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My att told me; busted in a School Zone means if you do time - you get NO good time

TX - within 1,000 ft - I was at 980 ft

ps. in TX - on a deferred you can still move out of state

Yea getting popped sucks bad

Thanks for the advice sky king I will ask my attorney if pa does that. I do plan on moving to cali and getting the card and I do have legit reasons for it. I actually spent 2 weeks in jail before my rents bailed me out. They decided to try and "teach" me a lesson... assholes But I met a glass blower in there from humboldt that was just passin thru and got busted he gave me his number and told me he could get me a job trimmin for 15 per hr out there but my fucking dad threw the paper away with his number. Man am I fucking pissed

They can't stop me from moving out of state because I am actually a NY state resident and I am already back in NY.


I can't even imagine the feeling of rage I would have if a person turned on me like that. Ugh, that must eat at you all day-I can't stop thinking about when my brother told my mom on me about a cigarette when I was 13, I can't imagine how you feel.

I honestly don't know if I could control homicidal impulses.

Best of luck brother. Good karma your way. Get to norcal asap-I'll see you there!


My advice; ask your attorney about pleading guilty to the felony and getting a 'deferred sentence' - probations are usually longer on them - but if you do the probation - you will not have a record they can use against you if you get busted again

I would not plead guilty to a felony under any circumstance! If the plea deal (along with treatment and restitution) wont get it dropped to a misdemeanor, suck it up and ride out 30 days in the grey bar inn or plead for one of those super stylish anklets they love handing out. Just remember if you are in inpatient treatment facility most courts will consider that time served, and with the help of a good lawyer you should be able to get any other time deferred. Just don't plead guilty to a felony make those bastards earn that mark on record with a trial.


Active member
Sorry for your loss. Happened for a reason.. all you can do is suck it up, learn and move on.

Keep ya head up


Just got off the phone with the lawsmith. He is recommending drug court. Basically I would be on the most hardcore probation possible for a year. Weekly drug tests random home visits etc but after I complete a year my record would be wiped clean. The down side is i would be stuck in pa for a fucking year....

guess imma hafta suck it up and go for it.

no pot for a year no alcohol no nothing! lame! wut eve its just a year I havnt smoked in 3 months already (longest time w/o since middleschool) looks like i might have to start smoking cigs again (double lame) maybe if im lucky i will escape with my sanity and a clean record if nothing else
Yea, do that hardcore probation and don't screw it up. They want you to go through that to make sure you're not the cocaine kingpin your roommate made you out to be.

Skarecrow, sounds too good to be true. Probably was some sort of LEO. Pops was lookin out.


nah they didnt think i was the coke guy they had wire taps and shit on his phone. but growing is an automatic felony in pennsyltuckey.

yea talked it over with my rent and they said they would help me make the first months payments on a new appartment to get started so I will be contacting the lawsmith tomorrow. hope I am eligable gonna hafta play it off like im addicted to pot or somthing hahaha

the worst part about the year isnt gonna be no pot its gonna be no growing of pot! i swear pot isnt addictive its the growing part that is!


Apparently you have never been busted ..

If you can get that reduced to a simple possession & only do 30 days & a rehab.... let me know your attorney & ha.....guess you don't live in TX

I will still recommend = if at all possible getting a deferred sentence - I for 1 don't want A FELONY RECORD or a perm. record & there is no other way than a deferred

A trial puts it in the hands of a jury & if you get a bad one = they can max you out -

No I have never been busted and I'am doing everything I can to keep from getting busted (some things are beyond your control though). The point of my post is that he should exhaust every other option before pleading guilty to a felony. the 30 day figure was an arbitrary thrown out there because most inpatient treatment programs are approx 28 days.
Furthermore, it is not impossible to get a felony charge changed to a misdemeanor (actually for a first offense it's really not even that hard), hire a really good attorney you will be amazed how much they can get done.
I'am not a lawyer but I have spent my fair share of time in lawyers offices to have a understanding of how the legal system really works. But i don't know everything and i have never been to Texas. Here is some more free advice if you ever plan on growing again (anywhere its not legal) get a lawyer and keep them on retainer. Hope my advice help if not just disregard it.


New member
Hope it works out for you. Growing with other people in the house is a real pain, I suppose.. If there's probation in your deal, take it very very seriously. Don't try to beat the system or cheat - do exactly what they tell you. It sounds like you still got some good seedstock. Even if it's for a few years, you sound like a young man; you have many many years of growing and smoking ahead of you.

Best vibes. Keep everyone posted


You my friend are full shit.

You my friend are full shit.

You are on here telling everyone about your bust and your room mate selling coke and then you woke up and POP! it was all gone and you are still growing your little weeds under a CFL getting 1+1/2 oz in total.


You are on here telling everyone about your bust and your room mate selling coke and then you woke up and POP! it was all gone and you are still growing your little weeds under a CFL getting 1+1/2 oz in total.

WTF are you talking about? I was using a 1000w switchable with an aircooled hood.
I am however lucky, I was busted in Pennsylvania were if you have 10 or more plants its a mandatory minimum of 1 year in prison. I had 9... So now I am being charged with 1 misdimeanor possesion of a controlled substance 1 misdemanor possesion of drug paraphenalia and 1 felony manufacturing w/ intent to distribute (never sold a gram in my life but if ur growin in pa its automatic attempt to distribute..) They are also trying to say that it was a school zone because there is a church on the other side of the block but my lawyor said that its doubtful that they would try to hold that against me.

Nice job staying under the MMS of 10 plants.

Where does this manufacturing w/ intent to distribute come in? I mean if the weed never leaves ur hands, there is no distribution.....so its kind of hard to manufacture w/ intent WITHOUT the intent. Guilty till proven innocent I guess. That shit is fucked up, never knew they threw that one on top.

Sorry for your troubles, hope u can move to a more MJ friendly state after this is over with.


yea well the lawyors putting in an app for "drug court" so i will have to spend another year in pa (fuck fuck fuck!) with no pot but once this shit is done I'm making a B line for cali and getting my 215
You may even be able to run with the public pretender and TELL them you were guilty of possession, but not guilty of this FELONY charge. Sometimes the pretenders have more wiggle room with the DA, but a paid attorney wont play no games. If you can afford it, do not mess with the public pretender. If the real deal is too expensive, be honest with your pretender. They are not completely useless. Just almost completely useless. You might get a deal to plea to just misdemeanors.
i got informed on by my gals health worker...

i got 5 yrs probation---5 to 15 yrs is sentence

you gotta watch all people:yoinks:
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na I know better then to fuck with a pretender I got me a good Jewish lawyor. as long as i get approved for this drug court deal then i will end up getting off almost scott free. no record no nothing. just fines and no droogs or alcohol for a year and the worst part - having to spend another year in pa argh!


what the fuck are you talking about a good Jewish Lawyor?

you don't even spell lawyer correctly.

what does Jew have to do with it?



I was enrolled in a trade school but because of this i was kicked out. I know how to deal with court suit and all. I don't even care about jail time that is by far the least of my worries, its the felony record. college and most trade schools don't accept convicted felons.
Where are you getting this? Colleges LOVE rehab cases. They have professors with criminal records for crying out loud.


Talk to your attorney about a conditional discharge... There might be a slim chance he can plead you down to a misdomeanor possesion charge. If this happens you may be able to plead guilty to the misdomeanor and take the conditional discharge. Then possibly get an expungement later. Drug court is tough... I've had alot of friends go throught that. You gotta go in front of the judge every wednesday, they drug test out the ass, trust me it's a pain. You might be better off just maxing out your sentence and doing time instead. Maby do 6 months in state then parole for 6 months to a year and then bam your done. Drug court keeps you outa jail but youre in it for like 18 months and it's easy to fuck it up. If you violate drug court then they send you to jail anyway sometimes for the full sentence. Talk it over with your attorney..

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