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Bumper Stickers



What bumper stickers do you all have or have seen?
Mine are:
- If life where fair,G.W.Bush would make a living asking "do you want fries with that?" -
- Don't blame me,I voted for Kerry! -
- NO "W" -

I know someone here has a van that's COVERED in stickers,I forget who.

(maybe I should post this in "politics"?)


Active member
"The only reason some people are alive is because it's illegal to kill them"
"Eugene, we're all here because we're not all there!"
"Freinds help you move, real friends help you move bodies"
"Jesus is coming....... LOOK BUSY!!!"


I dont have any Bumper stickers on my car, But I have a statment I would like to make about them.

If you have more than one bumper sticker on your car then write a damn book!

I've got more attractive rear ends to look at besides your car's. A bumper is made for Bumping not reading! Watch the Damn road will ya? :biglaugh:

Blatant :wave:


Active member
lol, actually mine are on a large mirror in my house. But that's just cause if I got pulled over most of mine would prolly result in extra questioning.


I just bought the best sticker i have seen in a while.

"still pissed at yoko"


Active member
here's a couple....

"If You Are Born Again Do You Have Two Belly Buttons ?"

"Forget About World Peace. Visualize Using Your Turn Signal !"

"4 out of 5 voices in my head say Go For It!"


Natalie J. Puffington
oh shit...hv lots of good 1's...well, if u'r not a fan of Bush!! :biglaugh:

"Democrats: grass roots, Republicans: green spray paint"

"No Jobs, No WMD's, No BRAIN: KNOW BUSH" **

"Better a Bleeding Heart, than None at ALL!!" **

"w/ names like Bush & Dick: you know you're screwed!!"

"when Republicans hear "Long Turmoil", they think "Long Term Oil"

"do somethg good for the environment, plant Bush, back in Texas"

those r sum of my favorites... :smile:
oh & btw, they'r not all on my car!! lol!! only the ** r on my car!! :wink:
hope i didn't offend any1!! :redface:

hope this finds u all doing & feeling well!!! :smoke:
have a beautiful evening, my friends!!! :wave:

Take care, stay safe & be peaceful~
~natty gurrl


New member
i really don't like bumper stickers... they make your car look trashy i think :D but i do like the sickers (usually art) that people put on thier back widows, it looks really good when it matches the color of the car.

but i seen a pro bush sticker that made me laugh.
it had a picture of arnold on it and it said "don't be a girlie man, vote bush" i thought it was funny (even tho i voted kerry) :D


Active member
Your village called, their idiot's missing.
Someone pissed in your gene pool.
My other car is a piece of shit too.
I miss my ex-GF alot, but my aim is getting better and better.


True Story:

I saw a bumper sticker that said "Honk, if you love Jesus"

So I honked,

The lady looked back and gave me the middle finger!



"If you have more than one bumper sticker on your car then write a damn book! " - Blatant

The problem with writting a book is that the people I want (or who need ) to read it,wouldn't! This way,I can give my opinion to EVERYONE!


"Jesus loves you. Everyone else thinks you're an asshole."

"If the rapture comes, can I have your car?"

"Republicans are people too. Greedy, nasty, ugly people."

And my all-time favorite...



"Jesus is coming. Will you spit, or swallow?"



The little Jesus fish with 'Darwin' written in the middle and the little legs scurrying it along. That one always cracks me up.

I have a classic bumper sticker from 1978, a "Thank You for Pot Smoking" courtesy of the American Cannabis Society out of Wisconsin. I'm trying to scan it but cant get the damn thing to work.


The Herbal Gerbil
Not quite the same but i just made a T Shirt for mother's in law everywhere inspired by a crisp packet. It has the warning on the back on it and reads.

To avoid danger of suffocation please keep this bag away from small children.


No bumper stickers here, but I have memories of my adolescent hitch-hiking days when I felt like I was playing russian roulette trying to pick out (and avoid thumbing) any and all vehicles which looked like they might have an "Ass, Gas, or Grass, Nobody Rides for Free" sticker on the rear....shudder:eek:

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