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Brown roots and light colored leaves



What STRAIN are you growing? Northern Light

What was the establishing technique? (Were the seed or clone?) Clone

What is the age of your plants? Roughly 4-5 weeks

What PHASE are the plants in? (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in? Veg

What Technique are you using? Bubble buckets Dwc

What substrate/medium are you using?(Hydroton, RockWool etc.) Hydroton

What is the Nutrient temperature? Room temp

What Nutrient's are you using? Flora Nova

What is the TDS/EC/PPM you are using? Dont have a meter currently

What is the pH of the "Tank"? N/a

Are you sure your calibration is correct on your equiptment? No meters as of yet.

When was your last watering? 2 days ago

When was your last feeding change? (ie. grow-bloom-micro-additional) None been using the same Flora Nova

What size bulb are you using? Vegging under 2 400 mh

What is the distance to the canopy? roughly 2 ft

What is your RH Factor?

What is the canopy temperature? 70-75

What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include flucutaion range) day 75 night low 70's high 60's

What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.) Just an oscillating fan

Is the fan blowing directly at plants? No

Is your water HARD or SOFT? Started with soft.. now use raw water

Has plant been recently pruned, cloned off of or pinched. Negative.

Have any pest chemicals been used? If so, What and When?
Are plant's infected with pest's. Negative.

Ok so I have some pics of the plant also thanks in advance for any help..


And here is the plant..

Hope this helps if you need anymore info let me know please and thank you :D


I often had this problem using DWC w/o a chiller,your roots are dieing from from the water not being cold enough I had this problem more in flower than in veg. but all the same. I switched to coco and must say I myself am glad I did same growth rate w/o half the BS to worry about. hope this helps

If you can get your water temps around 65 F you can let the roots grow back and try and recover it since you are still in veg. stage. flora nova dose tint your roots too but belive me I had the same problems w/ bubble buckets.


I have no idea how you plan to run any kind of hydro setup without any meters. You need a PH level at the very least. It looks like you need more airflow circulating and lights much closer but if you try that now you may kill them. By the looks of the roots I don't know what you can do. Someone with more hydro experience will come along hopefully. Are you assuming that the reservoir temps are the same as the room air?

You filled out the form so Snype should be condescending here momentarily. ;)


Active member
Personally I hate dealing with DWC issues because they are more time consuming but you are going to have some problems. If what you’re saying is correct about the air temps, your rez temps may or may not be ok. Pumps will add additional heat to your water so get in there and feel it with your hand and see what if feels like to you. The higher the water temps the less dissolvable oxygen in the water. The more air that you can get in there the better for the root system. I can’t tell if your running a closed system or if all the buckets are recirculating each other. From your situation I’m assuming that each plant is in a closed system but you can tell me that later.

Hydroton can mess with your pH if not washed out properly.

Your roots look real bad. Notice that they are not white. Are they slimy? For 5 week plants, you’re roots are really small for DWC. What are you using for air stones? What size air pump do you have? Is your bucket black or is it partly see through? If light can penetrate your bucket, you need to spray paint it black on the outside.

I see you’re using FloraNova but you don’t specify if you’re using the Bloom or Grow. You may say to me well it’s common sense I’m in VEG so I’m using the Grow but my FloraNova Grow is in the trash can and has been there for a long time. The Bloom has plenty of Nitrogen in it for you. Also you don’t specify how much you’re adding.

And most importantly as Sparkles said, pH is very very very important. Until you check the pH, I can't help you without guessing and I'm not willing to do that because it would make me look like an idiot like YummyBud.


OK plant in question.. is the only one really lookin like this yellow tops and brown roots.. out of the 20 we have... they are all in indivdual bubble buckets.. running of off those cheap ass wal-mart pumps and air stones.. all buckets bubble and no other buckets looks as bas as this one.. I use Gh 3 part nutes in mine and my roots are as white as snow pretty much.. and the tops look great.. this Northern Light is the only one showing these symptoms have another northern light right next to it.. and its fine... we have other plants that have tinted roots chalked that up to the flora nova.. but this one plant looks worse with the roots and the yellowing on the leaves... My partner (this being is plant bucket) is reusing his hydroton from last run so its possible he didnt clean it out right.. altho he says he washed the fuck out of those clay pellets.... The roots are not really slimy that i can tell either.. The bucket he is using is not really well protected from light its orange.(but its sides are covered by the 19 other buckets around it) so aswell maybe an issue.. I wrapped all my buckets with aluminum foil.. The water still feels cool to the touch not warm at all... Someone said something about dropping the light.. its like 2 ft away now. 2 400 mh under 13 plants.. is it ok to drop the light? and someof the roots dont look that great.. cuz these were transplanted to this buckets like a week ago.. but in comparison the roots on this sick plant are crap compared to the others..

Oh and my bad... I didnt think you'd assume it was one thing cuz I'm in veg.. I'm just that new bro lol

Its flora nova bloom one part 4-8-7


Active member
It's hard to give you advise without having the pH. Now let me tell you this incase you don't know. You might have something bad in the root system of that one plant. Make sure that when you change the rez for that plant that you don't swap that bucket to another plant and transfer whatever problems to another. Always bleach out your buckets on rez changes. Plants die in a matter of days in DWC when problems come up. I also have a feeling that you are not getting the proper oxygen in your buckets with the pumps and stones that you have and I can't express how bad that is for you. If you don't have all the proper equiptment for DWC, it's best not to go that route. You have to get yourself a pH kit like yesterday. Without it you are gambling and the odds are not in your favor.


I dont know man guess I'll need a ph meter.. dont really have any money right now lol perhaps my partner can get one but again with this being the only bucket out of the 20 wouldnt you think its more just an isolated problem with that bucket alone...perhaps its rocks.. or its not getting enough oxygen.. the other plants look great. (my albums 2nd grow) And my bro doing hydro for some years now says he dont even use meters no more.. and that is what the nutes are for.. just keep an eye on your plants and dont overfeed... but what do I know.. I'm just takin peoples advice.... thanks for all the help and Ima try to flush out the roots... rinse the shit out of the bucket bleach it even.. and we'll see.. i did notice that there isnt as much bubbles in that bucket as the rest also


Quick question b4.. I fuck with this bucket... seeming how the flora nova tints roots... is it ok to switch up on the nutes now.. and just go with my Gh 3 part?


Also I know I dont have a meter right now... I just changed out most my buckets.. My water is cold right now.. its snowing outside... will this case my plants to drooop or sag down a bit after I change out the water?


Out of the slime, finally.
Don't try to figure out deficiency problems until you get the roots taken care of. If the roots are rotten, the plant has no stomach to eat per say. So, of course there will be deficiencies. Fix the roots first. If deficiencies persist then you go to the next step.
Yes ph is a big deal, not knowing that is a very sensitive issue. The roots got burned or drowned somehow, the leafs don't look drowned and it looks like ph took the best of her.

Great plants can go down hill quickly, not having a ph meter that is accurate. I wouldn't trust those liquid testers, those spend most of your time really guessing since I think nutrients alter their color index.

It sure looks like ph and that has caused her to have almost no roots, it looks like ph slowed down root growth more than burning the leafs. The leafs seem to be lacking N, from not having roots there to up take what she requires.


Ok thanks yall I'm borrowing a ph meter tomorrow so I'll be able to check the levels then.. and let yall know what they are.. thanks again for all your replies... much respect :D


go get a cheap bottle of drops it's like $10.00 tops and they last a long time. In less you spend the money on a good Ph meter those will do. I went threw 2 hanna meters in like 4 months before I just switched to the drops and have had no issues since.


Well finally got to borrow a ph meter... ph read 5.6 .. we washed out the bucket and rinsed out the rocks and roots. we'll see how it responds.. even if it doesn't come back we have another Northern light thats doing good we'll be able to clone.. . Thanks again for the help yall :D


New root growth...

New root growth...

Perhaps its too early to tell but it looks like it might make a come back.. My partner switched out buckets washed the roots in antibacterial soap and since then we maintain a ph above 5.8 lower then 6.5



Just thought I'd let yall know how things went.. if anything goes south I'll be back to get more advice, thanks again for all your help guys :D
You might wann run some hydrogen peroxide thru your system, I am trying to find the right mix for ya, maybe someone else knows. H2O2 is good for em and will kill bacteria...both good and bad...good thing is you kind of get a fresh start...
Not sure if it's brown algae or not but it could be. If it is pick up a small bottle of Physan 20 that will last you forever. As far as what I've learned here nothing stops brown algae once its started besides physan, and dutch master "zone" is said to be a good precaution to keep from getting it again. Hope your plant gets better soon.


Ok so I'm going to update with the last results of the plant...

What we did was check ph and stuff and have tried to modify it.. Also with the roots the way they were.. My partner just decided to cut most of the brown roots off... (which was about half).. washed the rest in antibacterial soap moved it into a bottle and let it sit.. with bubbles and nutes and after time it came back to life..

Here is what the plant looked like..


Now I just took some pics today.. we moved the plant back into a bucket last night so no roots shots... should have taken some when we transplanted sorry.. but they are alot better and so is the plant take a look....



So again all we did was clip the nasty roots.. and wash in antibaterial soap, then transplant..

Now doing all we did slowed down the plants growth.. but its better to be stunted then to die.. in my book.

Probably would have been better if we did this sooner.. and noticed the signs sooner
