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BUSTED!! Narc perjures warrant affadavit

This story should illustrate how even a careful person can get caught up in someone else's problems.

A friend ( who deals ) and his insane girlfriend ( meth head, ex-convict and facing heavy charges herself ) argue all night and then have a major fight, cops come and charges are laid...the girlfriend decides to snitch on her man and all his friends. This is in another county.

An agent calls the head narc in my county and relays her accusations, which are all lies. She had not been to my home for 6 months, and she never saw anything. She assumed I was growing and told the narc's that she had been in my home ' 2 weeks ago' and had seen ' 20-30 large plants '. A total lie.

I had a lot of growing equipment stored, but NOTHING going on. Alone, her UNreliable accusation would never be enough for a warrant...so what does the head narc here do?

H creates a ' reliable ' source from thin air and claims that this source ' just happened' to mention to him that for many months he had been observing me delivering ' large amounts ' of cannabis to some unknown friends of his, and that the friends told him that I had announced that the grow was in my home! The source admits that he had never been to my home, yet supposedly I trusted him enough to witness deliveries of weed, but for some reason was not trusted enough to hear the bragging about the location of my grow!

The entire story reeks of a manufactured lie, with all the elements needed, and at the exact time needed. Imagine the odds of finding a ' reliable' source who just happens to have the exact story needed, but for some reason kept this to himself until just after the call from the other county...I find it hard to believe that a judge signed the warrant even with the perjured story: There was NO evidence comfirming the story...none.

Unreal. Not only have I sold NOTHING to anyone, but to think that I would sell in front of witnesses, all the while bragging as to the location of the grow, is insane. The narc simply PERJURED himself on the warrant affadavit; I have no doubt that no source exists at all...and if he does, that the narc simply supplied some info and got the rat to nod and agree.

This narc is well known for ' getting the job done', and he seems to feel invulnerable; if he gets caught lying, the state drops the case...if the defendant is weak or has a bad lawyer, they end up pleading and the lies are never dealt with. But I am a student of the law, and I will NOT allow a perjured warrant to stand without a total fight.

There is NO WAY POSSIBLE for the story to be true, as I have not committed any of the acts alleged. The narcs knew that the guy who got ratted by his girl would call me and advise me that she was ratting, and to make sure I was cool...which he did. I had nothing going on and so did not even bother storing all the equipment elsewhere: I KNEW that her word was not enough and that NO OTHER source could say squat.

I did not count on the narc deciding to get the warrant no matter what to verify her allegations, but he did. One week after getting the call from the agent, the local narc had ' found ' his perfect source and gotten the warrant signed.

Well, they descended on me about 11 am and tore the house apart for 8 hours...8-10 cops and a dog..and they found NO CANNABIS whatsoever!! They were furious. All that effort and all they got was a few old pipes that were buried so deep even I had forgotten about them...thats a misdemeanor paraphenalia charge at worst..but the cops were not about to walk away with a loss...they charged me with 2 felonies...manufacturing..and maintaining a dwelling for use...and the paraphenalia charge.

The fact that NO cannabis was found did not stop them from filing phony charges that they knew would be dropped..just to fuck me over.

I was jailed under a high secure bond and it took 3 days of suffering in a miserable jail before I got bonded out, cost me almost a grand in fees and crap..the magistrate should never have approved the arrest warrants issued after the raid because of NO foundation...NO DRUGS AT ALL...but the magistrates are nothing more than rubber stamps for the pigs and she figured, like the pigs do, that if it gets dismissed then all is well..

My attorney told me a couple of days ago that I was NOT indicted by the grand jury, which means the felonies are gone, and all I am facing is the paraphenalia charge. Well, that will get dropped too or I will demand a Franks hearing and fight the warrant. I will never plead to anything; the cop perjured himself, as anyone that reads the affadavit can see in a minute..his story reeks of a set up and the odds of a rat ' forgetting' to mention valuable info until it just happened to be needed to corroborate an unfounded allegation is beyond believeable.

The narc canot produce the ' source' because they do not exist, or were coached, and I do not believe that any scared rat can hold up under close and pointed questioning from a judge or lawyer, which is what would happen in an in camera,ex parte hearing to disprove my allegation of perjury on the affadvit.

The closest the pigs came to finding weed was a picture in a magazine!! The scumbag pigs actually seized my High Tmes magazine collection !! I will get them back too.

The head narc, who has a local reputation for such dirty deeds, going back years, also took two bags of soda ash, which my daughter uses to bind dyes to fabric, and which was labeled as such by the fabric store we bought it at...the narc did NOT list it on the seized items list, no doubt so he could use it to plant on someone else or use to accuse someone falsely..so I am going to raise hell and get that back also...just to save some other poor schmuck the grief.

So, the lesson is; Anyone can make an allegation, no matter how unreliable or insane they may be...and all it takes is ONE crooked and lying cop to perjure himself on a warrant affadavit...then they come searching. I was lucky; at the time I had nothing ( or they failed to find what little I had!)..but it cost me dearly.

The cops were so ashamed of not finding anything major that they kept it all out of the papers...normally in a small town the cops trumpet all such ' raids ' with pictures and bullshit..but not a peep from my ordeal...they want this to go away. It will, but not before I get all my things back and the remaining paraphenalia charge dropped...there is no way the DA will try and pretend that this is a legit bust, and the warrant affadavit is obviously phony.

There was ZERO investigation done, NO evdience of a grow..no electric bill checked, no signs of a grow, NOTHING. ONLY the accusation of a totally unreliable chick, and a perjured story from the narc...that is all it took.

The filthy narcs do not care if it gets tossed..as long as they have the sick satisfaction of seeing me thrown in jail for a few days and costing me a bundle just before Christmas is enough to get their rocks off, the sick freaks. Now I have to tell my two disabled children that they will not get much of a holiday this year...as the costs really hurt me.

ALL I can hope for is that the narc gets cancer of the brain and suffers hell on earth before being escorted to the infernal realms, or that some real thug shoots the piece of shit in the head ,and that all of you out there remember that being right and being legally careful do not mean anything when a pig is willing to commit perjury on an affadavit...that turns the whole thing upside down. Happy Holidays!


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
good to know your safe but if all this is true and your a law student and know and have a good lawyer why dont you make it PUBLIC and fight it and sue the state and the county so that the cop and these practices are outed and then maybe you can help the next guy... otherwise you just let them continue on there illegal activities....


I have never seen a cop tell the truth in a courtroom. Yet, I do not believe any cop in my county of over a million people has been ever charged with perjury.

I would love to see this case brought to the light of day, where others can then have the courage to come forward with similiar stories. Then the cops can be investigated and some innocent people can have their cases dismissed.

And a whole lot of lawsuits filed.


Active member
Screw them man, get your shit back and go to the sheriff and file a complaint. Tell him that the narc is making up sources. It will get you on his bad side but you already are so fuck it.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
So why did you not have any plants growing? ;)


shut the fuck up Donny
ugh, cops.

This is exactly why I had the stance I did in the now deleted Aeroguerilla thread. Cops will do whatever they want even if it involves 100% lying.

I hope you get through it ok.

The moral of this story is clearly to NEVER let a "insane girlfriend ( meth head, ex-convict and facing heavy charges herself )" into your house. Big mistake.


Active member
cops lie and fabricate all kinds of stuff. i myself beat a case 6 years ago and had to listen to the undercover lie continually.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
ugh, cops.

This is exactly why I had the stance I did in the now deleted Aeroguerilla thread. Cops will do whatever they want even if it involves 100% lying.

I hope you get through it ok.

The moral of this story is clearly to NEVER let a "insane girlfriend ( meth head, ex-convict and facing heavy charges herself )" into your house. Big mistake.


I'm sorry that you are being subjected to this, but it may well be because you're chosen to stick it to them by the Universe itself!

Fight the good fight!

This sounds like the worst possible case for them!

Call the local news....It's a great story, Sad, but Great... I hope everything works out in your favor........ Try not to let 'em get you down during the Holidays... Good luck man.


New member
Mistake #1: Allowing a meth head ex convict into your home.

The fact that an ex convict meth head would know to drop your name says you messed up somewhere. Probably with the ex convict meth head.

I am glad you're safe. I hope you take this to the news, I hope it all went down exactly as you said so you can go ape shit on the police department that did this. But I personally dont think letting a meth head exconvict into your home and world is "careful."

For real though, you should ask your lawyer if you have a case against the police department. If you don't want to pursue it because you are attempting to stay off the radar (too late) it is understandable. But seems like you are safe and out of the "game" for now, so why not pursue it? That sounds like they shit all over your rights.


Ya I'd call the local news for sure...Especially considering it's a small town. Turning to violence is an awful idea for all parties involved...legally, ethically and practically.

Not to be a dick, but I don't see any evidence in your post of you being careful (except the apparently random chance of not having a grow going on). You knew this girl was a psycho yet you told her man about the grow (or maybe even her?). Tell nobody and if you must only tell people who are financially/mentally stable and who don't have close family members/significant others/friends that aren't stable.
I couldnt imagine having my rights violated like that. It would be extremely hard for me to not retaliate in a violent way. It makes u wanna hurt somebody. An if you do fight it get ready for a bunch of lying narcs up on the stand fabricating randon lies. They'lle prolly claim u got tipped off and chopped everything. They'lle also claim you have all the equipment so u must grow, cause "where theres smoke theres fire". Good luck though.


Well-known member
Here's a thought I wonder what the cop is doing with the "rat money" he requisitions for all these stellar tips he is getting
I can't believe that's all it took for LEO to tear up your home. Hell, with this practice they can harass anyone they damn well please. It is critical that a story like this goes public.

Very obvious why it must, so I won't bother listing the bazillion reasons.


Cops are the scum of the earth.. All you have to do is flip on the TV and watch the show "Cops". They always seem to prey on the weak and defenseless. They find some old drunks or crackheads and beat the crap out of them and then strut around like tough guys for the cameras. assholes. Then they chase some scared kid down in a car, and the kid wrecks maiming or killing himself and/or others...and it's the kid's fault for running...the fuckhead pigs then strut around like proud peacocks defending the law. Most of them are dirty and have domestic problems themselves because they get pumped up on steroids in the gym and beat the shit outta their women. Who the fuck do they think they're foolin? I'm rambling here, sorry.
To the op: you are obviously an intelligent guy that knows your rights and the law, but don't expect that to matter, not in a corrupt system that holds all the cards against you. Just stand tall and try and salvage a a Christmas for your kids. This holiday season, I too will pray that these son of a bitches get brain cancer and die. Merry Christmas to you and yours, broseph.


ICMag Donor
You got mad at me when I argued this post with you and deleted some of your posts where you were giving members what I knew to be false information. Now you know what I was telling you was the truth. And like you have now, I learned it through personal experience. Glad to see they didn't get much from you......

And the sad part is you really have no repercussions against the cops themselves. The laws set up so they can patsy it off onto the informant. It sucks, but it is what it is. They know what they are doing and always leave themselves blameless. Even if the informant signed a statement that the cops told him what to say, it's his word against theirs and we know how that always ends up....

The word of someone NOT known to be a reliable informant is NOT enough alone for a warrant. It takes MORE than just one rats word. Of course it is enough to get the filth investigating and from that a warrant MIGHT be drawn eventually, but you are corredct that if one person's word was enough that we would see people lying all the time just to get enemies harrassed.

A lot of people think that the cops can just stroll in to a judges chambers are get him to sign a warrant application based on nothing...but that is not true. It takes probable cause, and that means evidence enough to convince a reasonable person that a crime had been committed. The cops would LOVE it in their black hearts if they could do away with warrants altogether, but thank God we staill have some rights..as long as we use them.

The trick is to NEVER give consent, never listen to the cops filthy lies, and always get a lawyer before speaking to the scum.
thanks for the replies

thanks for the replies

A appreciate the input. The woman in question was a long time girlfriend of a really great guy I know well, a real stand up guy, but his taste in women leaves much to be desired. he stopped by my house 6 months ago with her and we chatted...after that, she really went downhill fast, although I had nothing to do with her she was his problem and it never affected me.

I never trusted her one bit, and told my pal over and over that she was trouble and would no doubt screw him over some day...his friends could see the writing on the wall...but you know how it is with some guys..they want to believe a person can change.

When they got into trouble and she began squealing I was not concerned because I had no contact with her and after all, 6 months ago a 20 minute visit doesn't mean much...but she of course wanted to give the pigs all she could and so lied completely.

I am a very private person and the number of people who visit me can be counted on less than one hand...so I am not careless...the moral of the story is that ANY bad cop can take an UNreliable rumor and simply invent a rat and make up a story to get a warrant.

As far as suing them...sounds great but NO lawyer, especially around here, will take a case on contingency, so unless one has quite a lot os cash there is no way to sue. The media will not broadcast mere allegations...unless you have hard core evidence, such a video, etc..it is his word against mine.

Believe me, if I could sue the scum I would..but for now I have to settle for getting the charges dropped and getting my stuff back...and if the money comes I will sue as soon as possible.

Proving a case of perjury is very difficult; I have to prove that the rat does not exist or was coached and that the narc did it all intentionally. Hard to do when the rat is anonymous, if he exists at all, and the burden of proof in a suit is on me...whereas the burden of proof is on THEM in a criminal trial to prove the rat exists and that the cop did not lie.

I am super private, super careful...and yet one lying rumor from a junkie i barely ever saw was enough to trigger a crooked narc into making up a lie to get the warrant...it can happen to you, because it happened to me..unless you are a hermit and have no friends or contacts you are at risk of being lied about...I found out the hard way.
SCORPIO: You are right...I was going before on the assumption that the pigs would not actually invent a rat and a story, committing perjury, but I stand corrected. of course if you take away the aspect of perjury my original comments are valid...when the system is respected by the cops one story alone, unreliable and unsubstantiated, cannot provide a valid probable cause for a warrant.

BUT, when the pigs are willing to perjure themselves, then the rules are out the windown and all assumptions are invalid. so it CAN be done, as you said..on the word of one AND a pig willing to perjure a warrant affadvit. I should have made that exception to my earlier statements and now will not make blanket statements in the future without a caveat..

Lesson learned: The cops can lie and get warrants even when no legally sufficient evidence exists..you are right Scorpio...