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BrotherGanja's 2011 Outdoor Organic Garden

I some what agree with what you say. But I also believe that the plant has the ability to regulate what it is taking up, they don't just take up nutrients without management. There is no way the plant is going to uptake something that it isn't gonna use that would be against the law of nature. During veg the plant doesn't use much phosphorus so it won't be uptaking the nutrient. In my opinion plants are conscious beings that willfully choose to do the things they do and they know with the help from mycorrhiza and beneficial bacteria exactly what they need to uptake for specific purposes. Therefore the plant won't start using the phosphorus until it needs it. Until then it will wait for it's Q from the myco and benies both of which communicate with the plant using electrical signals similar to neurons in our bodies. I am gonna go ahead and amend as planned, she is a living testimonial to the method and has 5lb plants consistently. Thanks for getting me thinking Wayouthere.
Here is some pics of the Pino Noir. You will notice how lengthy it is but how dark and wide the leaves are.


I am gonna do a test run with some babies and try to get em to flower right now outside. The weather finally cleared up. I will post with more info.


Amazing work Brother, hope all goes well and mother nature treats you her best that Pino seems interesting going to be a nice ride this summer ;)
I had alfalfa growing everywhere from last year using as mulch. I don't think it provides nearly enough to not feed so I will be amending guano in as my N Source, and the alfalfa just added organic material and very small amounts of nutrients.
Got all my babies in soil ready to go and ordered all amendments. Going to amend them next week and give them a good 3 weeks to chill out then plant those babies sometime around may 20.

My official run will be

2 White Rhino
2 Sour D
3 UK Cheese
2 Master Kush
2 Pino Noir

I also will be doing a small blackbox no bigger than one of my beds(3x8) and try to sea of green it. I think I can get two crops out of that bed this year if I black box it. I also run a small indoor that yields 1lb a month during the summer, so I basically will be doubling that a couple of months with this small blackbox. This season is gonna be good!

CanniDo Cowboy

Hey BG...Gonna tag along! Youre definitely a planner...I'm gonna borrow your in-ground container design for my Sleepy Hollow grow...perfect! Good luck man!
what amendments are you rocking BG?

This season I am rocking High N and High P Bat Guano, a large amount of Kelp Meal, Potosh, Dolomite Lime, Humic and Fulvic Acid and Earthworm Castings. Should have most of the stuff in the soil for the ladies. I plan on doing a couple of light feeds and a weekly compost tea!!! Thanks for the feedback, things are coming along Nicely!!!
Finally got the amendments and I am stoked I will be mixing em in as soon as I get a clear sunny day to do so. It has been raining for two days and I have some babies out there and they are not happy but they are just extra clones I had lying around so I am sure they will be fine enough for a little head smoke!!!! Added LA Confidential to my line up stoked on that super kushy smell and taste to that one love it.
Well I am so ready to get those babies out there but it has been crazy weather. It rained all day yesterday and was cold as shit yesterday almost in the high 30s. And it is still calling for a low of 39 on Sat. After June 1st there still is predictions of rain but atleast the temps are coming back up. Good luck to anybody has or is planting outside!!!


Did you plant the Alfalfa last year in time for it to flower? Do you use it for a cover crop all year? Alfalfa or any Legume like clover does not need much nitrogen in flower. So it stores it in the ground when flowering for the next cycle. The most important time being the last flower of the season. When it stores it over the winter for spring. Best crop I ever had was in a field just rotated from Alfalfa to corn. Tagging this one.


are you not concerned about the roots reaching down to the lower area well before flower and beginning to use the nutrients for bloom when it is not necessary? I would assume the roots would use a lot of those nutrients that you want the plant to use for flower much earlier.

From what I understand of organics. The Lil critters and fungus eat and break down the dry nutrients and turn them into forms that the roots are able to absorb. Like was said at the beginning the microherd is thriving in the spring. So there were plenty of nutrients left from last year. If you don't try this or that where will you get or what will you learn?
Thanks for the Feedback guys,

Man another day of rain, hopefully we will see some sunshine so we can transplant and get some pics going!!!!