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CA Marijuana Legalization Initiative to Qualify for Ballot Today


Active member
This is one step in the right direction. We can't worry about the effects on growers...the main thing is, people won't be going to jail. No more paranoia. And it's going to be a fight. That lunatic Whitman and big pharma will fight this tooth and nail. Would you rather be on their side? We really need to mobilize and work together to pass this thing. Remember who the enemy is and how long we have been fighting. Let it pass in any manner. Police won't be enforcing those "grow limits" once the dam is broken. We have had enough casualties from this war. Time to end it. Can't change that because of concern of a minority of commercial growers. Those people will still fit in the equation somewhere. There will be other opportunities.
We've got to get this to pass. Get ready for the disinformation campaign by opponents.


this shit pile is so high you can smell it for miles... and once it does become legalized.. what about the millions of pot prisoners that served years and years and told to feel shame


Active member
Well I'm not in a rush to get anything passed...

Eventually something is gonna be passed and I for one am willing to wait for a decent initiative that I actually support rather than jumping on the first one that comes around. We have all the time in the world and with truth being on our side we will eventually win anyway so lets pass something that is worthwhile. Don't be so childish and hasty you might find what you asked for isn't what you really wanted. Once pandoras box gets opened thats it.

If they legalize they better let out everybody in there on marijuana related charges. They should pay them damages too haha.

Neo 420

Active member
Let me inject a few of my theories into the conversation if you don't mind?

1) "Big Corp" will not be jumping into the fray anytime soon, unless legalization is recognized and honored by the feds. It would be a huge liability for a established company to "jump into the game" with uncertain legal boundaries like such. If the federal govt does legalize MJ, you can bet your bottom dollar Big Corpa would use strategic moves to corner and manipulate what part of the "Mainstream" market they can. Its what they do! (Thank goodness we are no where near that point....yet)

2)If this initiative is passed, some speculate a lot of "providers" will be out of a job. Well..... yes and no. Surely the demand from those providers will be augmented from a slush of new entrepreneurs with a gleam in their eye and money on the mind. Its inevitable and to be quite frank, is well worth the decriminalization of one the worlds worst crimes against humanity. The crime to enjoy earth's greatest plant. Think of all the people locked up right now and in the past for this devastating crime (Sarcasm) I think those people freedoms are worth it. Now for the "providers" of the old, they must adapt with the game as the games changes. It happens in all faucets of business and this my friend, like it or not is a business.

Please don't get me twisted with taking sides on this. I have family (blood related) that live in Humboldt county and I will say no more. So I hope you understand they must think out the box to make themselves relevant and be able to put bread on the table. My heart goes out to those "providers" caused in reality they paved the road for all this. One day in the future you will tell your grandchildren how Humboldt supplied the west to mid west states during the prohibition days. What a sight!

The ways of the past are past its due date and the rush of the new future will have its problems but making strides forward is better than making strides backward.


Active member
good post neo...

I agree big corp will stay out unless it's federally allowed and thank god for that for now, but we kind of have our own form of big corp over here now which are Richard Lee and other big dispensary owners. They will be the ones who will corner and manipulate the market in this scenario. This intiative came from a dispensary owner and it's designed to make them richer and give them more control of the market.

I just want there to be a place for the ones who paved the way and helped to establish the culture. That's all....

Neo 420

Active member
I just want there to be a place for the ones who paved the way and helped to establish the culture. That's all....

Duly noted!! They are pioneers in their own right and deserve such. Hopefully they can integrate and continue to be a part of the community.

They will be the ones who will corner and manipulate the market in this scenario. This intiative came from a dispensary owner and it's designed to make them richer and give them more control of the market.

A nasty by product if you will...
That is indeed what some are doing. The rise of the Harborside's and of the like are definitely trying to hog the cookie jar. Its really hard to convey that to the mass when they just do not know better. They have no idea they are getting ripped of with substandard herb or buying substandard clones, let alone the fact they are supporting a monopolizing business. I guess education with the grassroot folks would be a start but that can't even begin till the mainstream adoption efforts have settled.
We happen to be so involved in this community, we can see whats on the horizon (if this does pass) and future effects. Its just really hard to raise awareness and combat a invisible enemy if you know what I mean.


Active member
Two points:
"Big Corp" most definitely in the fray, as they donate money to get candidates elected, and they will support Whitman, who is staunchly anti-cannabis.
Point two:
No one is going to corner the market. Anyone who is interested will grow their own. Once the decriminilzation begins, it will grow and spread to neighboring states and, eventually, federally. Everyone will be growing, and the police won't have resources or motivation to chase down people growing larger numbers of what is now legal.

Neo 420

Active member
No one is going to corner the market. Anyone who is interested will grow their own. Once the decriminilzation begins, it will grow and spread to neighboring states and, eventually, federally.

I beg to differ on one point:

I don't think everyone will take the time and the craft to crank out what we call in the east bay of cali "Chronic" As growers we know this stuff aint easy! For example. lets take Cali. The population of users that are registered (Remember Cali ID program is voluntary)
MMJ patients is around 202,416. Over 3/4 of the patients have no desire or skill to garden. They flock to the clubs. Out of the 1/4 left, it is split between people who grow but supplement from the club, people who try to grow and turn out crap and end up at the club and people who do not step foot into a club (unless its to vend). I have seen countless time some young kid in a hydro shop asking " So I need a light, some nutes and what else do you think I need Mr Salesman?" Me and some fellow growers have always had a motto when it came to legalization. (This is a commonly discussed issue amongst us) "Everybody can grow but everyone can't grow".


Active member
I beg to differ on one point:

I don't think everyone will take the time and the craft to crank out what we call in the east bay of cali "Chronic" As growers we know this stuff aint easy! For example. lets take Cali. The population of users that are registered (Remember Cali ID program is voluntary)
MMJ patients is around 202,416. Over 3/4 of the patients have no desire or skill to garden. They flock to the clubs. Out of the 1/4 left, it is split between people who grow but supplement from the club, people who try to grow and turn out crap and end up at the club and people who do not step foot into a club (unless its to vend). I have seen countless time some young kid in a hydro shop asking " So I need a light, some nutes and what else do you think I need Mr Salesman?" Me and some fellow growers have always had a motto when it came to legalization. (This is a commonly discussed issue amongst us) "Everybody can grow but everyone can't grow".

Now thats some real shit ...Truth in its purest form..........


Game Bred
look to beer..

schwag beer ruled the market for quite some time...

but people came to realize they were drinking piss..
enter the "micro brew"
the same will happen here.
the mass producers will have to sacrifice quality...
in step the high quality "gourmet" small scale grower..

look at the bigger picture "as goes cali so goes the nation"


New member
I beg to differ on one point:

I don't think everyone will take the time and the craft to crank out what we call in the east bay of cali "Chronic" As growers we know this stuff aint easy! For example. lets take Cali. The population of users that are registered (Remember Cali ID program is voluntary)
MMJ patients is around 202,416. Over 3/4 of the patients have no desire or skill to garden. They flock to the clubs. Out of the 1/4 left, it is split between people who grow but supplement from the club, people who try to grow and turn out crap and end up at the club and people who do not step foot into a club (unless its to vend). I have seen countless time some young kid in a hydro shop asking " So I need a light, some nutes and what else do you think I need Mr Salesman?" Me and some fellow growers have always had a motto when it came to legalization. (This is a commonly discussed issue amongst us) "Everybody can grow but everyone can't grow".

Well said. I agree completely with neo.

If you have a quality product it will sell.

I spent a few years in the brewing industry and I believe the market for legal herb will be similar. You will have large commercial operations cranking out decent product. And small mom and pop operations cranking out high grade product and making a decent living at it. This is exactly how the brewing/wine industry works today the best quality or exotic brews for the connoisseur are crafted locally, sold locally and drank locally.


Active member
Two points:
"Big Corp" most definitely in the fray, as they donate money to get candidates elected, and they will support Whitman, who is staunchly anti-cannabis.
Point two:
No one is going to corner the market. Anyone who is interested will grow their own. Once the decriminilzation begins, it will grow and spread to neighboring states and, eventually, federally. Everyone will be growing, and the police won't have resources or motivation to chase down people growing larger numbers of what is now legal.

most smokers will not be growing their own just like they don't grow their own veggies or make their own beer. it's within the capabilities of most of these people but they just don't do it. same with herb.


I'm sure quality bud will still it always will the price will just go way down. which will make it less and less worth it for growers in states surrounding cali and if they want to compete they'll have to move to cali to grow which will further drive prices down.

SO if you just like smoking this is great, but I could see it really hurting parts of cali especially Humboldt county.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
As someone who grows for more then personal use in Oregon this shit worries me since we already compete with enough of calis annual outdoor crop and imho this is going to put a lot of very good people out of work.

Look. I've nothing personal against you or your way of life.

But you've made a choice to go into a business that is lucrative only because it is illegal. If it becomes legal, you will simply have to adapt.

For the commercial grower, I can see how legalization is not a good thing.

But for the smoker and closet grower, legalization is the next best thing to Christmas all year long.

For years, I had to spend $500 a month to smoke whatever I could get ahold of. Now I'm growing what I need for about $30 a month. (And I'm smoking better stuff than all of my friends!) The downside is that I might be imprisoned for it.

If it was legal, that price would drop.

The fact that it is illegal means that you are supplementing your own income and that I spent a good chunk of my earnings at a crappy job in order to keep you from having to do so.

You wanna send me some of your earnings so I can buy a car?

No? I don't blame you. But don't blame me for wanting it to be legal. For wanting to be able to smoke it in public. For not having to choose between spending thousands a year or spending years in jail.

I have nothing personal against you.


C'mon Cali get out there and spread the good word!!! Save us all... This is the biggest opportunity we have ever had, Lets make it count. 11/10 the new 4/20


I think this is GREAT news. Legalize it!
I'm from a place where I'll be locked in a cage for smoking a plant.. when a few states away I wouldnt be a criminal.. wow HUGE step. Makes me seriously consider moving. To be able to legaly come home and toke. To be able to reek of ganja with red eyes and not have to be paranoid. It gives me hope for other states. but im a bit closer to the bible belt.. could be a looong time before the logic spreads.


anyone care to answer my question on the first page?

Also, I see a lot of worry about big corporations getting their grubby hands in the cookie jar. I agree that they will wait to see how the Feds react before they act. But they probably eventually will get involved. For one thing, if you don't like it don't buy. We as consumers (or even providers) have the most control of what hits the markets. We are Darwinism at work, weeding out what does and doesn't work. Demand locally grown stuff. Let the average "weekend warrior" buy his shit commercial bud, supporting corporations who for decades fought against us. Corporations that sell products that kill and give people cancer. If I were a local vendor, I would buy products locally, to support the local economy, from producers and distributors whose business model supports the same things I support. Bud is already between 3-6 grand a pound depending on where in the country you're at, and people are still buying it by the truckload. So what if the local stuff is a little bit more expensive than the other shit? One thing that legislators/voters could do to keep big corporations out is make a law that only companies based out of Cali can distribute in Cali. That will for one thing keep the Feds out of it (no interstate commerce if the money isn't going back to some east coast bank account) and for another keep it somewhat local. Maybe even put limits on how far commercial products can travel (out of safety of the product and to protect local economies). I've never had to set up a legal apparatus for controlling substances, so I don't know what is legally viable and what isn't. But I'm sure the legislature can do a lot of things to keep big corporations from running the game, and like I said before us consumers can ultimately dictate was does and doesn't end up on store shelves near you. By the time big corporations get involved, the growers already doing it big out in Cali, who will be the only suppliers in the beginning, will have amassed a small fortune and may one day become the "big corporations" themselves. And contract out to other smaller growers to do the work for them "grow this strain, with these nutes, this way and this way only. I will check on you to make sure" and maintain quality control and branding. Like franchising grow ops. So that the little guy can keep his slice of the pie. Just throwing a bunch of stuff out there. Take it easy ya'll

Neo 420

Active member
anyone care to answer my question on the first page?

I have not read the bill Chron but I will read it next week and give you my interpretations of how that bill will jive with your questions. I'm not a lawyer but I can understand a lot of the jargon.

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