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Taking cuttings to clone from tomato plants?

Big Bud Bear

Grow your own, and you got the best bone
I have a large garden that is portable and i plan on moving it indoors witin a 4-6 weeks when it starts to get colder. I planted late, and even to this date, have not harvested one tomato so they still have a lot of life in them. I want to take cuttings from the best plants and clone them and maybe just start them indoors so i dont risk bringing in anything from the outside world.

Where on the tomato plant would i take a cutting? They are all flowering and producing tomatoes, And I know the leaf branches wouldn't be correct.


Sam Slambam

take a cutting from a lower sucker branch. i find tomatoes to root quite easily and they grow especially well under HID lights. Good luck!

Sam Slambam

oops, I should mention, do not take a cut that has flowers on it, you should try to find a place where there is new growth and flowers that have yet to set in. if you can't than it should still be fine.
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Big Bud Bear

Grow your own, and you got the best bone
Sam Slambam said:
oops, I should mention, do not take a cut that has flowers on it, you should try to find a place where there is new growth and flowers that have yet to set in. if you can't than it should still be fine.
thanks, i had a similar idea as well


saturday i took 200 cuttings all had flowers and most had fruit. they all had roots as of yesterday.

Sam Slambam

my pineapple tomato cutting...

my pineapple tomato cutting...

She is in 100% coco, tiny ass 4 inch pot actually, recently switched from house and garden nutes to Biobizz. I see no noticeable difference growth wise, just that the leaves and stems seem less, "artificial" in their superficiality. If that makes any sense, haha.

Either way, this started out as one single cut, as in, one sucker branch and one leaf branch. Just started spitting out flowers in the last two weeks. Cloned fairly easy, and took off under the HID's. I'm keeping it trimmed back to no more that three sucker vines just to see how far I can stretch things in this small ass pot.

Downside= I have to hand water AT LEAST once a day.


Big Bud Bear

Grow your own, and you got the best bone
Sam Slambam said:
She is in 100% coco, tiny ass 4 inch pot actually, recently switched from house and garden nutes to Biobizz. I see no noticeable difference growth wise, just that the leaves and stems seem less, "artificial" in their superficiality. If that makes any sense, haha.

Either way, this started out as one single cut, as in, one sucker branch and one leaf branch. Just started spitting out flowers in the last two weeks. Cloned fairly easy, and took off under the HID's. I'm keeping it trimmed back to no more that three sucker vines just to see how far I can stretch things in this small ass pot.

Downside= I have to hand water AT LEAST once a day.

thanks for the tips and pix, my plants are 5-6ft. have not got any to eat yet off of them, i have about 50+ tomatoes growing, none have turned red yet. I pick them when they ripen


Big Bud Bear

Grow your own, and you got the best bone
what do you do in regards to pollination? i have sunflower near mine, and i watch them pollinate my tomatoes. i heard you have to do it yourself with a q tip


Active member
sorry guys im new to cloning .. how do i take the cuttings exactly? and what do i put them in? will those jiffy things work? also will be taking cuttings of maters and peppers as well, thanks in advance


Active member
peppers are a bit more finicky than tmaters. with maters, just break off any sucker. ones with the white bumps are optimal cuz they're already trying to root! stick it in a cup of water, or any growing medium of your choice. it will root.

with peppers, it just takes more patience because they're not viney they're more woody.

how do you get to carneghie hall?
practice, man...practice...
i love to see this thread, i never looked here but moved a tomato plant indoors from out after first frost. It was BADDDDD, anyways, I pruned almost all of it, and sprayed for bugs, and a few weeks later it was sprouting flowers and new tomatoes everywhere. Anyways, it wanted to be two y plants, so i did it a favor and cut it in half and replanted it into two pots, now its getting ready to take off again and I should have some fresh tomatoes in december and jan when we got a few feet of snow out side!!!! Can't wait!! ill post pics soon. might even cut the plants each in half again later and make clones to practice for when i grow mj!!
it was just in the window with another little 13 wt cfl by it, and it was doing fine, but as the days have gotten shorter and i haven't opened the blidnds everyday they are getting sad, plus its cold where they are in the window. I think i might just clean out all my clothing, and put them ni the closet with a few cfls that im using to try and get some bag seed to grow!
I just took my first tomato clone a couple weeks ago. Took it just like i would have weed(bottom of plant, 2 nodes under soil, a few above, dipped in powdered rooting hormone, stuck in jiffy pellet, cut a Gatorade bottle in half for a humidity dome and had roots everywhere a week later under 12/12


Active member


Lots of times, down here in the deep south, our tomatoes are loaded with green fruit, when a freeze is pridicted. Many of my friends will pull up the plant by the roots and hang it in a shed or some place where it won't freeze and the fruit will ripen, I've hade fresh tomatoes for Christmas dinner many years....... The skins on cherry tomatoes tends to toughen but they will be tasty once you get past the skins. Good luck BIG BUD


Well-known member
Ok .... well what am I missing then?

lol .. I took some cuttings the other day off tomatoes I have growing in my shower and they havent taken off.

But Im a newbie to growing anything green.

How long should the cuttings be? I just cut off some suckers (probably about 2" long) and stuck them in a glass of water like any old house plant. Its worked for them, but not for these.

I dont really have them under any lighting ... should I? I could put them under a cfl I have some seedlings under.

I dont have any rooting hormone on hand, but didnt think I should need it for tomatoes ...

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