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Broad Mites??

New one after decades.. Reading a bunch here/elsewhere, unfortunately looks like could be. First noticed tacoing like 9? days ago? Nothing different fert/water/dirt/oh all that wise, one guy nother site thought mag, I did go from 1/4t+/gal to close to 1 plus foliar with epsoms, wetting, H2O2. Hit em 4 days ago again today w/what I have-Azamax, also just added 1 325mg aspirin/gal too. Do look some better- new growth not too bad. The worst is top taco-ing fans, couple plants have twisted slightly off color top new growth. Got some avid on the way from friend, will be getting pred mites too. If the consenses is the dread BM, Guess I'll start with the avid, wondering tho about when to throw in the preds, and how effective they are at elimination?
I just spent a good hour with a 20x scope lookin undersides of couple of the worst leaves. Did see very! tiny look like totally round transparant balls-- could be also maybe be resin (?) And a few translucent narrow white somethings. Bigger, but didn't appear to move. Pics:

First 3 original from 4 days ago, the rest today
Thanks, I know there are vets of this shit amongst yas, whaddya think..:puke:







So not a problem for most, good on yas. For me after looking at others exp I will tomorrow do a partial experiment. Say 5 under the 115-120 f for maybe 1.5 hours. Will take it from there for proceeding. Thanks for the input :)


cant re Member
looks defo like it could be broadmites to me.. the new contorted growth plus the canoeing definitely looks like it. if it is broads (the only way to check is by scoping) you may aswell chuck the plants away because even if the broads get killed they still leave toxins in the plant which fuck it up.
THanks sift, right I do need to get a better scope verify. Not so sure need to chuck tho from others that have fought this shit and won, plus no new clones, must have come from , where in mid winter? If Super Borg is what it is, not throwing in the towel


Active member
New one after decades.. Reading a bunch here/elsewhere, unfortunately looks like could be. First noticed tacoing like 9? days ago? Nothing different fert/water/dirt/oh all that wise, one guy nother site thought mag, I did go from 1/4t+/gal to close to 1 plus foliar with epsoms, wetting, H2O2. Hit em 4 days ago again today w/what I have-Azamax, also just added 1 325mg aspirin/gal too. Do look some better- new growth not too bad. The worst is top taco-ing fans, couple plants have twisted slightly off color top new growth. Got some avid on the way from friend, will be getting pred mites too. If the consenses is the dread BM, Guess I'll start with the avid, wondering tho about when to throw in the preds, and how effective they are at elimination?
I just spent a good hour with a 20x scope lookin undersides of couple of the worst leaves. Did see very! tiny look like totally round transparant balls-- could be also maybe be resin (?) And a few translucent narrow white somethings. Bigger, but didn't appear to move. Pics:

First 3 original from 4 days ago, the rest today
Thanks, I know there are vets of this shit amongst yas, whaddya think..:puke:

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"Tacoing" can be other things. I am not seeing twisted leaves, which is typical of BMs. However, the only way to be sure is scoping, and 20X is not enough. You need a 100X scope. Just from the pix, I would say not BMs, but only the scope knows for sure. Impossible to tell just from pictures. Radio Shack has a mini-microscope for $10. Amazon also has it. Of course, there are better scopes for more money. And, if it is BMs, you can beat them. I would not start spraying them with anything until confirming. Look underneath leaves which is where the eggs will be. Cut some damaged looking leaves off and examine carefully under your new scope. Note that Avid does not kill eggs, but it will kill predators. Don't stop the aspirin. Heat treating room can't hurt.
Hope you're right RG I'll get a better scope tomorrow, and will do a test heat today. Accidental overheat to about 115 many years ago really torgued my Afganis so I'm hesitant with this. Will try it on a few. Should know in a week if its harmful.


There are FOUR lights!
Here is what you are looking for:

This is an egg (Open)

This is an adult BM

Eureka Springs Organics

Could be a number of things. It does not scream broad mites to me. Broad mites attack new growth first.

Get a scope to be sure.

I will point out that here in Denver a few weeks ago we had a weather change, and more than one person noticed taco leaves because of it.

The scope is the only way to know for sure.


Active member
Hope you're right RG I'll get a better scope tomorrow, and will do a test heat today. Accidental overheat to about 115 many years ago really torgued my Afganis so I'm hesitant with this. Will try it on a few. Should know in a week if its harmful.

Heat treat the room without the plants, just in case. But confirm with scope before treating plants with anything.


i hate those basterds to slow them down in flower with lights on mitywash and in veg i found to slow them down diatimatious earth sorry spelling is wrong but works lots of it leave it on for a week like powder sugar on a donut covering your mouth


Active member
he he.. it's some few things in one place, but it's definitely, not broad mites.
It's some heat stress, some high EC level, and some over-watering have place.
But all of this is not so danger for your plant.


Active member
Heat treat the room without the plants, just in case. But confirm with scope before treating plants with anything.

I've been following Retro's advice with the 120 degree heat treatments for broad mites. I found that 124 degrees is too much and you will lose plant tips/branches. Multiple thermometers are needed to keep track of temps during treatment. I also tried a warm (110 degree) water dip for fifteen minutes with some clones which to me sounded safe. The water treatment was a total failure (and was not recommended by Retro, actually advised against it). Since mites are a problem that will always return it's nice to have a non-systemic treatment that kills both adults and eggs. Many thanks to Retro for sharing his experience with the BM's. (check the bm thread)


Active member
Here is what you are looking for:

This is an egg (Open)
View Image

This is an adult BM
View Image
thanks for the pics. what power is this shot?
im noticing in your photo the same thing ive been seeing on mine. not the bm or the polka dotted eggs but the small round bubbles i see on all leaves that are tiny and uniformy every where. i first thought they were eggs of some sort. clear bubbles too small to be anything but bm eggs but are perfectly round and smooth. early trich cells forming? i dont think its that either curious. im new to the scope. i have a 20-50x/200-230x dino-lite am3111


Active member
You're seeing trichomes. Cyclamen mite eggs do not have the bumps, by the way. They are smooth, but found only on undersides of leaves.


Active member
the bubbles i see are on the under side as well. little tiny bubbles even at 200x. i have been guessing they were trichs but was unsure. thanks!!!


Active member
i see trichs too but they are on the top and are huge. i wonder if they are cyclamin mite eggs. didnt see any mites. i do have some yellowing but i am battling root aphids.
Just got a nice (cheap) 60-100x Eco Plus scope w/lite. Went thru 2 damaged leaves so far, and lots of tric bubbles, but no polkadot eggs, *knock *knock! Will keep looking and put off the heat treatment. thanks for the help here and good ideas. Hope its just some weird environmental/nutrient issue(s)