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some lowlife piece of shit broke into my apt. and wiped me out!!! cocksucker took everything!! even my grow cabinet!!i have nuthing left! that bastard even took my nutes! it had to be a random burglary cuz i was the ONLY ONE who knew i was growing! wtf! i live in a buisness district so i know they thought they were breaking into a buisness but shit man! these plants were the only thing i had of my sons when he died in march of this year! all that is left is a broken door and an empty spot where everything was! the only thing they didnt do was vacumn up their mess! im sick inside. i wont be doing anymore growing from now on so i wanted to thank all of those who helped me thru my keeping his plants going! with great sadness i will be deleting my account here but am not sure how. if someone would help me one last time and tell me how to do this i would be grateful. my hopes are that none of you ever have to suffer the same fate i have here today. live long,stay stoned and prosper!..........peep

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Wow I am really sorry to hear that. I hope you can recover soon. I dont think you should delete your account, we are your friends and family here.. Hope things look up for you, nothing but love to you and, your family. :rasta:
Wow sorry to hear man, someone found out one way or anothor and its up to you to find out who and make them pay for what they did and tell you apt landlord you moving because of it. Find somewhere safer and start over but this time plan your actions peace oh yeah keep your account this place has tons of info


so sorry to here bud. i know its got to hurt! this is my second post since i joined and i hate to here about bad shit like this! i'd kick their asses for you man, if i could. fuck 'em....karma man karma! only you know where your boy is now so ask him what to do and i believe you'll be ok. my thoughts are with ya bro, ya aint alone.

my regards....tinman


Active member
Shit man. I am sorry for you man. First thing we always did when we were renovating a house back in my high school days was to rip all of the old doors out and replace the jams with heavy duty locks and heavier boards and to bar up all the windows. Had many attempted breakins but no successful ones. One guy even left his shoe prints on the front door. Idiot broke into a house a couple streets over with the same pair of kicks, got busted for attempted on our property. Only time I have ever really been happy with police. If you do decide to give up growing, sorry to have lost you but I suggest you go find some bagseed and start her up again. Peace and best wishes man.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Please don't leave....I've been through this more than a few times. Sometimes you can't turn to anyone else....we are your free therapy man. Don't go.


no one deserves that.

dont worry though, the way he got it will have stripped it of its flavor and high.

and your next grow will be much tastier and will have a nice kick.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

sorry to hear of the theft peeps, being as everything is gone would it
be safe enough to allow leo to fingerprint your home, personally I'd like
to see the fuckers suffer somehow. do what you can to safely bring
these asswipes to justice.......



Yea there's nothing I hate more than a thief but theres no reason to leave unless you are not going to grow at all anymore.Keep your account and add 1 big dog to the family


clean up the evidence (of growing) and get the place fingerprinted or summat, then when you take the c**t to court drop the charges once you seen his face.... then go find him:sasmokin:

Sorry for your loss


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
Keep your account and add 1 big dog to the family

Mine is a female doberman mix, the rescue group GAVE her to me because she was "hard to fit" - She wasn't hard to fit at all - and aint NOBODY coming in here when she's on duty - and she's always on duty.

I have found several great dogs at the pound and from rescue groups. First one ws kinda difficult - took a course in dog training - or is it people training?

My suggestion - get a dog - named in honor of your son and start again with the knowlege you have "someone" to watch your back.

Learn from the past, don't be ruled by it.
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Active member
One of my bigger fears but unlikely with my current setup *touch wood*

Sorry to hear! Don't give up though, don't let the fuckers get you down they are screw ups and always will be but you can grow some great plants again!

Karma is coming for them I'm sure! What strain did you have going perhaps someone can donate some seeds via the bay or something?


Overkill is under-rated.
Man, sorry to hear that dude, that's a damned shame. I'd be pissed and sad too, what an awful feeling! Yeah don't go, us ICMag folk are one of a kind, and we can talk about shit that other folks can't handle or stand!

Where else can you talk about how your grow got robbed and have 100K sympathetic pairs of ears?
im touched by all yer kind words,thank you. i think ya'll are right. i aint guna go anywhere cuz if i do he's won. not happenin. i just feel like my son died all over again and it was painful as hell. his plants were red diesel from clones and i had a lot of trouble in the begining but a lot of the peeps from ic mag forums helped me thru it all so i think, in honor of my boy and all those who helped keep him goin', i will look for red diesel seeds and try it again. money is so tight rite now i cant buy all of what i need but in time i will have it all again. thanx you guys,really,you've made me feel like i belong here!...............peep