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**Cali Growers Unite** (All Are Welcome, Though)


hey cali just got 2 g's of real OG for 60, damn geena!! but it might as well be called OH.God kush, this shits insane, keep dreaming kid!! the real O's out there, just keep looking my friends, Im really to blasted right now to go in depth with it, the institution of my brain is totally unorchrestrated right now, but hope is definitley the vision, good night Ic cali!
I'm growin plants from Cali i hope that counts, wish i could live there.I wish i could be able to get some of those cutts that you all can get,but not here in FL.Thanks.............Herb
Chula Vista, San Diego, and Los Angels all the way!!!

Chula Vista, San Diego, and Los Angels all the way!!!

Yo, This is Ezie. hitting you strait from the highest cities in Cali. I just started my babies up. But when they start to look good enough I'll post some pics to show what Sur Califaz is all about!!!
Golden State Grower

Golden State Grower

Blueberry x Mango:



Active member
Nice pic Californian, i like those dome shaped buds..............rain rain go away..... :confused:


I was just wondering if everyone out there in northern cali has forgotten about all the strains that have been breed in the santa cruz mountains? All I ever here about anymore are all the strains from amsterdam, b.c. or humbolt and mendocino.


Well now that you have brought it up. Lets hear about them. I too want to know about them. All the Amsterdam strains are getting watered down. Haze this, Skunk that, Blaa Blaa Blaa. You opened the door so let us in.

Blatant :wave:


I hear yah Blatant...

With few exceptions... I'm tired of dutch mush. I want to hear about good ole un-dutched North American strains.

Norcal Crypt

Active member
Norcal Coast

Norcal Coast

Did not know there was a Cali thread. Here is some bud locally grown on nocal's coast. Don't know the name of the strain...





Hey, everyone. Ive been gone for a while and it feels good to be back here at IC. I now live in the Capital District, N.Y. I miss Cali so much. Dont think Im a wuss, but I litterally got teary eyed looking back at this. From palm trees and earthquakes to snow and snow and rain and snow and cold...... very homesick. But, I just wanted to say hi[gh], and hope Im still welcome in this thread, even though Im a traitor. Much love to all. Ill be back when Im feelin better.


Peace all. BlackHaze checkin in reppin SoCal Outdoors thats right fellas. A True outdoorsman, Lookin forward 2 putting some of capt crips genetics outdoors, Quite possibly: BlacKberryWidow, Blueberry Crush, HazexSkunk, Superfruit x Blueberry, Lemon Afghani & Masterkush x Hindu Kush(POK)..Ne feed back on outdoor expectations?LBS:-D????


well the weather is really starting to get nice... warm every single day now.



got my hazes in the ground...loving the weather...another typical cali summer looks like...on a side note...looks like the snow pack was GREAT this year, no drought...WOOHOOO


Alright I just found this thread. Born in the Bay area transplanted to Oregon. Let me tell you the grown' is just fine up north. 20 years of public land grown' just moved indoors 3 years ago (not as young as I use to be). Perhaps it is just my circle of friends but lots of "oldschool" genetics still alive around here. I still have a 10 year old oxacan mom.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
hillbillieonpcp said:
got my hazes in the ground...loving the weather...another typical cali summer looks like...on a side note...looks like the snow pack was GREAT this year, no drought...WOOHOOO

Yea Ive had mine in the ground for a cpl weeks now. Already bent her down and she is starting to spread. Can you tell me any more about this haze ?? any X in it ? or how pure do you figure it is ? just curious ... shes in the earth already so we are rockin to the end !! Good to see ya hitten the boards brother we need more of your positive vibes round here :)

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