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stke's 400w CMH cab "ToG" or "V-scrog"

siddartha thanks for the rep my friend!
i really want to see more vertical setup's! i will hook my closet up with about 3 400w cmh's n see what that looks like(2 months). i bet i can get about 5ft x 12ft in screen into a small closet and really make some numbers. until then i'll make due with my cab. i remember reading that the coli can pull some crazy gram/watt and i wanna see it. i NEED a good yielding strain but i hate to loose quality. i'll just keep the cab running with the head stash to calm my cravings. this cut i have is nucken futs with crystal production and love everything about it but the yield.

BTW if your really gonna try this, try to get your net about 12" from the cool tube to help deal with the heat. that is still plenty of light and a lot more room for a more efficient use of the light. i''m not having problems now but it's only day 11. humidity is pretty much non-existent here and shouldn't be an issue. i got my fingers crossed!

if your thinking of using the same space as myself i would suggest a 250w cmh because 400w is just overkill. i bet it will make some pretty nugs but i don't think it'll make my harvest much more than a 250w(in the same space). it just so happened to be what i had laying around when i got the idea.

till next time keep it green brotha! put up some pics if you got a grow!


New member
Sweet, looks like I came in on this grow at the beginning! :lurk: I have been lurking around these forum's for a while and I don't recall seeing many vertical grows like this, or maybe I missed them all. :joint: I can't wait to see how much you can get from that thing! :smoke:
sup alt789!

you definitely didn't miss anything! i looked everywhere to find info on this cab and only one guy "on the other side of the pond" had anything close. and not in english. none that i have seen are like mine(400w,Co2,and almost the full line of an nutes), maybe there is someone else doing it this way... if so speak up mang!

what will it pull? shit i hope for a g/w but that would be amazing. i'll be happy with .5g/w to tell you the truth. if it was about having a g/w i would have went with a 250w. but the growth has been well worth the 400w heat. if growth doesn't slow down i'll have a full screen covered in bud. i'm trying to spread the branches out evenly but it's pretty cramped in there.


thanks for stopping by! it's about to get very interesting this week! stand by for the next update to see how sick it will really be after the stretch.

that's right everyone, stke's cab in about to blow the fuck up! it's been lights out for about 7 hours now. i've decided to leave the lights off for a full 24 hours and kick off the start day 1 flower tomorrow. it's set up to run at night to help with my extreme climate(doubt to see under 100*F during the better part of the summer). my screen is looking promising for a good yield. i hope a little stretch will fill my empty spots.

if you have read everything and understand what is about to happen in this TOG, i need some input. the screen is pretty full on the bottom, but the top isn't. i feel that the stretch (about average with my cut) may be impacted by the CMH bulb. the node growth and the short spacing is totally different than she has ever grown. she usually went with about 6 even branches(topped) or one main cola(all natural) with even amounts of production all the way to the stump.

my questions are...

1. How would you arrange the branches as the stretch ensues? Do i allow them to grow strait up the net or try to keep up on training with the stretch?

2. How would you arrange the branches after the stretch is over? Do i pull them back onto the screen or try to "stadium seat" the branches?

3. Would you trim all branches not in direct light? Will a 400w Cmh penetrate the cola's once they fatten up later in bloom? (i don't want fat nugs everywhere in the beginning, then get shade the second half, and hold back the tops that are in the direct beam of light) :fsu:

any input would be awesome! there is a gazillion pics of the setup in my gallery if you need a visual. i could post some but i think i'm already putting up too many. lol

thanks guys! n gals if you're out there.
Great grow here. I'm going to be trying to construct a similar cab in the next few months myself. I've got a magnetic 400 HPS ballast and I think I'll try to get a CMH running.

Quick question on CMH...is it the same size as a HPS bulb so that I could run it in a cooltube made from a wrap-around or do you need a 6" cooltube?

Can't wait to see these girls when they're budding!
thanks for the comments, the CMH bulb is right about the same as the HPS, maybe a little thicker but just barely. stick around for the buds my friend, today is day1 flower.


Med grower
ICMag Donor
stke_fingas said:
my questions are...

1. How would you arrange the branches as the stretch ensues? Do i allow them to grow strait up the net or try to keep up on training with the stretch?

2. How would you arrange the branches after the stretch is over? Do i pull them back onto the screen or try to "stadium seat" the branches?

3. Would you trim all branches not in direct light? Will a 400w Cmh penetrate the cola's once they fatten up later in bloom? (i don't want fat nugs everywhere in the beginning, then get shade the second half, and hold back the tops that are in the direct beam of light) :fsu:

any input would be awesome! there is a gazillion pics of the setup in my gallery if you need a visual. i could post some but i think i'm already putting up too many. lol

thanks guys! n gals if you're out there.

1. I'd let them grow straight up the inside of the net, and use some string or ties to keep them flush against the surface of the net.

2. Normally when using some sort of screen as a training method the branches just remain where they are after stretching, there's no moving them.

3. When doing a regular SCRoG normal practise is to trim away all leaves and branches below the screen - so if you want to you could trim all branches/leaves that are on the outside of the tube. As you mentioned, penetration is a concern but I think your 400W cmh should be ample in your space - I hear they're comparable to a 600W hps. Just try to keep as many fan leaves as you can to help make a canopy inside that tube - fan leaves are the sugar factories of the plant.

thanks for stopping by. i'll have pictures up soon showing progress(there has been a lot of it).

thanks for stopping by giving your input! sorry i didn't reply sooner.

i picked up some twisty ties to hold the plants flush a few days ago. it's working great!

i was trying to ask how to let the cola's grow, let them off the net or held against the net.

thanks for that bit of info. i do use sweet i hope it will help compensate for trimming fan leaves. i'm stoked if the CMH will preform like a 600w HPS! never heard that but i would have to agree with the speed of growth i've had. i've had to take quite a few fan leaves out of the inside of the tube cause they were blocking way too much light.

thanks for the help and i'll be back with some pic's later when the light turns on. :wave:


"i was trying to ask how to let the cola's grow, let them off the net or held against the net."

It depends on what you want the cola to look like. You'll have to have a good feel of the stretching period. Allow the top six to eight inches of stretch to hang free of the screen to form a typical cola. Use your twist ties to secure the main stem to the screen in an orientation best for your setup. A cola doesn't have to grow vertical, it can grow any direction accept up side down. You could continue to thread the cola. The buds of the cola will stick out like individual fingers and get nice and plump.

I've read that you'll have no shortage of fans with a CMH. I've used tomato cages in past grows, closest thing I've ever come to growing vertical. I avoided cutting most fans by training them to grow on the outside of the cage while the bud sites are obviously trained to grow inside. The only fans I lost were the ones I broke off letting get too big to train or pull through the cage. Once I started training the young and tender fans I could usually do them all without breaking them off.

Have you thought about doing a thread for the do it yourselfers? In a couple of months, (or less) there will be several versions of your design. When other brains get picked some cool ideas come out of the cracks, not that you've under anticipated anything, lol. Lookin forward to the dope show!
disco duck what up!
thanks for stopping by and for the info as well. funny that i just did exactly what you suggested right before i came to update! i like the way you think man. i have plenty of room outside the netting and the fan leaves can pick up any extra light that might get by the colas.

how do i want the cola's to look?... fat and stke! lol... i would like for them all to be equal in growth as much as possible cause big colas take up a lot of room. i'm going to try and get all the branches tied back against the net when there done stretching.

yeah i want to do a DIY thread but there are a lot of unnecessary obstacles i had to overcome working with the desk i have. i'll get a taller vertical cab to make a DIY thread.

here is the screen today.



Active member
Hey Stke. Your plants are looking great man. The screen is really starting to fill out. Keep up the outstanding work!!!
WaterFarmFan said:
Hey Stke. Your plants are looking great man. The screen is really starting to fill out. Keep up the outstanding work!!!

thanks man! after looking at the pic's i noticed how much brighter the bottom is than the top. so my plan is to take off the 6"-4" reducer and raise the light. it was perfect for the veg cycle because it was nice and even with the plants but now that they had a lil stretch it needs to be raised. i may get some insulation for the duct and top of the cool tube, as this seems to be the spot with the most heat. other than that it's all going as planned.

Co2... i bought the equipment the second grow that i did. not having everything setup right(window ac), i never got it's full potential. after running it in my cab i have noticed that the plants grow and mature much faster than 300ppm. it may be the CMH light having a part of this as well...

any thoughts and/or comments?
i got two threads going and i figured i better stick to one. it's more of a micro grow anyway so i'm going to keep the micro thread going. :bashhead:

the new link is in my sig.