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Bruce banner 3 cut


Active member
Can anybody tell me why this one is flowering this way? The other isn’t, nor have the other cuts shown this type of calyx formation. If you could call it that.


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Active member
never seen that before. The bud sites seem to be growing in circles around the connection to the stem, instead of growing out towards the end of the branch. At least that's what I see.


Active member
Yeah it’s easier to see then explain for me anyway. It’s identical sisters aren’t doing it at all. Neither has the mother ever while in my possession. I hate to keep her like this I could use the light space for any ther bb3. So I’m hoing to give it 2 weeks. And if not into the hAsh pile I guess


Active member
Those pics are hard to make any detail out.
I know you said you wanted to show instead of tell, but how about BOTH?
Please explain what I'm supposed to be seeing there?
It looks like the plant has been topped and there is no main cola. In flower, it appears to be producing small nugs with no large terminal bud at the end of the branch.
One branch seems to be curving.

If you topped the plant aggressively and threw it into flower before the branches below the snip were mature enough, I could see them developing like that maybe.
Space looks a bit crowded, aggravating the branches development maybe?

More detail on the story of the plant would be a big help.
Shootin in the dark here.


Active member
One more thing: at this stage of development, stretch is over and there is nothing you can do to make it suddenly produce big flowers.
What you see is what you are going to get.
Was this a seed plant or a cutting?
You called the other girls sisters so clarification on that might help too.
Nice big calyxes on that girl though.


Active member
They’re all the same cutting that theman and smoking joe run. So they’re all from the same mother. you must of missed that


Active member
That one just mutated from the get go. Those have 2 weeks left, so stretch is def over. I didn’t really see much stretch at first compared to others I run. I have a bunch more going in when I harvest these. So I’ll be able to get a better view of how they really are this next time


Active member
looks to me that it might have tried to reveg. I've had clones randomly mutate for no reason, I just chuck them and replace their spot


Active member
Could be too much nitrogen during flower. N sensitive plants can do weird shit.

I gave her the same as her twin and the sister cut looks just like themans. Beautiful. Only 2 zips on her. The other crazy looking one. I’ll try a bud a few firmed and put her in the hash pile


Did u ever figure it out? And its the same cut? I was giving one last year when i went to the cup and smoke it thats some fire shit the man has


Active member
Awesome! Congrats on 1st. I just smoked some bb3. chopped a few yesterday. Will post pics once it’s dry and trimmed :)


Active member
Did u ever figure it out? And its the same cut? I was giving one last year when i went to the cup and smoke it thats some fire shit the man has

I’m pretty sure it was from the N and t
Shock. My fault totally. I chopped a branch a few days ago and tried it. Very very potent. An spicy to me. Is that right the man? She’s def my top 3 strains! I just chopped it and 2 more bb3 that weren’t like that. An yes this’s the mans cut. So fire!


Active member
Here’s a lil mid trim. I only got to trim part of a top before it gummed up 2 trimmers with no alcohol in the house.


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This is my "white whale" to get a couple of these cuts/clones after Christmas to grow out for the wife and I. You guys in MI are so frigging lucky to have easy access to this. It's like looking at your neighbors yard and seeing her sunbathing nude. With a smile.