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busted... need advice please


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Join Date: Jul 2008
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damn homey dont you got a job or do something besides sit in front of the computer all day and post every few seconds ,how do you get over 4 billion post ..hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


why do people take the time to grow mj and not even regale themselves to understanding their constitutional rights.1 don't answer door.2 if you really feel like tallking talk thru the door but I recommend the first ,now if your dumb enough to talke keep it simple.
state your business?
officer blah blah blah.
you, I will talk with my attorney about the matter in question,have a nice day goodbye.
if he starts demanding you open the door tell him to leave or ask if he has a search warrent along with who the watch commander is so you can call to complain.under no circumstance open the door ever!I don't give a fuck what they tell/lie to you.
stupid pigs and dumber people


Patient Grower
Well he did say he was familiar with what he should do, but overcome with emotion. I know how hard it is to say know to the cops from personal experience. I managed to get arrested for a (seriously) bogus charge in 1992. They came to my house but I wasn't there, and was told that a uniform and plainclothes LEO had been knocking on my door. That told me there was a warrant for my arrest, this was in VA and that was the only time that combination showed up together unless it was a crime scene. Later that night I happened to step outside for a nicotine fix and saw a patrol car driving up the street very slowly. I promptly took my keys out of my pocket and tossed them inside, and shut and secured the door. Sure enough, they were there to arrest me. One of the possible pains in the ass of being busted previously is that your picture might end up included in a photo line up, and you get identified as the perpetrator of an armed robbery in a county you haven't visited in years. The plainclothes cop kept asking me 'where's the nine' which confused the hell out of me, I had no clue what a 'nine' was. I was worried more about the 92, as in 92 stalks in veg in my grow. I gotta tell you I was scared to death, and the cop wanted permission to search my house. I had vexed his plan to search 'pursuant to arrest' by stepping outside and now he needed permission. 'Where's the nine', can I go in and get the 'nine'? Yes, I looked at him, told him I was standing mute, but inside I was getting ready to implode from fear and say yes. It really took every bit of my mental wherewithal to continue to keep my mouth shut, and it may have been tossing the keys and locking myself out that made the difference between me being able to maintain and breaking down blubbering, saying yes, go ahead I don't have a fucking 'nine' whatever the fuck that is. He stood on the stoop and pounded on the door for a good 15 minutes, which only incrementally increased my irrational desire to accede and allow him to do whatever he wanted.. He seemed to think if there was another resident that that resident could allow a search, but fortunately he was banging on a door of a home with no one there.

I disagree with mentioning the attorney, or the watch commander, or the Constitution, or your legal rights, or any of the other nonsense they hear day in and day out from people who think they know the law. The watch commander is his buddy, they drink beer and eat donuts together. The Constitution doesn't matter much, except in Court if you get the right combination of players. They don't give a shit about your legal rights, and most people are clueless about the actual application of the law and what their rights really are. How many people still think all you have to do is ask an uLEO if he's a cop and he'll have to tell you? How many people think, well they didn't say the magic Miranda spell when they arrested me, so the arrest is illegal? Name, rank, serial number, and if they persist "I'm standing mute". Let the lawyers settle it in court.

BTW, the armed robbery charge did get nolle processed. Getting busted in 1989 and getting my mugshot in the system got me busted, but ironically being in court ordered rehab because of that bust turned out to be my iron clad alibi. I also was finally clued in that a 'nine' was a 9 millimeter handgun, which is what he wanted to find. Oh yeah, did I mention I was on felony probation at the time? There's another common misconception that lots of people hold, that probationers in every state give up their fourth amendment rights. It just isn't true in VA, at least it wasn't in the early 1990s.

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