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C99 x Apollo 11 Micro Grow


Bean Curd

Can you give us a smoke report? (that's assuming you already smoked and aren't curing the bud off the plant that's revegging) thanx!


Bean Curd: lol, no curing on that one...I was waaay too impatient. Plus, it only amounted to maybe 2-3 grams (if that). It actually smoked very smooth and had good flavor for uncured bud. The high, as I mentioned earlier was up and very energetic, as I had heard. However, I'm used to more stony stuff and I usually drink a considerable amount of coffee or other caffeine whilst smoking. With this, I may have to switch to decaf. I really like the change, however, and you can get some serious work done on this stuff. My bathroom has never been cleaner, and I must have shit-canned 4 or 5 Hefty bags of crap in the 24 hours after trying it.

One needs variety, however, and as soon as I had tried this stuff, I started some Northern Lights (Peak) in hopes of giving balance to the future stash.

Bean Curd

Sorry dude, don't know how I missed the smoke report a couple posts up from when I asked!
I'm speechless .....
Awesome grow skills man..
Now that's growing those genetics to their full potential
Damn bro... what's next??


Update time:

I wanted to update this thread since all 3 C99 x A11's
have been re-vegged and 2 have gone into flowering (again).
The first one is a SCROG and the second is going to be left
alone (may have to LST a bit).
Here is a shot of the first one, taken a couple weeks ago.


Thanks for tuning in...I'll post new stuff soon.



New member
did you force the plants to flower early, then go back to veg and then re-flower again?
you'll never have the same yield than if you had just made a half-size cut after a week and the flower the original seedling to test for sex.

also what are you doing for ventilation?


Hey EL Kod - thanks for stopping by.
Yes, I put these plants in 12/12 *very* early the first time...they were
just a few inches tall. No topping or training, just growing small straight
sticks to see how much stretch there would be (very little, it turned out),
observe traits, etc. All 3 have been re-vegged and they are going into
(or are in) the same flowering cab.

Ventilation is 120 mm computer fan pulling through carbon filter and
dryer hose from upper back center of cab. Intake is holes drilled in
bottom of cabinet.

Here's an updated picture of the 1st CindyApollo now in a scrog at
about 23 days of 12/12:


The second of the 3 plants will just be grown without a screen, with
minimal training, to see if this strain does better that way. I haven't
really decided what I'll do with the 3rd plant yet (still vegging for 2
more weeks). I'll post more soon, thanks to everyone for stopping by!



CindyApollo #1 at 27 days of 12/12:


The screen's only about half full, I guess an extra week or so of veg wouldn't
have hurt. She's really growing fast now - and getting ridiculously frosty...


Here's a shot of her with CindyApollo #2 (now at 6 days of 12/12):


That's all for now. Thanks for looking in.



Thanks cheesebuds and welcome...

Time for a quick update:

Here are the 2 C99 x A11's in the 12/12 box. The scrog
is at 34 days and the other is around 13 days flowering.


Here's a nice close-up to show off just how half-assed my
screen is filled:


Actually, it looks more like one-third-assed. Anyhow,
here's a close up to show how the flowers are forming:


More soon, thanks for stopping by
niice looking good! those buds look delicious.

i was just wondering if there is any benefit to leaving some of the lower fan leaves and such on there just to catch a little more light and produce some more energy for the plant. have you ever thought about leaving some of the lower fan leaves that arent in the way? it seems almost mean to chop off all those leaves that the plant worked so hard to grow


Hey everybody, thanks for stopping by...

Debrickashaw: I used to leave almost every living leaf on all my plants,
but now, especially with a scrog, I prune off lots of stuff. With this one, mostly
I was cutting off new growth shoots that would not be reaching the canopy
level. It seems unnecessary to keep sending energy to a growth tip 2 or 3
inches below the screen.
Also, with this particular strain (C99 x A11) I had lower leaves yellowing and
falling off at week 2 or 3 of flowering and continuing to the end, so those
come off almost by themselves.

But, hey if you think it's mean that I chopped off the leaves, you wouldn't
believe what I'm planning to do with the flowers!

Below is a picture of the 2nd and 3rd C99xA11's in the flowering cab.
The one on the left is at 21 days 12/12, the other just went in 2 days ago.


The first one (scrog) got chopped this morning (at 42 days), yielding 3 or 4
thumb-sized buds and a few smaller ones.

I think I'll train the 3rd one with sturdy twists the same as the 2nd...so far
it's less work and less bulky than the screen, and looks like it should have
a similar result.

More soon(ish).



Does c99/a11 smell strong? If not it could be exactly what I'm looking for - low odor, smallish plant but up happy energy.

c99/a11 is not a smallish plant this guy just stunts the crap out of them....lol

The c99 I grew out went from about 18" at the switch to almost 4 feet by the time she was finished.

If this guy would stop being stubborn and use the extra space he has underneath his plants correctly by using larger pots he'd get more than popcorn buds for his trouble.

Chomp :joint:


Nicol Bolas: In answer to your questions, IME, this cross does not smell strong or skunky, it is more of a light citrus smell. As for size, it can, of course be grown to any size you want.

I like the stealth, speed, and efficiency of small, low smell plants that finish quickly. This cross is fantastic for that, plus has a freakishly energetic high that makes you laugh a lot. It's exactly what I've always wanted.

Having said that, it's not the best cross for you to look for since it's very hard to find. The place I got mine is out for now, and I haven't found it elsewhere. I certainly wish you luck, however. Anyone who knows more about availability please chime in...

Bean Curd

Hey dopeeyo, if possible, could you show us pics of your ventilation and carbon filter system?
Last edited:


Bean Curd: I'm glad you asked...that reminded me I need
to change the carbon today...

Here's a shot of the cabinet. In the back at the top, there's
an opening with flexible dryer duct. That duct goes up to
a shoebox-sized rubbermaid container on a higher shelf...

That container has another container (removable) fitted
into the top, which contains batting and charcoal. A 120
mm PC fan sits on top of that, pulling air up through the
scrubber. Intake is passive via holes drilled around the
perimeter of the cab floor.

It's not pretty, but it has worked well for awhile. There
are *far* better versions of this type of scrubber elsewhere
on ICMAG, and I'll try to link to one next time.

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