projects this summer was this Blackberry hybrid. It was grown mostly outdoors, but moved inside for security reasons to finish.
She flowered early and finished the fastest of any plant i've ever grown!



New member
you know i just started growing and with all the lights and electricty and and pumps and nutrents and .............now i need to get a mascot for my plants ....... i don't know where to start. is there a st. christopher thingie for marijuana?????????


This thread just gets better and better. Keep up the good work guys, Shit looks good.



Harvest time in cali yet? Let me see some cured nug shots, I hear westcoast bud is some of the best, At least my trip to Washington State and Victoria BC proved to be quite wonderful, hows cali holding up?



Harvest time indeed! I got things coming in the next few weeks. Cindy Haze, NL X Kush, Bluberry Haze, NYCD, Oh and Trainwreck. All should be done by months end. its begining to look a lot like Christmas.
