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Butane honey oil for dummies



what do yall think about using fresh nugs in bho?
Please only share if you have tried, I know it is most opportune to dry out buds first, but want peoples opinions on quality/quantity comparisons


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I have used bud right off the plant. What I have noticed is A color change the longer the cure the darker the oil. The taste seems to be better with a good cure before you make the BHO.


getting close to ready, got the tube set up but what is the best brand of butane to use?

I've seen all sorts of mention of "it depends on the butane" when it comes to consistency or color - well, whats the best butane and what shop stocks it?


honey oil addict
consistency and color are not affected by type of butane used. purity and flavor can be though. get some vector or colibri if you can find them. can you find them?
i prefer uncured just dried weed, from my experience it gives the best flavor if made into oil as soon as dry.

I agree and I have done whole bud runs many times now, the quality isnt much better as my trim bho is grade A as is but it does have alot more flavor and smell to it, sometimes it will come out more clear if running only buds whereas sometimes with my trim it is not clear and see through, it all depends though on many factors.

as for butane I only use Vector and if I really cant find that I will use Lava but its pricey and smaller cans.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
getting close to ready, got the tube set up but what is the best brand of butane to use?

I've seen all sorts of mention of "it depends on the butane" when it comes to consistency or color - well, whats the best butane and what shop stocks it?

Can't tell where ya'll are located bro, but I negotiated a deal with a local Portland smoke shop to provide handsome medical discounts on Lucienne 4X to our group (~$25/case/12/300ml), in case or larger lot sizes. We call ahead and pick it up the next day to eliminate her inventory costs.

It looks as good as the 5X on local mirrors and published tests show it below the test cutoff point in the much dreaded evil and nefarious oleaginous wax particulates (paraffin) as well.

Perhaps more importantly, it is free of taste inducing scent agents like mercaps and works well for extraction here locally.

The supply at this point appears to be imported from Great Britain, but was formerly from China. The quality appears to be the same.



Rep'd for the advice everyone, I should have read through the first pages more clearly, I was wondering if the cleanest butane was unique to only smoke shops or if this could be found at one of your local retail stores.

I'll keep eyes open for lucienne, lava and vector around the smoke shops.


just tried lava for the first time, noticed no difference to vector although it was 3 dollars more.
also tried near fresh trim (4 days) and was much clearer than powder dried run like before. Both were great medicine but this fresh tastes noticeably better, also could be due to strain difference and amount of bud v leaf put in.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
70% Chem-D + 30% Blueberry (Outkastt Cut) Blended B.H.O.

70% Chem-D + 30% Blueberry (Outkastt Cut) Blended B.H.O.



The synonyms of all the things that I've said

Are just the riddles that are built in my head

Hole in the sky

Gateway to Heaven

Window in time

Through it I fly


Slap-A-Ho tribe
Never tried that but it can't hurt. Don't really know what temp those mats get up to so you may have to leave it longer.....let us know how it works.


couple questions.
I extracted into a glass pyrex pie pan and have been having a devil of a time getting the sides scraped with a razor. Is there a better tool for scraping from the sides?

Also, after freezing the pyrex dish, my scrapings turn to ooey gooey oil, making it really hard to work with. Any tips for getting it to solidify?


Slap-A-Ho tribe
You need those thinner blades for old rasors that are square with the fold on top. The ones shaped like a pyramid are too thick. If you are using the square ones all I can say is a little practice and patience. They will bend to a degree. Gooey oil after freezing? It's usually the other way around


You need those thinner blades for old rasors that are square with the fold on top. The ones shaped like a pyramid are too thick. If you are using the square ones all I can say is a little practice and patience. They will bend to a degree. Gooey oil after freezing? It's usually the other way around

Thanks I'll check for some thinner razors around.
The oil comes up easier after being frozen but after getting scraped it turns immediately to goo.


Active member
hey i just found some moldy horrible leaf in the bottom of a plastic bag and used this method and OMG!!!!! i really am soooooooo stoned it tastes like shit real butaney but that could of been the mold, i defo gonna sacrifice some nugs now i know what im doing my suff is really sandy colouerd you are a ledgend for teaching us this thankyou so much. bigwity


Well-known member
I have heard that it takes about 300ml of Tane to extract 95% of the oil from 20g of cannabis material. My question is this. I have an O kief Extractor II. How many 300ml cans does it take to run through one O keif tube?

I put about 20 grams into a tube ran 300ml of Vector through it and got great stuff but only about a .6g yeidl. Then I re packed it and ran another 300ml can through and got .6g yeild of some darker oil. It is some really good sugar leaf and I am assuming I should get at least 10% yield witch should be at least 2 grams. I pack the material in fairly hard. Should I pack it looser to get a higher yield?