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Busted again...

So I got outta jail and got that job a couple weeks later, I've been working there for a month or so now and I'm loving it...who woulda thunk it, I'd love a 9-5 with an office...I'm a graphics designer here at the factory, making patterns on the plotters and dissecting various artfiles from clients and fellow graphics designers. It's a career I've never worked in, in even the slightest degree, but it is definitely something I would like to stick with and possibly go to school for. There's certainly much more work available in this field (Graphics/Product Design) than what I previously studied in school (Music Business & Production). Everything has been going great in that arena and I have certainly been dedicated to playing it safe with my herb practices...just updating the fam here, holla!!!


Active member
So I got outta jail and got that job a couple weeks later, I've been working there for a month or so now and I'm loving it...who woulda thunk it, I'd love a 9-5 with an office...I'm a graphics designer here at the factory, making patterns on the plotters and dissecting various artfiles from clients and fellow graphics designers. It's a career I've never worked in, in even the slightest degree, but it is definitely something I would like to stick with and possibly go to school for. There's certainly much more work available in this field (Graphics/Product Design) than what I previously studied in school (Music Business & Production). Everything has been going great in that arena and I have certainly been dedicated to playing it safe with my herb practices...just updating the fam here, holla!!!

I saw this come up on new posts and thought you got it again. Nice man good you are staying out of trouble... good luck and keep that nose clean

St. Phatty

Active member
Fvcking amazing.

America's Civil War 2.0 takes one of our own.

Of course, it's also a make-work program for the double-digit-IQ idiots that arrested you.


So sorry to hear about yet another victim of the "war on drugs" (the war on people is more appropriate) having just got busted myself, the plan is to become one of the thousands of marijuana refugees fleeing their oppressive states for Colorado. make an escape plan. Of course, wait out all the "justice" systems nonsense before fleeing or they will extradite you.


Man it sucks you had to deal with all that shit but i actually have very little sympathy. Ive been a smoker basically my whole life (im 45). NEVER been busted for anything(knock on wood). Until it's actually "legal" it just takes a little common sense to stay out of trouble dude!!! On the positive side, im glad you're out and kickin ass. Just lay low now and keep it cool....
It's weird, I find a lot of smokers 40+ have never been busted, and a lot of younger smokers definitely have been...must be something in the generational gap.
I have learned one thing in my years, when in doubt let a pretty girl hold it...for some reason cops never ever seem to suspect and/or search them.


Active member
I have learned one thing in my years, when in doubt let a pretty girl hold it...for some reason cops never ever seem to suspect and/or search them.

When in doubt hand it over to some poor innocent chick to take your rap? Nice... lol cops do search chick's because they know goofballs like to hand it to them.

You should post how I get busted and list all the ways you do it, planning to do it, and plan to bring others down with you. That would be entertaining.

I know I'd never let my wife ride with someone like you. Lol be careful doing that you get the wrong chick busted some gorilla is going to pound your head to mush. I'm not being a dick I'm serious some girls boyfriend or brother or whoever might not take to kind to you getting some girl a drug charge. There's psychos out there who would go dig a hole so just keep it in mind before you pass your heat to someone else. It's cowardly, you already have a rap. Don't think like that man you shouldn't even suggest it to others. What a bad karma way to live.

Don't pass your drugs to anyone who dosent have a record who's say g hand it over. If someone says they will do the solid fine but don't hand it to a chick and say pop that in your crotch, down your shirt etc it's wrong


Active member
I have learned one thing in my years, when in doubt let a pretty girl hold it...for some reason cops never ever seem to suspect and/or search them.

I'd wager that most Leo don't have much of an issue groping a pretty young lady. A lot of them will do it without a reason... With a reason it's their lucky day.
Bad strategy imo.

U know how I stopped getting fucked with by cops?
I got their haircut

Now they're all nice n don't seem to want to look in my ride at all.

It's crazy but the difference (for me personally) between how cops treated me with long hair vs. a high and tight is worlds apart.
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When in doubt hand it over to some poor innocent chick to take your rap? Nice... lol cops do search chick's because they know goofballs like to hand it to them.

You should post how I get busted and list all the ways you do it, planning to do it, and plan to bring others down with you. That would be entertaining.

I know I'd never let my wife ride with someone like you. Lol be careful doing that you get the wrong chick busted some gorilla is going to pound your head to mush. I'm not being a dick I'm serious some girls boyfriend or brother or whoever might not take to kind to you getting some girl a drug charge. There's psychos out there who would go dig a hole so just keep it in mind before you pass your heat to someone else. It's cowardly, you already have a rap. Don't think like that man you shouldn't even suggest it to others. What a bad karma way to live.

Don't pass your drugs to anyone who dosent have a record who's say g hand it over. If someone says they will do the solid fine but don't hand it to a chick and say pop that in your crotch, down your shirt etc it's wrong

You're actually both right here. Cops are going to be a lot less likely to search a female. You can just look at all the crime statistics, females are less likely to be charged, searched, convicted and serve on average almost half as much jail time for the same crime when they are. They also have the 'sexual assault' card they can always play and so cops are more wary.

However if a cop does search you have a point if she isn't in on all of it.


Active member
Yeah no matter what it's pussy style to let someone else take your rap especially a chick.

If my wife was riding around and someone got her in trouble let's say their internal organs would be getting rearranged with my fist.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
I think passing it is wrong. Really feel sorry for the guy. He was racially profiled. African American with dread locks, in Florida. Since I was 21 never smoked anywhere but home. It is not that hard to do. I gave up booze for a month cold turkey because doc said I had permanent liver damage. A month later liver was fine. Just saying why ever have in car? It is really hard to get busted at home unless a-hole neighbors.

Be well man, and best of luck with your new job!!!!

P.S. I saw video show, with dashboard cam, cop went to van, talked to driver, walked back to car, and out the driver window went helium balloon with bag attached. Cop started shooting at it in residential area.


Helium balloon? Now I've heard it all man.

I agree with you btw, I never drive with anything in my car unless I have my papers and prior to being legal I never drove anywhere with weight unless I had to.


Active member
I think passing it is wrong. Really feel sorry for the guy. He was racially profiled. African American with dread locks, in Florida. Since I was 21 never smoked anywhere but home. It is not that hard to do. I gave up booze for a month cold turkey because doc said I had permanent liver damage. A month later liver was fine. Just saying why ever have in car? It is really hard to get busted at home unless a-hole neighbors.

Be well man, and best of luck with your new job!!!!

P.S. I saw video show, with dashboard cam, cop went to van, talked to driver, walked back to car, and out the driver window went helium balloon with bag attached. Cop started shooting at it in residential area.

Who has a helium balloon to do that with... smart though I guess the crack dealers should get a setup to float the cookies away


support your local surfboard builder...
fuck dude...no lie...LOL
i just.googled that shit...crazy, wonder what the dude in the van got charged with...


Active member
ThePhiloStoned said:
It's an outward symbol of my religious devotion... you have no idea what the hell you're talking about ... ... dude you are completely ignorant ... THE most full of shit statement I've ever read... Did you just call me a fashion dread? Oh I wish you lived here douchebag... I am a Rasta... the biggest dickhead in America... opposite of the moral code that drives me... To wear dreads for the biblical/religious reasons means to be set apart as holy by God, they intentionally make you different from the norms of the world because the world is a loathesome cesspool of evil & petty men ... good friend that used me as a shoplifting decoy... unless the dealer is a mark ... rasta distribution operations like the Coptic Zionists... "Jah Bless!!!"may the wisdom of Selassie bring you peace & understanding... You're an idiot, ... douchebag!
rasta man live up!

it's not hard to see why you're in trouble a lot after reading this thread... so far you told everyone that you live in Polk county, have dreads, are married with a young daughter, are a graphics designer, your wife is in cosmetology, and the biggest kicker is you just got out of Polk county jail in 22 days after being sentenced to 30.

Also, you have a criminal history with 5 priors and at least one conviction with the adjudication withheld.

If I were LEO I'd know exactly who you are my brother.


Bless up


Active member
rasta man live up!

it's not hard to see why you're in trouble a lot after reading this thread... so far you told everyone that you live in Polk county, have dreads, are married with a young daughter, are a graphics designer, your wife is in cosmetology, and the biggest kicker is you just got out of Polk county jail in 22 days after being sentenced to 30.

Also, you have a criminal history with 5 priors and at least one conviction with the adjudication withheld.

If I were LEO I'd know exactly who you are my brother.


Bless up

Some people are walking heatscores. I mean I talk alot about myself here but the cops here don't look on forums for growers and if they did they would see my tent grow and not bother at all


ICMag Donor
Some people are walking heatscores. I mean I talk alot about myself here but the cops here don't look on forums for growers and if they did they would see my tent grow and not bother at all

Depend where you are and how slow a day it is for LEO's.

Divulging too many factoids about oneself in forums can indeed cause you to be a target.