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build / first run of the MKIIIa closed loop butane

There was no explosion, I was simply pointing out that the proper extinguisher needs to be on hand. In this case if there is a chlorinated pool, only a water type extinguisher is rated for that area. If there is no chlorine present, there is nothing to worry about using an ABC dry powder extinguisher.


At the end of Vegan's last post he said there was an explosion and they are changing locations.

jump /injack

"ok after a bit of a explosion at the test area we are moving the unit to a different local"

Can this be elaborated on a little bit more, what happened? What is "a bit of a explosion" and was anyone burned? What in your opinion of what set off the detonation? You guys were barefooted and that stuff hangs low to the ground. Even with a closed system your have to have fans I guess. Gray Wolf, you use fans with this rig? If so, how many?


I love my life
Vegan chose his words poorly. There was some domestic intraquility, and the noisy pump had to move locations. No explosion occurred.



Active member
A bit off topic, but if you are going to be blasting around a chlorinated pool you should be sure that you have a proper fire extinguisher present. If you were to have a fire (heaven forbid), your average ABC fire extinguisher would be on hand for put out fires from the initial blast. However, if this type of extinguisher is used around a pool, ammonium compounds (ammonium salts) discharged from the extinguisher can reach the chlorine (oxidizers) and nitrogen trichloride is formed. Nitrogen trichloride, NCI3 is explosive. Just a heads up you should only have a water type extinguisher on hand in a pool area. Besides that, good luck with your first run!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6107561

how is that off topic?

that there is some real learning ,, I would never have guessed that ,,fukin weird..

ok I guess the bucket of water from the pool in case of emergency was a win win call,,or the lawn hose that is just out of sight of the pics posted



Active member
Vegan chose his words poorly. There was some domestic intraquility, and the noisy pump had to move locations. No explosion occurred.


hey fuk you bro


gave away the drama part of the thread

I was there,, I did not chose my words poorly.. its looked like she blew up to me lol..thus the bit of a explosion.. I had em goin real good though funny you have to get to the second page to find out what happened ,,should have left out what the "explosion" was till the third pg,,

the explosion was with my bro's woman..lol she fukin went bannanas she saw all this mayhem, all these fukin stoners , with 50 cans of butane and a big tank that looks like a paint can with pressure gauges,, she ran us off quick as a mofo,, she like youall go blow up your own houses,,lol

its all good now , no offense taken Wendy,, still luv ya:tiphat:


Have you done a run yet? Are you using heat on the collection pot or pouring?

Really get another connection for the filter drier, that copper part will fall apart quick, a fail at that location isn't great.


Active member
ok so we did a first butane flow through entire system , we will be collecting in the pot after the "wash"

after doing a collection this is what we found in the collection pot,, we ran tane just like we will do with material

heres what all the contaminates that were in the closed loop system Inside hoses and valves ect , I think thats Teflon tape or hair not sure and oils in the lines ? and of course the tane itself possibly,, not pretty.. make sure you do a real good wash through the system and a full recovery and check the collection pot prolly wanna wash that thing out now


had we not done this all this would have been in out initial oil pull


Active member
ok now we are ready for some tube loading , if I recall right it was about 140-150g per tube,,
so you have a filter on one end , pack the tube cap the other side with another filter and load it up



Active member
opps almost forgot my safety blowback type screen/gasket

top and bottom

so then slap it all together with these badass clamps

then check all our valves

and hoses , then take the whole system to a full vacuum for a while

ok now turn of the valve to the vacuum pump.. then turn off the vacuum pump

NEVER turn the pump off first before the valve :biggrin:
Last edited:


Active member
ok then we close our dumpvalve , and oilfeed valve. and blow some tane in build pressure

and open the oil feed valve when shes cold on the top we stop the tane feed, and leter sit fer a bit hen start recovery via appion and valve

down to another almost full vacuum

that's one wash , do this two more times


Active member
so that three washes in all. we should have something in the pot?

close our oil feed line
do our final dump gets anything left in the bottom of tube?
close back up

recover a bit more till vacuum

at this point we close all valves and remove all out lines and clear everything away

we slowly introduced air into the system to brign it back to atmospheric pressure pop the top and look inside and



Active member

at this point we decided to run some more tubes
pop the top

and sweet


good estimate is 25% return probably more
I apologize no explosion...this android is killing me at the moment.
Nice looking pull. Any plans on how your going to finish that?


the explosion was with my bro's woman..lol she fukin went bannanas she saw all this mayhem, all these fukin stoners , with 50 cans of butane and a big tank that looks like a paint can with pressure gauges,, she ran us off quick as a mofo,, she like youall go blow up your own houses,,lol

its all good now , no offense taken Wendy,, still luv ya:tiphat:

stuff looks good bro! Congrats!

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