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Thatguy's Swamp Grow '08


sow the seeds

Looking awesome thatguy! You've inspired me to go out and check on the ladies and take some pics. :joint:


Active member
Thnaks! Looking forward to seeing them!

How frequently do you have to check on them? I'm out there every 3 to 5 days, depending on rain. Also, remind me the size containers you have your plants in, if you do.

All the best,

sow the seeds

Whats up man? I'm out about every 3-5 days too, glad its only that often as the hike thru the swamp is a PITA lol.

And I have em in 20 gal containers, little overkill for putting em out june 29th but I figured it couldn't hurt. They seem to like it. Mind if I post a pic in your thread?

Are all yours in 5 gals? I'm thinking of going with that next season. For a couple of spots.


Grinding extra.
that guy - That one plant is flowering heavily! What strain is that? Lineage? Why is flowering so damn early? It looks fat as hell and 4 more weeks is going to make her a monster.

How do you think the others will be in 4 weeks? Or are you gonna try and let em go longer?

This is my first full round out here. Is the object to let them go as long as possible without before the first frost hits? Unless of course they're done before...

two heads

Active member
Great to hear that the GreenCure worked. We lost a lot to mold last year so I am going to try it in the swamp this year.

Nice looking grow!


Active member
Kal, thanks much!

STS, post away! Only 3 plants that I didn't expect to have out there are in 5 gal buckets. I'd only put REAL late starts in them, as well ferted plants will get rootbound QUICK! Also, they can't grow anywhere near as big as the larger containers.

All the 5 gal plants are rootbound, so just compare the size of the plants to the ones in the bags! I think it speaks for itself!

I want to go up to at LEAST 20 gal, preferably 32 or more. I'm sick of having to water my plants all the time!!! For next year I plan on buying a dual-sport motorcycle, so I'll be able to transport water anywhere, even on footpaths!

Art, if you're talking about that big stick of buds, that's DP's Frisian Dew ( Super Skunk x Purple Star ). Got it on S-Bay, along with the P#1 I'm running OD, and Some Strawberry Cough I'm holding on to.

The FD has been flowering for 7 weeks now, about 6 when the pic was taken. Leaving that plant until harvest would be WAY too long. I'd be giving an 8 week plant 14 weeks!!

I like my high to be sativa leaning. I'm no fan of couchlock. So I'm planning on giving my plants 2 weeks longer than advertised ( when possible ), and harvesting any that are ready in time for the fest ;)

Good luck with battling mold this year, TH! Sure hope the greencure works for you!

All the best,

sow the seeds

Hmm maybe I'll nix that idea on the 5 gal next year haha. The 20 gals have been working well,don't need too much watering and the girls get big. I like greens idea of putting 3-4 females in a 20 gallon and doing a little SOG style too. Might try that with some GG or some of brad's gear next year.

Def interested in hearing how the FD smokes too, looks like I've got another strain to add to the list...good thing I have all winter to save up for beans lol.

Keep up the great work bro. :joint:


Active member
Well, STS, the stick-o-bud FD is throwing a few bananas, so I might pollinate one of my HKxWW as well as the other FD. So you might not need to buy any beans ;)

Unfortunately, that means I have to harvest the plant early, because the bananas are kind of spread out across the plant.

All the best,


Active member
Technique, I like it so far! There are 2 phenos, one that has very airy buds and doesn't seem to want to branch out, and another pheno that has much denser buds. Haven't smoked any yet, so I don't have a solid opinion yet.

Here's the most unimpressive bagseed plants. No trichs, but very pink pistils.

I have 2 other bagseed plants that are forming trichs quite early on, so I have high (lol) hopes for them.

And the sexiest bagseed (so far).

Here's the fluffy pheno of the FD.

And the other FD pheno. Much denser buds, while still looking very sativa. When I went out there on Mon, it was pretty much horizontal. Couldn't even hold itself up! And only 7 1/2 weeks in!

Here's my smallest Passion #1.

This P#1 needed to be tied up as well. Leaning like the tower in Pisa!

And the other 2 P#1's.

And the HKxWW, which are finally starting to fill in! Even before I saw any trichs, the leaves made my fingers sticky!!! I'm completely in love with this strain, and can't wait to smoke it again for the first time in 3 months!!!

All the best,

sow the seeds

Hell ya bro looking awesome! Even the unimpressive look good. :headbange

Sucks to hear about the herming but def let me know if you make any seeds with them. Keep up the good work. :joint:


Active member
Looking good TG..i like that ww x hk too.Where did those seeds come from anyway?..Distinct flavor for sure.It's awesome when they start keiling over from the weight of the buds too..Very good feeling.


Active member
I got the seeds from a friend who had bought a half lb. So it's just bagseed.

I did find out that POM did a HKxWW cross, so I imagine it could be those. But I never heard very good things about the POM stuff. Hard to find any info, as it was from archives of OG's strainguide.

It was a great feeling until a tropical storm started heading this way!!! Now it's a mixed blessing!!! Gave me a warm fuzzy feeling to see them that way! Knowing that they will give the yield I hoped, at the least.

All the best,


Active member
You think they're leaning now wait until there soaked with rain..I hope you staked them up yesterday..peace


Active member
Thanks, ST!

Buddle, most of them made it OK. A couple of my HKxWW were leaning heavily, but were otherwise OK.

Sure leaned like hell when I greencured them!!! So I'm going to have to stake them all up soon, as they are maybe 4 1/2 weeks in!

Pics soon!

All the best,



Howdy, popping over from Sheveks thread as promised.

As I mentiond I was thinking about swamping it, I hope it would cut down on water hauling, and afford more security.
i found this thread about swamp tubes, look it over. also search the mags. archieves and theres illustrations.


couple questions,
whats your Latitude?

how far off are the DP#1 from the HG, or FD plants?(you are growing HG also? or am I confused from other thread?)

have you tried sinking those 5 gal. pails in the ground 1/2 way, with holes drilled,to absorb water from ground?

try digging a hole in area to see how high/low water table is.
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Active member
Thanks for the swamp tube link!

A friend and I have been contemplating using them next year, and weren't able to find a whole lot of info!

Here's an update! All pics are from last Friday.

Here's my pink pistiled bagseed plants.

And what I'm hoping is my sexiest bagseed plants. They got trichs earlier on than the other bagseed plants. I want to say second only to the HKxWW.

And the last of my bagseed plants.

I took this Passion#1 down on Wednesday.

And here's the rest of them.
