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Bust of underground Chilliwack bunker yields $3 million worth of marijuana

METRO VANCOUVER — Chilliwack RCMP landed a record marijuana haul this week when they raided an underground bunker containing 11,520 pot plants worth an estimated $3 million.

And like a scene out of the movie Pineapple Express, police encountered booby traps, a special irrigation system tied to a local stream and a hydraulic lift to the bunker found on a property in the 7600-block of Nixon Road in Chilliwack.

"While we cannot confirm any links to organized crime at this point, the level of sophistication of this grow op suggests many people were involved in establishing and running this operation," Cpl. Lea-Anne Dunlop said.

Anyone sneaking into the bunker would have been hit with bear spray connected to the booby traps.

"A subfloor had been built concealing an elevator-style hydraulic lift that provided access to the underground bunker where four separate grow rooms had been established," Dunlop said in a statement. "A Quonset hut had been built overtop of the bunker giving the illusion of a legitimate out building on the property."

She said water for the massive operation was piped in from a nearby fish-bearing creek and pumped into the growing operation.

Toxic chemicals from the operation were being dumped back onto the property.

A system of security cameras was wired so that it could be monitored from the house on the property where a 61-year-old Chilliwack man was arrested.

The suspect is not known to police, Dunlop said. He was remanded in custody while the investigation continues.

RCMP specialists estimated the growing operation involved stealing close to $400,000 in electricity from B.C. Hydro. Police are being aided by crews from the City of Chilliwack, the Chilliwack Fire Department, B.C. Hydro, the Security Resources Group, and the Ministry of the Environment in dismantling the operation.

"We have impacted the criminals who have been operating this grow-op on a financial level in seizing over $3 million worth of crop, and a large quantity of equipment and supplies from the property," she said.

Police executed a search warrant at the property Wednesday. They did not say what led them to suspect the location was the site of illegal activity.

Meanwhile, the Abbotsford police department were called to investigate a shots fired just before 5 a.m. Thursday in the 34700-block of Hamon Drive.

Members of the patrol division located several shell casings and found a man attempting to leave the home.

"The male was immediately taken into custody. A search of the home for injured parties, weapons and potential suspects revealed that this home was being used as a marijuana grow operation," Const. Ian MacDonald said in a release.

No firearm was recovered and no one appeared to have been hurt, he said.

On Vancouver Island, marijuana growers got help with their harvest this year when a team of police agencies, including the Victoria Police Department and the RCMP, moved in and destroyed more than 29,000 plants over the last two weeks.

"We were routinely destroying plants that would produce anywhere from one to three pounds of marijuana," RCMP Cpl. Darren Lagan said. "At the low end, that's over fifty thousand pounds of product, which represents a commodity for organized crime groups on Vancouver Island. The sale or trade of that marijuana would result in other dangerous street drugs, and firearms coming into our communities."

The majority of growing sites were north of the Comox Valley, where crime groups have an advantage due to the remoteness, terrain, and climate, he said. "This is not a harmless or victimless crime. The marijuana being grown in our backcountry will put money and weapons in the pockets of criminals. It's that simple."


3 mill, would have love to have seen some shots of those rooms. What a shame, not known to police probably means he wasn't into too much bad shit. It sucks when someone who's just trying to get some herb out there gets nabbed.


Active member
METRO VANCOUVER — Toxic chemicals from the operation were being dumped back onto the property.

"We were routinely destroying plants that would produce anywhere from one to three pounds of marijuana,"

Ah yes, all the toxic chemicals, and the 3 pound producing plants


never seen a cooltube setup like that before, pretty neat
i think the tube connected to the creek is what gave it away, couldnt spend some Gs on a well or what?


Devil's Advocate
STOP STEALING ELECTRICITY YOU DUMB FUCKS! lol I just have to laugh when I see that they supposedly stole $400,000 in electricity. You know, at $0.09/kwh that's
4,444,444 kwh. AKA these guys are retarded. So if you are to assume those are (132) 600w lamps (did a quick look and estimate at that nice 2-floor setup) that's 79.2kW/h. Very large grow. But at that rate, they stole about 56000 hrs worth of flowering time.
Now considering an 8 wk strain uses 672 hrs of 12/12, they stole 83 grows worth of power. (of course that is only including flower time and lights only, so it was probably more like 50 flower cycles) I'd say they had a good run if the power company's claim was true. Looks like the fall guy is eating shit for a large crew of rich mofos.


That pump and water line sitting way out in the open by the creek looks like a real weak spot. Pretty easy for anyone walking down the creek to wonder why the old guy needs a 3 inch water line running out of the creek.

Why would they need that much water anyway? Drain to waste system? If 12,000 little SOG plants used a quart each / day, that would only be 3000 gallons / day, or 2 gallons / minute continuous.


Thats prob. what got them busted you think the power company not going to notice 400,000 dollars in electricity not going into there pockets? Not to mention some hunter prob. saw that pump system they had runing from there creek. What a shame Id love to have a grow that fucken huge and nice.


Just goes to show, it wasn't diligent detective work that got this grow popped, just some dumdass move which brought the cops to the door.


Snowman read the article, a gunshot at 5:00 a.m. brought LEO to the door to check,until that moment they didn't have aclue.


Anne enn Normal
this comes from here:

it's an article against cannabis of course particularly against legalization

"NORML likes to point out that marijuana accounts for the majority of illicit drug traffic from Mexico. End the illicit trafficking, and you end the violence. But that volume gives a false impression of marijuana’s role in crime and violence, says Jonathan Caulkins, a professor at Carnegie Mellon and a drug-policy adviser in the US and Australia.

It’s the dollars that count, and the big earners – cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin – play a much larger role in crime and violence. In recent years, Mexico has become a major cocaine route to the US. That’s what’s fanning the violence, according to Dr. Caulkins, so legalizing marijuana is unlikely to quiet Mexico’s drug war."

compare with the article posted up here:
Darren Lagan said. "At the low end, that's over fifty thousand pounds of product, which represents a commodity for organized crime groups on Vancouver Island. The sale or trade of that marijuana would result in other dangerous street drugs, and firearms coming into our communities."

Fascinating how the anti-people NEVER manage to keep a little bit of coherence and consistency with their arguments...one goes one way...the other goes the other way: each following their own circling trail of bullshit.


Active member
That pump and water line sitting way out in the open by the creek looks like a real weak spot. Pretty easy for anyone walking down the creek to wonder why the old guy needs a 3 inch water line running out of the creek.

Why would they need that much water anyway? Drain to waste system? If 12,000 little SOG plants used a quart each / day, that would only be 3000 gallons / day, or 2 gallons / minute continuous.

Because they were not on municipal water and all they had to supply them with otherwise was well water? The river looks like an easy source.

The river pump is unlikely to have given them away. Upon close inspection, sure, it's good evidence. But what attracted that closer look was the stolen hydro, per usual.

Of course, at a certain point, there are few options to swiping the power. Power in that amount exceeds legitimate personal needs, by far more than you can ever explain. You need a reasonable commercial excuse at that point. You need a legitimate industrial front operation or it's just so much circlin' the bowl on your way down...

Toxic chemicals! (Advanced Nutrients Sensi A&B :laughing:) Search for weapons! (none found :laughing:). 3 lbs per plant! (hell, one lb per plant in that set up is being mighty optomistic. :noway:) Of course, read it a little more closely, and the facts are running from one enforcement operation (outdoor growing) to the next (indoor bust).

Pretty easy way to confuse most newspaper readers though.

And then the spin trying to defend the "victimless crime" by suggesting marijuana (which few in BC care about at all) is somehow converted by the drug fairies into kilos of cocaine, crack and meth. Sometimes this happens, but growers and brokers are paid in cash. Cropping out is about $$$, that's it. *sigh* :moon:

Intersting continuous cooltube setup though. I've never seen pics like that before. Light seemed really white and bright. Color corrected photo do you think, or were those actually 400w CMH?


Anne enn Normal
i agree with you fatigues
the pump couldn't have given them away
and yes the dangerous chemicals was comical
those tubes look awesome
and yes in a setup like that how much would the MAXIMUM yield be? 50 to a 100 grams per plant? unless they were separated during flowering?


Overkill is under-rated.
LOL, anyone doing an op that big better be on a big genny or two, stupid stupid. So close to perfection and they screw it up on POWER?


LOL, anyone doing an op that big better be on a big genny or two, stupid stupid. So close to perfection and they screw it up on POWER?

have you seen some factory farms? they are fucking huge and in the middle or no where, you could pull that power if you had a good cover and paid your bills on or ahead of time


Overkill is under-rated.
Yeah, a buddy of mine does em, won't do less than 30KW, most are in the 50-100KW range, but all are on diesel gennies. Never heard of someone doing a PGE op that size, I'd be nervous to have a residential $10K monthly power bill!