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busted... need advice please


New member
I am a 19 year old college student in Ohio.

Last night I went home so I could harvest 2 plants I had growing outside. I parked my car down the street and got out and walked to the spot which is about a mile walk. I ended up getting two very shitty plants. The total weight couldn't have been over 100 grams, which is a felony in my state.....

I guess while I was walking some one called the tags in off my car to the sherriff's office. I get the weed in a backpack and i put it in my tunk and went home, not really thinking anything else about it.

About an hour later, my mother asks me why there is a sheriff in our dirveway..... Oh fuck.... He was pulled up right behind the car with the weed in the trunk.

He instantly asks is this "_______ ______". He tells me that someone reported my vehicle and that a person was walking down the street with a back pack. At this time I am pretty paniced, and I know I could have handled the situation a lot diffrently then how I did. But I was soooo scared and caught off guard.

So he asks me if I had a backpack. Obviously I was in the area so I told him that yes I had a backpack but I was just walking a long the creek looking for good places to fish.... It was the only reason I could come up with. So he asks me where is the backpack?I told him I left it at a freinds. He asks for this friends # so he can veriffy I was over there and actually calls them up but can't get a hold of them.

Fianlly he asks if he can search the vehicle. I don't know why, but I said yes. I know I should have said no, but my mom was watching the whole time and I was just so paniced I didn't have time to think.

He doesn't go in the vehicle just shines his light in the windows then asks me to open up the trunk (which has the backpack with weed in it). I opened the trunk and of course there is an instant smell of fresh weed and it was pretty much over from here.

He took a picture of the trunk / backpack. And then confiscated it.

He said that they were really busy tonight and he wasn't going to charge me till later. He said that the weed would be sent to a lab where it would be dried, and then when the results would be sent back I would then be charged. He said that the sheriffs office would call me to let me know I had been charged but then it was my repsonsibility to turn myself in to be booked.

The charges he said were likely would be possesion of marijuana and parephenillia, I guess the backpack was parephenillia. I don't know when I will be charged but he said it could take a few weeks, I'm still confused about all of this....

Pretty much I'm asking for any advice anyone has to offer.

Last year ( I was 18) I got caught with possesion and parephenillia as well, so that will defiantley impact this, no? My loans were an issue at the time, but the prosecutor offered some type of plea that wouldn't charge me with drug posession per say.... so it wouldn't affect the loans. But I feel like that was my one free card and now I'm really in toruble.

I'm so scared if I loose my federal loans I don't know what I will do for college. I can't beleive I put my family thorugh this, and how arrogant I was. There are a million "what-ifs" going through my head, not that they will do any good.

I spent this morning calling lawyers from the phone book but no one answered so I left a few messages. I have no idea really what to expect in all this. Legally I may be an adult but I'm not going to lie to myself I feel like a little kid way way way over my head, and I don't know what to do. I was such an idiot in all of this I know I borught it upon myslef, and I don't think I could have handled it much worse.

Please, if anyone has any advice I would like to hear it. Or if you need any more info let me know.

Thank you for your time.


ugh....KNOW YOUR RIGHTS!!!! There was no way you should have let him search your car. Or even talked to him...But at this point you need to be finding the best lawyer around, period. don't be cheap, a great lawyer goes a long way. Hang in there bud, we all do stupid things, you're young and have a lot ahead of you. Lets make sure its FREE time! Best of luck homie.


Its a little late but the best advice is never let cops search just because they ask. Don't talk to cops. Get a lawyer, you probably aren't looking at anything too serious. Live and learn. Good luck.


all praises are due to the Most High
yeah wtf... so in the usa someone can call the cops on you because you have a backpack with you and the police go looking for you and your backpack? wtf!!?!?!???!!!?? you should have asked him if someone reported something missing or if he was looking for something, if not, what does he care if you have a backpack? you could have brought a different backpack from inside the house...

good luck, call a good lawyer


good drown

how are your parents taking this?
can they help out with a lawyer?
that is very nice of the cop if he only charges you with possession and pari.
get a lawyer asap and do not speak to the cops until you do.
write down everything that happened ASAP. it will help you later when talking with the lawyer, and all small details counts. also, ask your mom to do the same thing, if she is speaking to you. for all you know something he did could get you off, and having your mom as the witness will go a long way, its not like she's a burnt out stoner.

good luck and stay strong


He said that they were really busy tonight and he wasn't going to charge me till later. He said that the weed would be sent to a lab where it would be dried, and then when the results would be sent back I would then be charged. He said that the sheriffs office would call me to let me know I had been charged but then it was my repsonsibility to turn myself in to be booked.

So he took ur stuff and told you they would charge u later? did he write anything down or give you paper work? did he report anything over the radio? Just seems wierd, ive been arrested and ROR'd (released on own recognizance) and told id be contacted but seems like he just took it, unless im reading ur post wrong.


Owl Mirror

Active member
As the others have said, it's a bit late to give advice. That said, first thing that comes to mind is to NOT admit to having grown those plants. You can say you were walking around and came upon them. That might remove the manufacturing aspect from the charges.
Then admit to the JUDGE that it was really stupid to have picked those plants and stuffed them in your backpack. You just saw them and thought it would be something cool to do.

As for your Federal Loans, if you are convicted of ANY drug offense, kiss them good-bye.
I am very sorry but, you admit you knew that using marijuana while depending on Federal School Loans was a mistake.
Now you will either have to work 2-3 jobs while going to school or learn how to get a job without an education.

I wish it were not this way but, unfortunately in today's society there are consequences for our actions.
Good Luck,


ICMag Donor
What advice do you want? I mean, you already know what you SHOULDN'T have done...the only thing we can tell you at this point is get yourself a good lawyer.

The fact that you are young, and now on your second offense within what is a relatively short period of time...they will go after you. They'll assume you have no respect for the law, and slapped them in the face after they let you go easily the first time. I'd expect for them to sit on this a bit, and kinda keep track of you. Make sure to KEEP AWAY from those you know that smoke...or else they'll quickly become your "known associates". If ANYTHING...get a lawyer on retainer, and wait for them to bring charges. Other wise... KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT...don't ever forfeit your rights, especially on a fishing expedition, which is exactly what the cop was on.

My guess is someone already KNEW the plants were there, and were simply waiting for you to come get them, so they could call it in, and put you in a bind. Some people are like that.

Pick a MUCH more secluded spot in the future...all you can do is learn from this.

Sorry man...best of luck.

Ohio laws arent nothing to be scarred of man. You might get a fine...If that.

In fact, when you take away the medical community, ohio has better laws than cali does.


Active member
ya. you will prolly just get probation. unless that cop smoked your stash and didnt report you...
either way good luck man and sorry to hear about the hard times for you


Active member
Police can be tricky though. They'll ask you if you have anything they should know about, and you answer "No" then right after that ask you if you mind if they search through all your shit and you'll be in "no" mode and answer this way on accident. I know I got caught up sticking to the no-no and my answer should have been the no-yes


Active member
you will just get a fine and slap on the wrist. it's a civil citation for under 4 ounces

i doubt your plants weighed more than 2 ounces each probably way less because you really don't know what you are doing.

you could have avoided it all by saying you went fishing and said you don't consent to a search.

don't be a pussy next time and learn from your mistakes.


Active member
example: "what, is it illegal to go fishing? did i do something wrong? have a good night officer" if he doesn't leave "You are now trespassing" your mom is your witness.

but yeah it's hard. your 19 kid. ya live and ya learn. you just popped your cherry.


get a good lawyer!

Police can be tricky though. They'll ask you if you have anything they should know about, and you answer "No" then right after that ask you if you mind if they search through all your shit and you'll be in "no" mode and answer this way on accident. I know I got caught up sticking to the no-no and my answer should have been the no-yes

ah, good explanation.


Overkill is under-rated.
Well if all else fails, know that you're acquiring valuable knowledge that few possess, and those skills will help you become more successful than your college graduate friends who can't find jobs and have to live with their parents (KCBS reported yesterday, 80% of grads move back home with their folks!!)

Live and learn, and oh yeah, "This too shall pass!" If this is the worst thing that happens to you in your life, consider yourself fortunate. You've just learned a valuable lesson about caution and cops, and I bet you won't make the same mistake twice!


New member
Yes I know it is a little late for "advice". More or less "perspective", I suppose.

I was caught off guard. And then I failed to put in to practice what I knew I should do. But it was intemidating for me at the time, and I got caught.... straight up. Easier said then done, and I lost.

I dunno maybe my mistake will help remind other people not to be so foolish.

I talked to a lawyer. I know I will get charged soon, in the near future. Unless you know, a miracle happens. I'm assuming my charges will be based on the ammount found but I won't know untill I'm charged.

Just have to see how it goes, but it still sucks!!!

I'm asking myself was it worth it?

Thanks, really. In a way it jut helps to see it in some diffrent views.

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