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Active member
goddamn man you dont grow over 99 plants in the US bro!

Best of luck man. I got busted with 52 plants but only got 18months probation. 5 felonies...first time nonviolent drug offender

Clearly you are a master of security, obviously you fucked up royally somewhere to get busted like that, so you see why someone would question your wisdom and advice on what makes a difference and what doesn't.

For that lets talk to the guys who have been running bust free for years and years, instead of getting popped 10feet out of the gate


Active member
It's a number's game guys. It can happen to anyone, even the ultra careful. It can be just about anything that will trigger an investigation like a nice car with no income or someone flipping to the pigs for a lesser sentence. It can happen and happens everyday.

Yes it can happen to anyone, but do you honestly believe it doesn't help your chances to be safe?
Nice car and no income is a stupid kids move and not being safe.


Damn, with all this bickering, you guys must have worked up an appetite.

Damn, with all this bickering, you guys must have worked up an appetite.

Lets take a break and enjoy some cheese and crackers.
Maybe enough crackers and we can silence the fighting. If not, I'm cool. Thought you might all be hungry.

Moldy Dreads

Active member
You don't have to wrong anyone for them to become a snitch bitch...Envy or even mere jealousy is a serious plague running through society today.

I wish you luck!!

You stole the thoughts right out of my head..I'd put down money that half the snitching is based on jealousy. Best of luck.


Active member
I do understand, it's you who are unclear, have someone read you what you wrote genius and see if they get it any different then I did in the quote.

If it makes no sense according to you to take any precautions because they are a waste of time and "anything can happen" then why not just plant it right out in your backyard cause it makes no difference according to you.

If you control the variables in your world to the best of your abilities then yes you can greatly reduce your chances of running into problems compared to the next guy.

And how long have you lived to acquire your great wisdom? My money is on less then 25 years

How in the hell you got "dont take any precautions" out of anything i posted is beyond me. Again, have someone read that post for you so they can explain it too you.

You can take all the precautions in the world and sometimes fcked up shit just happens. Im over 30 and ive been a commercial grower longer than you have had your 400wt going i can tell you that much.

Now piss off cowboy and go take a reading comprehension class.:joint:


Patient Grower
Anyone really Told them not without a warrant? they come back within the hour with Warrant. Bingo.

Yes, I had the cops at my home in 1992 wanting to search, yes I told them no, no, they didn't come back with a warrant. I haven't heard from them since.

I also recall this girl I knew who had the evidence gathered by a warrant suppressed because she said 'no'. The police showed up at her door, but rather than say 'police we have a warrant' they said 'local gas company, we have a leak' and attempted to push their way in. She screamed 'no' and strated to slam the door in their face. They came in anyway, but the warrant was tossed because you don't have to let the gas company come into your house, and she told them 'no'.

Regardless, giving permission to search is an act of sheer idiocy. Even assuming that they're coming back in an hour, you give up too much by giving permission, and the best you can hope for is that the cops will be 'cool'.

There isn't one person that's given permission to search that's had the evidence suppressed. Roll over, give permission, and you guarantee yourself a conviction, and in my book that's about as stupid as a person can get.


Active member


Being careful increases your chances for safety, but what about the one person you sell it to turning on you. They have tools to get to you like offering someone jail terms or not based on getting you.

Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. There are NO guarentees. All we can do is all learn what we can from these things and try to shore up security holes, but as long as ANYONE besides you knows you are at risk. Family members have turned states evidence, Wives have done it. Commercial is dangerous as hell.

and we don't sell out of our homes! go mail order, or take it to the nearest bar or the dog park is always good too, if ya have one nearby. just about anywhere where you feel safe...just don't sell from your home!
I have my proffer session meeting with the Assistant US Attorney on July 6. I have not yet been charged so I will let you guys know what happens.


Every situation is different as to whether to provide consent or not. What's the point of second guessing what hydro did? Everyone just needs to settle down and either send some good karma or wish luck upon hydro rather than flame; instead of making yourselves look smart, you're just coming across as assholes.

Ease back, smoke a bit if needed to relax a bit, and be cool, people.

And, best of luck to you, hydro.


New member
You stole the thoughts right out of my head..I'd put down money that half the snitching is based on jealousy. Best of luck.
sorry to step in on this thred. but you should always i mean ALWAYS keep your business to your self. if your makeing money from something (no matter what it is ) your gonna have some jealous people tring to step on your toes .all i did was show a good friend what i had going on and it was nothing i grew 3 plants and it was alllll dank in soil and out doors.while hes all hydro using the best of the best and the vibe i got was just that jealousy .needless to say we got into it over nothing at all .and weve known eachother over 20 years .but the point im trying to proove here is that nomatter what ,its just you and your fam my friend. thats all we have in this world , and dreds your right with out a dought . but i wish you the best and my prayers go out to you my friend.


New member
sucks man you can only blame yourself though i got caught with 4 pounds a year ago and still have a year of probation left. got to deal with your own mistakes. Aint no one to blame but yourself.

Probabbly skipped on the simple rules never steal electricity, let NO one know where you live, make sure the lease is not in your name makes you harder to track, never pay for grow equipment have a friend do it,if you deal in large amounts get a sport bike most countys dont allow law enforcement chase you after you exceed a certain speed worst that could happen is you get a ticket they cant prove you saw them so youd beat the flee charge, if you use generators bury them underground so no one notices.
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