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Busted in Belgium.......(well nearly)...


Active member
hey gypsy,
good story mate, I just had to read it to the end to see you got out of that situation alright.
I know I'd be absolutely furious with the way things happened too but in my opinion you got off as light as you could have.

I used to live in Belgium, their laws are in no way draconian but I could have told you as soon as they spotted the seeds that you wouldn't be seeing them again...

Anyway, lesson learnt right.

I just had to look at it from the police's side:
If you were a belgian policeman sitting in a van next to 6 other sweaty policemen, waiting for something to do, you'd pull over a jag if it overtook you... Just cause you don't get to pull over a jag every day.

Unfortunate gypsy, noway would i overtake a copper in a jag, that would take me some guts but now you also know it was a really stupid move too.

Anyway, keep up the good work. Don't make the same mistake twice.


gypsy, did you get a note/document for your seeds ?it sounds like a normal procedure.They found the seeds and didn't know what to do, called the prosecutor that didn't know what to do either, so they wanted to intimidate you.The detention sounds illegal though.
Gypsie - awsome story. I love a happy ending, but for the seeds. In america they call a loss like that a 'write off'.... nice to see you just wrote it off and kept free of the stress and publicity. Someone once told me, money can solve any problem. So if you are free and have the ability to keep making money, you got no problem. I am sooo happy for you. You are truly Blessed, as we aALL are, for having you in our lifes. PEACE Bro. Tmon
The arrest was legit. I'm belgian and have come in contact with the law, nothing cannabis related but have been arrested.
What happened to gypsy was administrative detention. I believe they can hold you up to 24h before the prosecutor (spelling?) has to decide if you are being charged with a criminal offence.
It suck you lost your seed but you were quite lucky. I never had food, altough they are obliged to give you a meal after 6h.
One thing you should now about belgium is that there is no transparancy, it's an incredible pain to find out what is happening to you or your private property. As you said, it's not worth the hassle, nor the time/money.


I live in Belgium, the BS those cops pulled on you doesn't surprise me, we live in a police state.
I have a very good lawyer myself (went trough the same kind of shit myself), if you're interested PM me and i'll pass on her contact details.

D Rock

Thanks for the edge of your seat story. Man what a bunch of shit. At least you didnt get arrested though. they are probably growing some dank ass buds right now withg your seeds or selling them themselves.
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great story nirvana, kept me up ! its 8am... maybe i should sleep.

i feel for your loss on the beans, but other then that glad u got out!



I just spent half an hour reading through every page, and though its a great lesson for us, the story was a little anti-climactic. The way you built the story up, i thought you WERE gona stomp the pedal, or stomp some ass, whichever came first.. Anyway, Gypsy, glad you have your freedom, and a Jag. Im a Saab guy, but been peekin' on Jags the past year.
just read 15 pages, bloody fine read mate, my faveriote part is when you found the half smoked j, So what happened, you get a lawyer? you still trying to get them back?
You ran into a batch of crooked cops is what it is. The cop that pulled you over for speeding saw your fine ass Jaguar and figured you either had money or dope. By the way paying the traffic fine right on the spot sounds fishy to me, in America that's not how it's done unless its a bribe, but maybe so in Europe (?). The traffic cop then radios ahead to his cronies in Customs. They give you a hard time, then take what they want. They figure you won't complain or make an issue because you don't speak the language.

I bet those seeds have already been sold, probably through one of these fly-by-night seed companies or to organized crime. I doubt the thug-cops would bother with farming themselves. They're bullies, not farmers; different mindset. I'm surprised they didn't seize more cash but I guess that would tip their hand too much. You're right not to pursue it or make an issue of it since its a one-time thing.


Active member
yo gypsy ,
great read, and i assume all the beans ive acquired thru the boutique werent confiscated by maurading belgian pirates.... whew!!! thank Jah!!
thanks for your work