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CA Dispensaries and Flushing


I love my life
I wish this weren't a problem. I finally found some Blue Dream that was done right, for $60 1/8th. And yeah, I spent it (several times, actually) rather than save $10 on something that tastes like Aisle 2 at Home Depot. Thank God for the $10 hash... and my current harvest!

People need to step up their game on both sides of the fence. Growers need to learn what they're doing, and consumers need to learn the difference between good and shit herb. And the dispensaries need to hold to a higher standard.

Anyone can grow a little grass, it's easy - it takes years of trial and error to learn how to produce true connoisseur-grade meds. Not just the growing, processing and curing, but learning how to carefully evaluate and select individual plants for certain effects. I've been growing for 20 years, and I'm still learning how to step up my game with every cycle.

Med growers, take note - this is what your plants should look like at chop time. You're not going to get in a High Times centerfold, but when a seasoned head twists up a doob of your product and declares it among the best they've ever had, you won't care.


:yeahthats I'm actually never over 50% nutes and by the end of my long flush my ladies move the 20ppm RO water up to only 70ppm because they have had all the salts leeched out of the hydroton and they are using all the life left in the leaves to ripen the flower and preserve the next generation by covering the bud with resin. I might take my flush a little longer after reading the above.

Peace, :joint:


Flushing nutes isn't such a problem for outdoor cannabis, it's mainly pot in containers that have problems from my experience. Very true that there's inexperienced people selling to dispensaries, as well as on the street. It's everywhere & the clubs only reflect what's out there for sale. If there was more alternatives for obtaining mmj, then maybe the prices would go down.
Many people sell off their best & keep the lesser quality for themselves. Like a real farmer would do. There's honest people out here too. who are offering quality mmj. Growers have no control over what a club charges for their product. It's become like any other business: buy low, sell high.


Smokes, lets go
Your right, most weed around here is not properly flushed because the people growing it don't take care to properly grow it because they are not in it to grow quality weed they are in it to make $$$

then there's me. I care about nothing but quality. When you have quality the $$$ will come naturally and you will be well compensated , there's a difference between top-shelf club weed and top-shelf connoisseur weed. All growers need to step back , and remember what its all about: The Weed, having the best- not the most, if you want to move weight invest in mexican schwag cartels and stay out of the weed stores....

It is up to you the customer, to get a test of the bud your about to purchase and decide if it was flushed/grown properly.... If the store you go to won't let you sample the weed before you buy then their not very confident in their product.



Thank you. I'd pick quality over quantity any day. Sure, it may be nice to have these gigantic plants, but with it comes alot of stem & lower quality leaf. I don't want to smoke 10 joints a day, I can make just 1 last all day most of the time. Because I try hard to grow, trim, dry, cure & store it all the best I can. I take care of 5 people with illnesses from Aids to brain cancer, so I need to have a variety of strains & it all needs to be done right. I give them a year's worth of medicine at a time, with more available if they need it, plus edibles. At first it was hard for some to deal with having so much at once, you over-induldge. But when you realize that you're not at the club every 4 days, you can relax about it & actually smoke less cuz you're not so anxious all the time. At that point, I think that the medicine can really do it's job. But I wouldn't give something that was lesser quality than what I'd use myself. And most of the time, I'm smoking the smaller buds, the stuff that may not look as "pretty" & the "pretty" stuff goes to the patients. For me, it's putting out the best product I can for the people I love. Besides, I get all the fun of growing it to begin with! The healing garden is the real reward.
Plus I listen to feed-back, I want to know what works & what doesn't. I'm always learning something new & I seek out info so I can do a better job.
The photo of the ready-to-harvest plant is real close to what I go for. I doubt that at this point, the plant is even using much water, so I like to have it all flushed way before this stage. The plant will tell you when it's done, if you're listening. I've seen folks keep pumping nitrogen even to the bitter end, trying to make it bigger & they just don't know any better. "More does not equal better". In the past few years so much info is now available for folks who want to learn.
Sometimes I think that patients look at dispensaries like a "connection", like they're buying a sack of heroin & they'll put up with all kinds of shit cuz they're dope-sick. And I'm sure that some places treat patients like that. The medical scene is still a novelty & we haven't developed the proper "dope ettiquette" yet to have a standard to go by except for those few people who are setting their own, for better or worse.


to the OP.
I too have noticed this recently, even at my fav. club in LA. got some blue dream that tasted like shit.. :mad:


Active member
I find that it is the newest clubs that are the worst offenders of badly cured/flushed medicine. The long established clubs in NorCal tend to have a pretty continual rotation from fewer growers that really know what they are doing.

Not that you can't find a good new club with quality medicine, I just think there are a lot of rich kids and trust fund babies setting these clubs up, without real connections, knowledge, or desire to advance the cause.
with my collective we only deal with members that we set up and then we monitor their gardens to insure there are no synthetics and that everything is properly flushed at the end. i can see how LA and larger markets are being flooded with substandard medicine due to the high demand and lack of education in what quality truly means. are all of the clubs in it for the right reasons? do club owners even have an education to know what they are buying and selling? we r in norcal and the prices that the larger markets are selling an 1/8th for is outrageous! aren't we medical marijuana and not for profit?


Many store-fronts are not in it for the right reason, few know what quality really is. The crazy thing is how many of these places really think that it is legal, like free willy legal. Seriously next time you walk in to a "club" ask them how they feel that LEO is watching and ask about potential bust. Many do not know the laws, and they do not care to.

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