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Brown roots and light colored leaves


Active member
I often had this problem using DWC w/o a chiller,your roots are dieing from from the water not being cold enough I had this problem more in flower than in veg. but all the same. I switched to coco and must say I myself am glad I did same growth rate w/o half the BS to worry about. hope this helps

If you can get your water temps around 65 F you can let the roots grow back and try and recover it since you are still in veg. stage. flora nova dose tint your roots too but belive me I had the same problems w/ bubble buckets.

Not true...But it is easier...

DWC>>>Water Temp below 68

Your PH is ok...Just looks like things are drowning...Low oxygen levels...

Why don't you show us pics of the others...


Not true...But it is easier...

DWC>>>Water Temp below 68

Your PH is ok...Just looks like things are drowning...Low oxygen levels...

Why don't you show us pics of the others...

Looks like things are drowning..

Yes well this is my 1st hydro run.. and I have been filling the buckets up too high.. letting the lid sit in water with the hydroton in it.. Was told it should just come up to the roots.. and not let the lid sit in water...So I have been fucking up a little when it comes to that...

And if you wanna see pics of the others.. I'll show you right quick just took this 5 mins ago.. These are the rest that we have in veg right now..

The Northern Light in the one in the front on the right... :D



Active member
OK plant in question.. is the only one really lookin like this yellow tops and brown roots.. out of the 20 we have... they are all in indivdual bubble buckets.. running of off those cheap ass wal-mart pumps and air stones.. all buckets bubble and no other buckets looks as bas as this one.. I use Gh 3 part nutes in mine and my roots are as white as snow pretty much.. and the tops look great.. this Northern Light is the only one showing these symptoms have another northern light right next to it.. and its fine... we have other plants that have tinted roots chalked that up to the flora nova.. but this one plant looks worse with the roots and the yellowing on the leaves... My partner (this being is plant bucket) is reusing his hydroton from last run so its possible he didnt clean it out right.. altho he says he washed the fuck out of those clay pellets.... The roots are not really slimy that i can tell either.. The bucket he is using is not really well protected from light its orange.(but its sides are covered by the 19 other buckets around it) so aswell maybe an issue.. I wrapped all my buckets with aluminum foil.. The water still feels cool to the touch not warm at all... Someone said something about dropping the light.. its like 2 ft away now. 2 400 mh under 13 plants.. is it ok to drop the light? and someof the roots dont look that great.. cuz these were transplanted to this buckets like a week ago.. but in comparison the roots on this sick plant are crap compared to the others..

Oh and my bad... I didnt think you'd assume it was one thing cuz I'm in veg.. I'm just that new bro lol

Its flora nova bloom one part 4-8-7

This problem, and all the solutions have been worked out and discussed here. I would suggest not taking any advice (no disrespect to the above posters) here until you read through this thread and understand the solutions. If it is too much for you, start around post 301



That thread is discussing a certain brown algae from what I can see.. and from the looks of things in that thread.. and my plants... or just the one plant in question I don't think I am having the same issues as those people in that thread...

Altho the thread is very informative and interesting... I'm thinking I don't have that same algae, after we took it out of the bucket and cut all the "infected looking" roots it sat in a bottle for a week.. and nothing new has come up as far as browning roots or any signs of algae...Plus now the plant is turning green again... so I don't know man =/...


Active member
Get an aquarium thermometer and put it in a bucket...Whats the temp???..I think you need a chiller...

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