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Butterit, öljyt, hasikset ja leivonnaisreseptit


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No tota seulaa käytetään silkkipaino hommissa, kutsutaan myös seripaino seulaksi. Sitä saa esim. askarteluliikkeistä, tai vaikkapa ebaystä tilaamalla. Jenkkilässä on eri tapa ilmaista seulan tiheys, kannattaa ottaa huomioon jos sieltä tilaa. 150 micronia on sellainen tiheys, että suunilleen kaikki kiff tulee läpi, eli sitä vihertävää tavaraa. Hienommalla saa puhtaampaa, mutta vähemmän, luonnollisesti.


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Eipä noita seulakankaita ainakaan missään suomalaisissa kaupoissa oltu ilmotettu mikroneittain, ite piti laskeskella. Aika lähelle 150 se kyllä tais olla.
Ebaysta saa varmaan halvemmalla, ite tilailin pienen palan ruostumatonta teräsverkkoa. Luulis sillä sheikkailevan vaikka loppuelämän.


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Eipä noita seulakankaita ainakaan missään suomalaisissa kaupoissa oltu ilmotettu mikroneittain, ite piti laskeskella. Aika lähelle 150 se kyllä tais olla.
Ebaysta saa varmaan halvemmalla, ite tilailin pienen palan ruostumatonta teräsverkkoa. Luulis sillä sheikkailevan vaikka loppuelämän.

Moi, Mistä tilasit sen verkon ja mikä on suomalinen koko? Sain silkkipainokangasta mutta se on aivan liian tiheä, 150 u olisi ihan jees.


Active member
Moi, Mistä tilasit sen verkon ja mikä on suomalinen koko? Sain silkkipainokangasta mutta se on aivan liian tiheä, 150 u olisi ihan jees.

Mitä tarkoitat suomalaisella koolla? Ebaysta löytyy esim. hakusanoilla stainless steel 150 micron.


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Tarkoitin siis mm koko. Ostin ebaysta bubble bagit, halpoja ja huonoja mutta tuskin metalliverkko saa huonolaatuisina. Kiitän vinkistä.


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mun polli

En kyllä ymmärrä mitä tekee lehdestä tehdyllä kieffillä ja varsinkin jos sinne laitetaan dry iceä joka nostaa vaan sitä epäpuhtauden määrää.
Itse olin ajatellut käyttää kuiva jää levyjä puisen kotelointini ulkopuolella laskeakseni ilman kosteutta ja jäähdyttääkseni kotelointia. Tämä setuppi olisi tarkoitus laittaa kylmälaukkuun jotta pollin erottelu teho pysyisi melkein yhtä hyvänä kuin talvella ulkona työskennellessä

Kaikki pollit jotka pyörii yli n.5 minuuttia on mielestäni liian laihaa/likaista eikä kelpaa poltettavaksi AkA syömä laatua.

Kieffin puhdistaminen on se taito laji, ei se rummun pyörittäminen.:tumbleweed:

UUSILLE JA VANHOILLE hasa artisaanelle muistutuksena että ainoastaan siinä kuplassa on niitä korkeita pitoisuuksia, muissa hartsin osissa on keskimäärin 1-2% pitoisuuksia...
Last edited:


Active member
Olisikohan tuollainen verkon koko sopiva kuin: lankojen määrä tuumaa kohti 100 x 100 ?

Pikaisella googletuksella löytyi helpolla suomesta ja suht halavalla.


Ohhoh, jotain pitäis tehdä kun emäntä kuumottelee et pakkaseen tarttis tila kun ei kuulemma oo tarkotettu noiden trimmien ja popcornien säilytykseen. Ei vaan saa millään aikaseks, tarttis tilailla bubblebagit tao jotain vastaavaa, miks noita ei vuokrata vaikka jossain hrk'lla


Jos et ehdi bubblebageja tilailla ja emäntä kuumotteleee, niiiin mikset vaikka tekis butteria noista?
Sit leivot emännälle jotain hyviä mokkapaloja :)

Butterin teko on niiiin helppoa ja aiai että se pilvi osaakin olla vahvaa syötynä ; )


Joo kyllä leivokset on hyviä mut kun tota shittiä on sen verran reilusti että sit on pakastin täynnä kaikenmaaliman bullia, eli samassa tilanteessa taas :)


Hah tänne ei pääse kun apostolinkyydillä läpi korpimetsien, tuo bägit mukanas niin tehdään korpisoturi hassista :)


Tein aikamaoista voita tuossa.. Badkat's cannapharm style!

KIITOS BADKITTYSMILES eli kopioitu suoraan toiselta saitilta!

Omat tekeleet alan sitten laittamaan tänne kun olen harjaantunut/tyytyväinen lopputuloksiin. Tulossa myös kaikenmaailman hasoja/öljyjä!

aattelin siirtyä täysin syötäviin ja tinktuuroihin.

Eli - Canna Oil -



Made using the ground popcorn flowers and frosty trim, of a POG # 8 harvested in April (jar cured for 3 months).

Firstly: For most of my processing, I'd normally be wearing gloves. Food/processing grade Poly, Nitrile or Latex. You should try to avoid latex, it's a more-common allergy than the other two. Normally I'd say "no glove, no love."

But when I make oil for myself, and for one older woman who tells me she's allergic to everything from Poly, to Nitrile (hers are finished and wrapped in wax paper), I go gloveless (bareback... lol). The straining process usually gets my joints a little sore without equipment to do it for me, but the canna oil helps my hands and wrists in an amazing, almost-immediate way. I used to be a bit of an 'athlete', and had to stop at a young age due to some arthritis and other health issues.. thinking back, I may not have had to stop so soon if I'd know at the time what canna could do for me. Topical canna is great for the back, shoulders, knees, wrists and fingers... anywhere that's less than a few inches from the surface of the skin gets fast relief.

If I'm making several batches at home one day, and if I need one myself, I'll make a personal batch first so I can strain it bare-handed, and then process fully-gloved for the following batches.

Before washing the oil from my hands and wrists, I rub it in a little deeper, put plastic bags on my hands, and rest them in hot water for a few minutes... it's pure bliss in a matter of seconds, and I'm pain free, without being sedated or having other areas of my body effected or desensitized.

For the amount of pain-relief it provides, it doesn't even diminish the sensation of touch in the hands much; I can feel my hands when I touch them, and I'm never accidentally burning myself by touching something too hot, for too long. It just removes the pain.

But on to the part you care about

You will need:

- A ceramic casserole dish, or a pyrex/glass pie dish

- Aluminum Foil

- Herb

- Potato Masher or Spoon

- Grinder (preferably a coffee grinder or Bullet Blender-type grinder or blender)

- Olive, Coconut, Grapeseed, Canola oil, or clarified butter (heat and cool evaporating water, skim foam/milk solids off surface, repeat three times)

** Use slightly more oil than the recipe calls for, to account for the slight loss during straining. You won't lose much at all, especially if you strain small portions of green at a time rather than all of it all at once.. if the recipe calls for a half cup, measure out in your measuring cup until the line is only just a few hairs above the halfway mark. You'd want half a cup, and between a teaspoon and tablespoon extra.

- Optional: Lecithin (It is a 'booster' ingredient, which enhances bioavailability or absorption via a process known as 'liposomal encapsulation', providing more intense effects, from the same material. It doesn't increase potency per se; it increases your body's ability to absorb, and put the available potency to better, faster, more efficient use... for more information, see page 1 of this thread.)


Pre-heat your oven to 215 - 220 f... if you've never tested the heat of your oven, go for 210 - 215 f to be on the safe side. Decarboxylation is part of the natural aging process of canna, and decarboxylated material is somewhat fragile, because it's just a step before the material begins to actually lose the potency we're looking for as the cannabinoids continue to convert. Dry warm air is important for fast decarboxylation, but it's also a good way to quickly degrade your material by speeding up the rate of decomposition. The decarbing process continues in oil (picture how a wet potato, evaporates into a dry, but oily chip); so you're best off under-processing than over-processing, where the dry pre-decarb is concerned. Unfortunately there is a lot of discrepancy on decarboxylation. If you have freshly harvested wet cannabis, it's going to take several hours for it to first become smoke-dry, then decarb and activate. If you feel your material is very fresh, but smoke dry, feel free to experiment by adding an extra 10 - 15 minutes. If it's very old, a faded, more pale shade of green or brown, and you feel it may have crossed a border or two to get to your home, keep to the guide and do not exceed 20 minutes.

Grind your herb as finely as possible. Sprinkle evenly over the pie dish.

Cover WELL with aluminum foil, crimping up the sides below the edge and trying to avoid folding it under the dish itself (a little movement or sliding into the oven disturbs the seal and usually causes that base foil to 'lift' open.. if you seal it up around the edges instead it stays in place).

Place in oven at 220 f, for 20 - 30 minutes (less for commercial, brown or older looking herb, more for something that seems like it may be more fresh). Once your timer has gone off, shut off heat and leave the dish in the oven, open slightly (the door has a few 'open' settings... just open it a crack) and remove in 10 minutes. Letting it cool down slowly gently continues the decarbing process, while allowing any potential vapor to settle back into the material you'll be working with.

Once removed, preheat the oven again to 220 f.

Melt your solid oils, and heat those liquid oils to ensure any potential water has been evaporated prior to beginning the process.. if using butter, clarify it by heating and cooling several times, skimming the milk solids off the surface. Repeat until no solids appear.

Remove your foil lid carefully.. you'll be re-using it. If it tears, get a fresh sheet.

If you have lecithin, this is when you'd sprinkle it evenly over the surface of the decarbed herb. Then, you pour over your oil. Give it a little mix. Cover with foil, and place back in the oven for 45 minutes. This will be your half-way heating point.

After 45 minutes, remove from the oven (leave it on) and allow the dish to cool for 10 - 15 minutes. Once the temp has dropped and you can comfortably touch the dish, you'll carefully open it, keeping the foil, then press and mash the herb with your potato masher, or the back of a large spoon. This just helps loosen up that glandular material as it's breaking down, and helps expose it to the oil.

Replace the foil lid, seal well, and put back in the oven for another 45 minutes. This time, when it's finished, just shut off the heat and leave in the oven until reasonably cool... this will take about a half hour in a sealed still-warm oven.

When finished cooling from the second heating, you can either freeze your material in the dish, if it's pyrex, or pour the entire batch into a freezer-safe container.

Freeze it all for at least 2 hours (longer to get the center if you've made any more than a cup). Remove, allow to thaw to room temp or the shock will break your dish and waste all your precious oil, then place back in the oven for just long enough to liquefy and thin out the oil, for better straining.

Finally you're finished: you can either store it away, or immediately use your new Canna Oil.


***** -Dosing- *****

Now this is where you come in... a single edible dose when made from a combination of flowers and frosty trim, is usually approx. 0.35g as far as many dispensaries are concerned; but some people need half that, and some people need a little more.

1) The quality of your oil processing, 2) the quality of your flowers, and 3) your personal tolerance, will determine how much you need per dose. If you followed the above directions exactly, you've got a high quality oil, making the other factors very easy for an individual to calculate.

To determine your personal edible dose, whatever you smoke in a day if your a heavy smoker, or a single session if you're an average smoker, should be the absolute max you'd want to consume per edible, to avoid the risk of feeling overwhelmed your first few tries. It is going to effect you a bit more and for a longer duration when eaten, than that same amount would when smoked. So if you don't want much stronger sensations than you're used to, you'll want to use a bit less than you'd normally smoke.

For the math, if you're making a batch of 15 brownies, you'll probably want to shoot for just under 5.5 grams if your personal dose is for instance 0.35g. What folks say commonly, is that you should use 'a quarter ounce, per batch of brownies'. But of course, that's not going to be exactly accurate for every batch or recipe, or every persons tolerance... it depends on the size the brownies are cut to, and it doesn't take the quality of the oil into consideration.

So using math to determine a single dose, and knowing how many doses you plan on making in the end, is a much more accurate guide than to have me tell you that "you need 'X' amount of herb, per 'Y' amount of oil".

Take your dose/quantity per edible (example - 0.35g), then multiply that, by how many doses your recipe will make (example - 15 doses), to determine how much herb you should be using for however much oil the recipe requires (example - 5.25g, for the specific amount of oil the recipe calls for). 0.35 x 15 = 5.25

NOW, that's dosing. But how many doses to add, to a certain amount of oil, depends solely on the recipe you're making with that oil.

Not knowing what you'd be doing with it, or what your tolerance is, if I gave you any one specific amount it could be ridiculously overkill for a particular recipe, or not strong enough for another.

If a batch of brownies takes 1/2 cup of oil, and makes 15 brownies, but a batch of pasta sauce requires between 1/4 - 1/3 of a cup, and makes only 2 portions.... well, you see how that may not add up, dose-wise.

Long story short, the process is the crucial part, and I'm leaving both the oil and herb amounts and ratios up to you. Just use the above as a guide, and remember to take the recipe, and your personal dose into consideration before beginning your oil.

Good luck, and have fun!


Et Kooljay tarvii ku pakastaa voi klimpit. Tuli niiinn saatanan hyvää ettei tota tarvii edes leipoa mihinkään! raakana vaan lusikalla suuhun!!!
Toi decarb tekee siitä todella mietoa ja pähkinäistä!!!!!

Koskaan en ole niin vahvaa voita vielä syönyt.hands off!


Kuulostaa hyvältä, oon vaan jo asennoitunut ton hasiksen tekemiseen varsinkin kun oon viimeks maistanut pläyrää joskus 2001.. Ja noissa syötävissä on se vaara et kun alkaa futaamaan niin tulee mässyt ja niin edespäin.. Sit on sellanen parin päivän blackoutti :)


Tee satku budeista, tai anna olla lämmössä vähemmän aikaa tulee pirteämpää eikä ole niin nälkä. Tolla voilla painan helposti päivän syömättä.