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Calculating Nutrient profiles for Canna, GH and PBP


So, very simply:

If using FloraNova Bloom instead of the 3-part, use it at a rate of 8mL/gallon, yes?

sog army

Active member
I've been wondering the same thing... I use floranova @ 4-6ml per gallon supplement with cal mag, maybe i should just run more floranova and less calmag to achieve the same results?

Any thoughts/

Kenny Lingus

Active member
What u guys say about the Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur then?

It has some really strange levels and still works as a charm into week 4 of flowering... (I also mix my super soft water from EC 0,0 with a background of SensiCalMgMix and Mother Earth Super Tea -EWC/Compost/kelp/shrimpmeal tea- so I start off at EC 0,2 (I'll back this off to EC 0,1 mid-bloom and end it in the last 2weeks of bloom)

They claim these nutrients are of superior grade and as they are chelated in amino acids, proteins and alcohols will be better absorbed by the roots. I don't know actually if they will be worth the extra cash, or how it will perform, but they are good this far and very stable (not messing my pH) and stay spot on for days/a week in the reservoir (run-to-waste).

-They sadly haven't listed all elements in percentage, but I guess if they follow regular rules they list ingredients in an order where the dominant elements are listed on top and then further down the list the contents are decreasing in value/volume.

Here's the pH-calculators values @ 4.3ml per US gallon (about 1ml/L) of each A + B (EC:1.0-1.1, but bottle say it should be EC 0,8 at 1ml/l dilution) :

N: 6.7% - 83ppm
P: 5.1% - 28ppm
K: 10.0% - 103ppm
Mg:1.0% - 12ppm
S: x % - x ppm
Ca: 1.7% - 21ppm
Mo: 0.0008% - 0.01ppm

These are all they list in numbers, but it is all necessary elements in the mix and all trace elements are in chelated form. (the most important ones in several chelates too.)

As I mentioned all is good so far. It is recommended using this product from week 2-3 of bloom and so I've done.
-It's just that the ridiculously low P and high K, along with them Mg and Ca being a it off for a coco grow. (I try it in pure coco coir where a good all over clone grow and blooming range of macros is N5-P5-K5 (Mg1-S1-Ca2), but also for control I have it applied to a Petrol-cutting in a soil/soil-less mix))

I'm really tempted to sprinkle some pure P and Mg Indonesian bat-guano onto one of te coir plants to see if it has something to say.

I fiddled a bit with 1ml/l of each SensicalMgMix, Connoisseur A + B and PK-13/14.

It all came out a bit more balanced for hydro/soil(less) and had about these numbers:

N 109
P 99
K 249
Mg 40
Ca 80

A reduction of trace elements and nitro will be easy as the SensiCal has N2-P0-K0 +(Mg1,5-Ca4.6-S???)

I still find this K a little high, and I don't know how pure P from Canna or something like Guano or PK-boosters will work with the Connoiseur...

Any comments are appreciated!
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ok, ive read the entire thread MULTIPLE times, and im still confused about the veg formula.
I am going to run 2 dwc bubbler rubbermaid tubs 10 gal each. I plan to use the fn bloom at 8ml a gallon. Is this for the entire grow? Or do i use 8ml fn grow for veg, then switch to bloom for bloom?

Any help is very much appreciated, this formula has already started me out feeling confident to give hydro a try, Lucas I appreciate all the hard work that you have shared with the community.


You use the same formula all the way through except possibly half strength the first time that you water freshly rooted clones or freshly planted seedlings. Think about this plant in nature... it gets the same nutrients schedule though its whole life cycle. It's not like a fruit or anything. Think about it. It makes perfect sense.


full time daddy
here's what i use
week 1 = 4ml nova bloom + 1.5g bud blood = 61n 121p 171k 31mg 61ca
week 2 = 4.5ml nova bloom + 4.5 big bud 69n 69p 139k 34mg 46s 69ca
week 3-5 6.5ml nova bloom + 6.5ml big bud = 100n 100p 201k 50mg 100ca
week 6 = 6ml nova bloom + 6ml big bud 92n 92p 186k 62mg 46s 92ca
week 7 = 5 ml nova bloom + 5ml overdrive = 92n 99p 161k 52mg 77ca
week 8 = flush

if you use bigbud powder witch i all ways do it's 10X LESS so 6.5ml = .66gram's /1gal
some strains need more/less but this is a basic run down
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New member
PBPBloom @ 15ml/gal plus 5ml/gal Cal Mag

I'm not sure of all the nutrient lines but is this the Botanicare line of nutrients?

So instead of using GH at 0-8-16 - for veg and bloom

I can use the botanicare Pure Blend Pro Bloom & Cal Mag at the following ratio? for both veg and bloom

15Ml Bloom and 5ml Cal Mag.
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New member
I am using DNF series of products and I am still trying to answer one question.

USING only RO WATER with an EC of 0 Do I need to add anything else to my water? Is there everything my plant needs in the DNF A & B (grow or bloom)

According to DNF all I have to do is ADD 300 from my current EC value to get into their "suggested stage EC values" ... because theirs state an Assumed Tap Water Value of 300 EC. According to them everything the plant requires is in the product.

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First Hydro Grow

First Hydro Grow

I am planning my first hydro grow and wanted to see what you all thought of my plan. The method will be DWC, the substrate Canna Coco, and the Canna line of nutes. Upon reading this whole thread, I see that I should supplement my Canna nutes with epson for MG boost. Should I use the full strength mixture of nutes or dilute? What size net pot should I use with the coco substrate given a five gallon bucket rez and a desired plant height of 2 feet? By the way, my genetics will be Top44 and Mazar. The space will be a grow tent that is 16"x16'x52"tall. Am I limited to one mature plant in this space. Since I want to LST, I assumed that I should just grow one plant to maturity. I thank you all in advance for you help.


Get two birds stoned at once
I'm thinking I should have bought a bunch of floranova bloom instead of GH 3 part lol! I read the ingredients on the three and it looks like the grow has nothing the other two don't have. Maybe I'll grow basil with it lol.


New member
I'm into week 1 of flower with ebb and flo set up. I'm using the GH 3 part system. Next go around I will use the Nova instead. It seems to me cheaper while getting all the essential nutes. Am i wrong?

Also, I use tap. I'm on a well. the water comes out at about 0-200ppm, but the ph is very high akaline levels! the ph is between 7.8-8.2!

Is it the opinion of everyone that I bring the ph down to 5.5-5.7 then add nutes or bring it down to about 5.0 then let the nutes bring the ph levels up on their own?
thats the way I have been do so since my 3rd week of veg.

I was doing the ph down after I had added nutes! DUH. But hey, I am a noob at this.

And my hats off to everyone who contibutes to these grow threads!

Its been a wealth of information for me!


I used to add my PH down after I added nutes. Seems to me that you would want to add nutes before Ph down. When I add my nutes to my res it drops the ph just from the addition of nutes.


I thought the lucas formula was just for flowering. I guess I dont even need the GH Flora green stuff then eh. And the 8ml micro 16ml bloom is just for ebb and flow, what about hand watered coco/perlite? What sucks is that Im runnin 6 different strains and they all have different needs. Some of them look great and 2 of my hashberry phenos are yellowing only 5 weeks into flowering.


New member
hi all, I haven't posted in sometime, but im (of course) confused about this. As i have tried to mix in 8ml per gal of fnb and i also end up with a high tds of 1500 @.5 conversion(before supplementing my ro(30-40ppm) with a calmg product). i didn't measure ph because i thought surely i goofed the info or something, anyways, I would like to know if these numbers are close to what i should be getting? If so, do i give this strength of solution to my cuts i just translplanted 2days ago into e&f? And 1 last question would i be better off using this in veg aswell, or using the fng along the labels guidelines which i usually keep the tds around 1000 after supplementing with a calmg product.