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BUSTED!! Narc perjures warrant affadavit



Ah....glad to l3e l3ack on IC, great reads always....very sorry to hear what went down...it could have l3een worse, no? Image that 3 days...into 3 years in a cell....people phighting you phor ketchup packets and sugar....trying to sleep at night with the TV l3lairing...everyday the samething.
Screw them man, get your shit back and go to the sheriff and file a complaint. Tell him that the narc is making up sources. It will get you on his bad side but you already are so fuck it.

Sheriffs are elected here, and are politicians first. The sheriff here always supports his goons, no matter what. Years ago, my daughter was falsely charged with 2 misdemeanors, obviously phony charges that would never stand...and I went and complained before court to the sheriff to see if they would do the right thing...all I was told was ; " Well, it the Judge dismisses it, then no problem, right?"

No problem? Well, I had a sharp lawyer from out of town come and defend her and the cop didn't show for court..the judge had him called in after waiting for hours..he was not even going to appear. Then, our lawyer ripped him a new ass, exposed the lies he told and the absolute lack of a proper basis...the judge was pissed at him and dismissed the charges with a disgusted look at the cop..

The whole courtroom was focused on the red faced, shamed cop, and my daughter, on the way out, told the cop " You are a DAMNED liar!!" Well, the prosecutor heard it and some cops and clerks and they were stunned...the Da asked the judge, who was talking to someone at sidebar, to " hold them back...she called the officer a liar!!" The Judge looked up and said " I am not holding anyone back " and looked at the cop again with a disgusted look.

It embarrassed that pig to no end and I was thrilled..exposed as a liar in court.

But filing a complaint will go nowhere...the pigs here believe that once a case gets tossed, thats the end of it...because so few people can afford a lawyer to file the necessary lawsuits for damages..

The local sheriff has no interest in justice, just in keeping any negative headlines away from his agency..the cops are as crooked as hell and cover up for each other.

Unless someone has absolute evidence, indisputable, their claims will be denied and swept under the rug...
your only as good as the company you keep,
peace TS

If that was meant to be profound, forgive me for not recognizing it as such.

Perhaps a more accurate quote might be:" You are only as good as the company of the company you keep ".

No one has control over what people do or say, especially when they are rarely ever around you; if you met some guy on the street who you barely knew, he could still lie and weave a tale that included you...and how to control a cop willing to perjure himself?


Active member
I hear ya SMT and I know the situation well. I grew up in a town during a time when the police and major drug dealers were on the same page. All I can say is that justice was served in many cases by damage done to cruisers and cops personal property. You know your choices, leave them be or do your damnedest to give them what they deserve. A letter to your congressman and senator as well as the judges in the area concerning the practices of the local pd might be a road to take but it is a long and troublesome road to hoe. In any case, fuck the pigs.
Ah....glad to l3e l3ack on IC, great reads always....very sorry to hear what went down...it could have l3een worse, no? Image that 3 days...into 3 years in a cell....people phighting you phor ketchup packets and sugar....trying to sleep at night with the TV l3lairing...everyday the samething.

hahaha why would you want to type like an illiterate child?


If I were you, I would assume they will be keeping an eye on your electric bills, random drive bys looking for signs of dealing, making note on who comes by, running tags parked at your house, and who knows what else. I would likely sell my grow stuff or just haul it off to the dump, move way away from that shit place, and after a few years, maybe, just a maybe might consider another low profile grow...but that place is jinxed permanently as is the county for you and yours...


ICMag Donor
I'll tell you what you can do, but you're not going to get water from a rock.

You could file a civil suit against the girl that lied if you can prove it was her. The bad part of that is even if you win, you won't get anything. And the cops will only laugh because the "rat", as I'm sure they call her was the one that got punished....

What I'd be looking at is what they gave the Judge in regards to her being a "credible" informant. The police have to sign an affadavit that they have used her in the past and her information was reliable. But then, all your going to do is spend ten thousand dollars to be able to say "I told you so".


Well-known member
If that was meant to be profound, forgive me for not recognizing it as such.

Perhaps a more accurate quote might be:" You are only as good as the company of the company you keep ".

No one has control over what people do or say, especially when they are rarely ever around you; if you met some guy on the street who you barely knew, he could still lie and weave a tale that included you...and how to control a cop willing to perjure himself?

All it takes is some random piece of shit to be jealous of what you have and bang you got problems


Welcome to the Fascist States of America.

(FWIW: You didn't even have to identify which country you are posting from, nor the State in which you live. It is obviously the former USA, where there once existed a Constitution, the rule of law, and some measure of privacy, personal freedom, and individual liberties. And it really doesn't seem to matter whether you live in a MMJ State or not, LEO's don't care about the law.)

Where, at one time, the police existed to keep the peace and serve the community, the USA has devolved into a "might makes right", Orwellian jungle. The biggest, baddest, most violent, best organized street gangs in the USA today are not the Bloods, or Cripps, or even MS-13 -- it is the Law Enforcement Organizations themselves. Criminal and civil asset forfeiture laws have given LEOs, from the local police all the way up to the DEA & FBI, a license to steal -- and steal they will, while we stare down the barrel of a full auto assault rifle.

Best of luck to you, buddy. It is fortunate that you were not involved in any kind of grow operation, legal or otherwise. I hope that you sue the hell out of the police involved, the police department, and the local jurisdiction in which you live. They deserve whatever legal shit-storm that you can generate from this. I wish that I could say that your story is a rare, even unique one, but it is not -- merely yet another cautionary tale. We are living in a tyrannical police state, not a democratic republic under the rule of law.
Stony, you need to move. Your area is so crooked that now b/c of that crazy girl you are on their radar and you will never grow there again. Also, you and your daughter have now embarrassed the powers that be two times. Expect them to find some way to come after you or her again. Your town is crooked ass place like something out of a movie. If you stay there, expect to be harassed and expect to get caught if you grow or even if you don't grow and expect to ever score weed again from someone in the area.


Here's a thought I wonder what the cop is doing with the "rat money" he requisitions for all these stellar tips he is getting

Now that's a fascinating thought there.

It's not widely known, but "informant cash" is not taxable and is NOT reported to the IRS. (Sad but true, it is part of the IRS regulations)

So, all it would take is for "someone" fill-out the IRS tip form on the NARC and state that he brags that the informant cash he collects is untaxed and untraceable. If said Narko ever skimmed informant cash, there are all kinds of ugliness in store for him.

At best, the rules for paying informants will get changed to make such "snitch money" traceable and taxable. (a good thing IMNSHO) At worst, the NARC will endure hell on earth at the friendly hands of the IRS while they look for that "untraceable cash"....

Best of luck and stay safe.

I'll tell you what you can do, but you're not going to get water from a rock.

You could file a civil suit against the girl that lied if you can prove it was her. The bad part of that is even if you win, you won't get anything. And the cops will only laugh because the "rat", as I'm sure they call her was the one that got punished....

What I'd be looking at is what they gave the Judge in regards to her being a "credible" informant. The police have to sign an affadavit that they have used her in the past and her information was reliable. But then, all your going to do is spend ten thousand dollars to be able to say "I told you so".

The girl was not claimed to a reliable...they said she was a ' cooperating source ' . Her allegation alone would never have been enough. It was the ' reliable source ' that the narc created that was supposed to be credible. All the narc had was one unreliable rumor from the chick, and no other evidence whatsoever. He created a ' reliable source' out of thin air, claimed reliability , and got the warrant.

It is hard to believe a judge actually signed the warrant with NO corroboration whatsoever...only a rumor and a manufactured source. Then, even though NO weed was found, the cops got a magistrate to sign arrest warrants for felonies! Of course the grand jury refused to indict, as there was no foundation as required by law, but it had the effect of getting me thrown in jail and costing me a bundle...which is what the cops wanted.

The cops were pissed off no end because they spent god knows how many thousands of dollars on the raid and all they came up with were a few old pipes. They wanted me to suffer. The magistrate in this case was as crooked as they are, and had NO legal reason to allow felony charges when NO drugs were found.

If I could find a lawyer to take this on contingency I would sue them to hell and back...maybe I can someday.


May your race always be in your favor
Two Words LAW SUIT!!!!!! Sue the Cheif of Police the Narc and the deptartment and the county. They hate defending themselves in court more than anything and the tax payers don' like it when the county has to pay cause the cops are lying bastrds. might cost you some dough but in the long run they'll leave you along. MY 2 cents.


Constitutional issue for the ACLU

Constitutional issue for the ACLU

When all charges are finally dismissed isn't that an admission that the affidavit was falsified? If it were true they would have a case. By going ahead with the search warrant the Magistrate is saying there was corroborating evidence. Once everything is dropped or dismissed their case is very much weakened or non-existent. It didn't even come up to the level of ham sandwich for the Grand Jury. It becomes a Constitutional issue. Your Constitutional rights were violated to be free from random search and seizure. Maybe the ACLU would take up the case, because there is no public interest in continuing with the laws against marijuana. There is no foundation for the laws supported by fact. I feel that is a majority opinion in the country. I'm sure this all sounds Pollyannish, but then I guess so is the Constitution. But it probably always has been yet the rights of the people continue to be forged from it. Witness the civil Rights of the sixties, Womens Suffrage. Now we are giving them back.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
you have a HUGE case for a lawsuit go for it.

many years ago I turned a sting against me on its ass midstream, I had the undercover cop (a guy I'd never seen before) @ my door asking to buy a bag of weed which btw I didn't sell. I told him point blank, "I'm going into my house for my gun mother fucker get the fuck off my property!!!" and when I got back he was leaving fast.

5 minutes later after a call & a highway meet to chat w/a friend I knew the entire story; it was a buy and bust set up on me by someone trying to get off the hook for something else, the cops acted on lies not even rumors.
Don't get this wrong Stoner as I'm all for what you did but if you pulll\ed that gun on him or worse yet.....shot the asshole....welllllllllllll ..hard tellin' where that scenerio would go but win or lose you wouldn't enjoy it. You might be better off grabbin' that fucker and draggin him in your house and then have your way with him before you send him on his merry way.


Active member
Don't get this wrong Stoner as I'm all for what you did but if you pulll\ed that gun on him or worse yet.....shot the asshole....welllllllllllll ..hard tellin' where that scenerio would go but win or lose you wouldn't enjoy it. You might be better off grabbin' that fucker and draggin him in your house and then have your way with him before you send him on his merry way.

Castle law is different in different states. My state used to be like you describe but has changed that since I was taught what I had to do in said circumstance.

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