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BrotherGanja's Backyard Grow 10'


Active member
If I can weigh in on the brix thing, from what I understand, the brix mix is a combination of a sugar of some sort and alot of micro nutrients and the like, and when applied in a foliar spray, the plants absorb it through the stomata of their leaves, and it raises the overall brix level or overall sugars present in the plants, which leads to healthier, more vigorous, more pest resistant, heavier yielding plants.
basically, brix spray -> happy plants -> happy plants don't have issues with bugs, grow quicker, ect

also, check out the growing big plants outdoors thread in the tom hill forum, especially posts by tom hill, nomad, humboldt local, ganja d, trinity gold, and butte (sorry if I forgot others, too many to list really)
Yea I have followed all those people for two years now. Wondering if my tea with molasses has somewhat of the same effect as far as boosting the brix level up. I want one of those meters. Good stuff. I feel like it is doing the same thing as long as I add sufficient micro nutes into it. Thanks deltron for the info I really love having all you guys around. Got to go play now.
Good afternoon all,

Got some updates for yah some good some bad, but not catastrophic. So we did some training last night pulling large branches down to help promote inner node growth and create more bud sites. When we started we did the Blue Dream first and had a couple of breaks that had to be repaired. :fright: Those branches are major branches and we don't want to lose them at all, but they seem to be pulling through we have em tied up to hold the joint together, and they are not wilting so I am pretty confident they will mend. Otherwise after we did some XJs and they did great no breaks. They are just exploding after that first feed it is unbelievable. Yes Here are some pics of the plants after trainging. Oh yea, I decided to number the XJs in the first picture so you will know which one you are looking at. Enjoy:plant grow:






And here is the Blue Dream and her repair.




damn!!! nice job. looks like all that sweat and hard work are gonna pay off BIG time for ya. congrats!
The Blue Dream is still doing good those branches are looking great for being broken. Still growing strong maybe shock a hair but no sign of slowing growth. All I can say about Dream is, insane. Gonna do another High N Tea in two days and been doing regular foliar with High N Tea, Micro nutes and Cal-mag alternated to with just plain water to were there is a foliar basically every night.

Has anyone experimented with a brix meter and a molasses tea foliar? I am interested in seeing how molasses effects the reading. Is anyone else curious about this?
Time to chill and watch the light fade out of the sky have a good night all.


Active member
if youre looking for a foliar brix mix alternative, i been using earth juice catalyst, which tom hill recommended since the big guys in the growing large plants outdoors thread
and catalyst has molasses in it for sure....

Panama Red

Active member
Sweet grow BrotherG!

Nice, clean work from the planting to the plumbing.

I had some damage/branch splits training mine this year, too.

Wrapped 'em in clear packing tape to seal out any bugs or disease (but I'll bet masking or duct would work just as well) and they're just as happy as before I snapped 'em.
It was funny as shit. That is weird you can't see the pics I can pull em up right now, it must be something on your end. Oh firefox or internet Explorer will ask to show secure items just click no and the pics should show. Have a good week you crazy guy you.


love machine
ICMag Donor
Ladies looking hot BG! i love the last picture

what a view, man o man!
thanks for sharing with us,,

Thank you much Boom

The tie down is doing wonders promoting so many more colas to pop up, loving it. 2 or 3 of the plants have a strange burn on them though the outside of older leaves get brown and start crisping. It is only happening to to 3 of the XJ13s and the rest of the plants are not showing any signs of it. Wierd? My first thoughts on it are, one it could be burn from N and those plants are more that are burning don't have the system to handle that much N yet. Or it is rust problem, doesn't rust need moist conditions to live though? Huh I gonna bust out the garden saver book and maybe some BT Spray. Hope everyone's gardens are doing well.

P.S. The plants that are having the problem are in the pictures above numbered as 8, 6, and 2
No more burn on leaves I am pretty sure it was over foliaring those plants they weren't strong enough for that much food. Anywho here is a quikie

Got some large bamboo sticks, horti trellis and some zip ties, we are ready to start supporting these ladies. We have been doing more training moving the old knots up pulling em down further and they are starting fill in and create the perfect dome shape for us. Yea!!!

I am really curious as to when these babies will start flowering. I am hoping it won't happen for another two weeks or so but I won't count on it. Does anybody know roughly what amount of light triggers herb into flower? Looking back on last year it seems we have about two weeks till the pre-flowers start coming out. Everything is good, getting something this weeks to start preventing Caterpillars. No signs on them yet but have seen two or three butterflies, white ones!!!!

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