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Busted in Belgium.......(well nearly)...

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Highway Robbery....

Highway Robbery....

....Yes....the copper and the translator eventually told me that it was 'The Prosecutor's' descision that I would probably be able to leave......but without my seeds!!

....It was distinctly obvious now that these Belgian officials had orchestrated some sort of HIGHWAY ROBBERY....upon me ....and I asked about how I was to go about getting back what was mine and legally bought to be retailed through my various seed distributing businesses...The fair haired cop sparked up with an idea...'Next time bring all of your company papers.....and the drivers licence too!!'.........Yeah....I thought.....I would if I could find it....(I have now found the licence stashed as it was within a secret panel in my luggage...doh!)......

The thought of freedom once again was VERY enticing so I did not make a HUGE scene about the stolen seeds....but I definately gave them a piece of my mind asking again where I could find this elusive 'Prosecutor'.........they would not tell me.....and I expected this.......

Once again I was led to this same hot and humid holding cell....feeling like some animal in the zoo....locked behind a big reinforced picture window so that the coppers could keep you contained but at the same time clearly observe you.....I waited those long minutes yet again pacing backwards and forwards as the other cops called this 'Prosecutor'.......and awaited my fate........would I stay or would I go?

...In the carpark outside feeling lonely.... parked next to all the French cars was my Jag ......There was not even a roach in the car (or so I thought)....I have never even used the ashtrays in it.....as virtually always the interior was as clean as Mr Clean......If ever (rarely if ever at all these days) I toke in the car then any smoke is pulled straight out the window so as not to create any dank smells in the roof lining......and that morning I had not had a 'Wake and Bake' session.....I was stone cold sober and had not touched a spliff since the evening before.........and I was still pacing and pacing....hoping that I could get out of here....jump in the motor and ROAR off real soon...


Active member
ok....now I'm confused......
No offense Lex Bambool..... but....you are confusing peeps with your stories in between Gypsy's.

Rest assured i was there man, it was just like in 'nam in 76. Dont mess with my shit dude, you dont know, you weren't there, i'm there every night man.

Ohhhh. your one of them.......

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Any update matey?? I tried to Email the belgain embassy the other day telling them what i think of their illegal beahviour(I was bored and it seemed like a good idea) but it came back to me failed for some reason????
Have you managed to get a beligian lawyer yet??? i bet this would make a good story forthe mag...and it could turn into a saga.
I think we need to start up a big campaign, hehe, tie ouselves to railings at the plight of all those poor little innocent seeds, kidnapped at the hands of the united states of Europe( guess whos not a fan of the common market in mnay respects!) and unjust;ylocked away from, illegally extradited from sovereign territory(ur jag! haha) This could whip upa lot of publcity for you, and the cause in general, asthey have clearly acted illegally, and a victory for youin court, would be a victory for us all.
now, whos got a hat so we can have a whip-round??


Strength in numbers mate.

We all clearly have your prosperous fruitful future in mind and hope for the very best throughout this situation. The irony in life is when individuals falsely accuse, bad karma, etc. it comes back to them somehow. The universe in my opinion is in a delicate balance and even if anyone ever tries to take us off course, its up to us to remember we ultimately pay for our transgressions no matter how minute they may be.

Kudos to Dutchgrown for not just being the backbone of this site but a rock for your man. Commendable and admirable.

Our prayers and best wishes are with you both.


Sorry to hear that Gypsy, sounds like A HOLD UP TO ME !
However, I would have never stopped unless a renault can beat 213mph !


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yeah....but where would I get a samsonite suitcase full of beans on that crotch rocket?.....lol!

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
....They let me go eventually.....after one of the detectives (plain clothes) took me outside and had a good look inside and outside of the waiting slate grey Jag.....He was a bit intrigued with the ski hatch and I was thinking that if I had wanted to smuggle something well concealed within the car then they would not have found it anyway with some half-assed cursory search......

....They kept my seeds and said that even if I got a lawyer on it right away it could take up to 5 years and lots of funds paid to lawyers before they MIGHT release them to me.....


Dr. Doolittle
OMFG that is horse shit.... you what to know what i think gypsy.. i think they wanted to keep them to THEMSELVES and or sell them.. honestly.... because for one they wouldnt let you see or talk to the prosecuter

and they had nothing on you took something away from you that was legal.....
they wanted those seeds forthemselves and got the rest of the police involved and lied.... thats what i think

and thats a crock of BULL SHIT!!!!

i would be so fucking pissed they woulda thrown me in jail and said im crazy....
i dont like it when things are not fair nor when people take my things away from me..... thats when my other side comes out......
but i hear ya not wanting to start anything.......

but now what you going to do without all them seeds ?
how much total was in those seeds?
was the whole bag full of freebie skunks?


What a story! Quite frankly, I woulda been shitting all over myself... LOL

I think my favorite line in the whole story has to be:

...and so the copper could tap it out with two fingers on some sort of dilapidated keyboard....into some dirty looking computer......there was the smell of sausage and doughnuts in the air....

I'm having a very difficult time trying to figure out what "Sausage & Doughnuts in the air" actually smells like. Let alone smelling it while locked in a small, cramped, over heated room.....

I'm dyin' here.....

Great Story Gypsy. Sucks about the beans. Glad you are still free to get more.

Stay Safe! :joint:


Gypsy - you will have to hire a Belguim lawyer to begin the application process against the unlawful confiscation of the seeds.....if you don't, then they will feel free to do it again ...especially to "help the War on Drugs" (or is that Wirrrhh un ddrooogs?) when every time there's a DEA officer in Brussels handing out invitations to Stateside "all expenses paid" seminars on the War on Drugs.....

and so the tenacles of wrong reach out to bribe, corrupt and sway other countries to join their lie called the War on Drugs...now we have the War on Terrorism ..what's next? ....the War on Non-GM food? ........something as ridiculous as that happening in the future is not that difficult to imagine.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
...Yeah looking back now a few months to when it happened........I still feel a bit peeved by the fact that they could rob me of my seeds so easily.......I could have got at least a thousand more people growing with those seeds....

...When I asked that Belgian plain clothed copper how long it could take to retrieve my seeds from their legal clutches he had looked at me straight in the eyes and said....'could be 5 years'.....and I believed him somehow........in 5 years these seeds kept in lord knows what sort of temperature/humidity in some Belgian lock-up might well be worthless.....the germination ratios would probably have decreased dramatically by then and so the seeds would probably be a non-entity as a retail item.....or even as 'Freebies'....

As I drove away from Verne and along the few kilometers to the French border I was intent at that point on proceeding legally with some Belgian lawyer to perhaps get my seeds back.........but as I thought about it more, all of the costs and difficuties that this would entail made the prospect seem to be much less agreeable........that copper with his 'could be 5 years' kept gnawing at my anger.........

I'm not Belgian and speak little Dutch or French.....so what ever I might have to do and where ever I might have to go within the Belgian legal system I would be hampered without a translator......Various thoughts fought inside my head for the high ground......and as I passed the border into France at high speed headed for Calais and the Channel Tunnel I rejoiced at least in the fact that I was free from incarceration........they had let me go....

Above my head in the Jag is a secret compartment for sunglasses and as the car turned a bit towards the west I was dazzled by the sun slightly......so I pressed the button to release my Ray-Bans.....and half a spliff fell out!

...man......someone was smiling on me....


Bakin in da Sun
Nice story gypsy.

Burn up that phatty!

Cut your losses and move on bro... all the money and time the legal process would entail could be better spent cultivating more cultivators.

.... on a side note.... i just lost my ray-bans on this camping trip i took last week... :eek: :eek:

enjoy the spliff,


great story man, i enjoy your writing, really like that SE Asia on a motorcycle a few years ago on OG. ever try fiction?



Gypsy Nirvana said:
.....dealing with reality is crazy enough man.....

There are two things that I am quite sure of in this life:

Reality is an eye opening trip

Responsibility is a heavy friggin' Responsibility of which I want no part.



Bubblegum Specialist
I hope the half spliff helped. I assume you smoked it promptly. :D

How the hell would we deal with this world without a little relief occasionally? BOG

Hang in there buddy...

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